Performance statistics for DSP solver: icalls = 0 =========================== = multifrontal statistics = =========================== number of equations = 14565 no. of nonzeroes in lower triangle of a = 1712630 no. of nonzeroes in the factor l = 5641645 ratio of nonzeroes in factor (min/max) = 0.9840 number of super nodes = 458 maximum order of a front matrix = 1152 maximum size of a front matrix = 664128 maximum size of a front trapezoid = 664128 no. of floating point ops for factor = 2.9088D+09 no. of floating point ops for solve = 2.1348D+07 ratio of flops for factor (min/max) = 0.9265 negative pivot monitoring activated number of negative pivots encountered = 6 factorization panel size = 128 number of cores used = 2 time (cpu & wall) for structure input = 0.000000 0.000000 time (cpu & wall) for ordering = 0.171875 0.172000 time (cpu & wall) for other matrix prep = 0.000000 0.000000 time (cpu & wall) for value input = 0.000000 0.000000 time (cpu & wall) for matrix distrib. = 0.046875 0.047000 time (cpu & wall) for numeric factor = 0.218750 0.219000 computational rate (mflops) for factor = 13297.163310 13281.983900 no input or output performed Solver Memory allocated on core 0 = 41.097 MB Solver Memory allocated on core 1 = 42.961 MB Total Solver Memory allocated by all cores = 84.058 MB