ANSYS Academic Research *------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | W E L C O M E T O T H E A N S Y S (R) P R O G R A M | | | *------------------------------------------------------------------* *************************************************************** * ANSYS Release 18.1 LEGAL NOTICES * *************************************************************** * * * Copyright 2017 SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is * * prohibited. * * * * Ansys is a registered trademark of ANSYS, Inc. or its * * subsidiaries in the United States or other countries. * * See the ANSYS, Inc. online documentation or the ANSYS, Inc. * * documentation CD or online help for the complete Legal * * Notice. * * * *************************************************************** * * * THIS ANSYS SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION * * INCLUDE TRADE SECRETS AND CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY * * PRODUCTS OF ANSYS, INC., ITS SUBSIDIARIES, OR LICENSORS. * * The software products and documentation are furnished by * * ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries under a software license * * agreement that contains provisions concerning * * non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, * * compliance with exporting laws, warranties, disclaimers, * * limitations of liability, and remedies, and other * * provisions. The software products and documentation may be * * used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance * * with the terms and conditions of that software license * * agreement. * * * * ANSYS, Inc. is a UL registered * * ISO 9001:2008 company. * * * *************************************************************** * * * This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and * * re-export. * * * * For U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted * * by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use, * * duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government * * is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc. * * software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD * * licenses). * * * *************************************************************** Release 18.1 Point Releases and Patches installed: ANSYS, Inc. Products Release 18.1 ANSYS Mechanical Products Release 18.1 ANSYS Autodyn Release 18.1 ANSYS LS-DYNA Release 18.1 ANSYS AIM Release 18.1 ANSYS CFX (includes ANSYS CFD-Post) Release 18.1 ANSYS Fluent (includes ANSYS CFD-Post) Release 18.1 ANSYS TurboGrid Release 18.1 ANSYS FENSAP-ICE Release 18.1 ANSYS Polyflow (includes ANSYS CFD-Post) Release 18.1 ANSYS Forte Release 18.1 ANSYS Chemkin Release 18.1 ANSYS ICEM CFD Release 18.1 ANSYS Aqwa Release 18.1 ANSYS Icepak (includes ANSYS CFD-Post) Release 18.1 AutoCAD Release 18.1 ACIS Release 18.1 Catia, Version 4 Release 18.1 Catia, Version 6 Release 18.1 Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Release 18.1 Inventor Release 18.1 JTOpen Release 18.1 NX Release 18.1 Parasolid Release 18.1 Creo Parametric Release 18.1 Solid Edge Release 18.1 SolidWorks Release 18.1 ANSYS, Inc. License Manager Release 18.1 ***** ANSYS COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS ***** BATCH MODE REQUESTED (-b) = NOLIST INPUT FILE COPY MODE (-c) = COPY DISTRIBUTED MEMORY PARALLEL REQUESTED 2 PARALLEL PROCESSES REQUESTED WITH SINGLE THREAD PER PROCESS TOTAL OF 2 CORES REQUESTED DESIGNXPLORER REQUESTED MPI OPTION = INTELMPI INPUT FILE NAME = C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\_ProjectScratch\ScrC569\dummy.dat OUTPUT FILE NAME = C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\_ProjectScratch\ScrC569\solve.out START-UP FILE MODE = NOREAD STOP FILE MODE = NOREAD RELEASE= Release 18.1 BUILD= 18.1 UP20170403 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 CURRENT JOBNAME=file0 15:46:32 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 0.203 PARAMETER _DS_PROGRESS = 999.0000000 /INPUT FILE= ds.dat LINE= 0 *** NOTE *** CP = 0.375 TIME= 15:46:32 The /CONFIG,NOELDB command is not valid in a Distributed ANSYS solution. Command is ignored. *GET _WALLSTRT FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 15.7755556 TITLE= LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) ACT Extensions: MechanicalDropTest, 2.0 f0fd899f-9d88-4f46-8cf1-36bf5c218d65, wbex SET PARAMETER DIMENSIONS ON _WB_PROJECTSCRATCH_DIR TYPE=STRI DIMENSIONS= 248 1 1 PARAMETER _WB_PROJECTSCRATCH_DIR(1) = C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\_ProjectScratch\ScrC569\ SET PARAMETER DIMENSIONS ON _WB_SOLVERFILES_DIR TYPE=STRI DIMENSIONS= 248 1 1 PARAMETER _WB_SOLVERFILES_DIR(1) = C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\LabWork1_part2_files\dp0\SYS-1\MECH\ SET PARAMETER DIMENSIONS ON _WB_USERFILES_DIR TYPE=STRI DIMENSIONS= 248 1 1 PARAMETER _WB_USERFILES_DIR(1) = C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\LabWork1_part2_files\user_files\ --- Data in consistent MKS units. See Solving Units in the help system for more MKS UNITS SPECIFIED FOR INTERNAL LENGTH (l) = METER (M) MASS (M) = KILOGRAM (KG) TIME (t) = SECOND (SEC) TEMPERATURE (T) = CELSIUS (C) TOFFSET = 273.0 CHARGE (Q) = COULOMB FORCE (f) = NEWTON (N) (KG-M/SEC2) HEAT = JOULE (N-M) PRESSURE = PASCAL (NEWTON/M**2) ENERGY (W) = JOULE (N-M) POWER (P) = WATT (N-M/SEC) CURRENT (i) = AMPERE (COULOMBS/SEC) CAPACITANCE (C) = FARAD INDUCTANCE (L) = HENRY MAGNETIC FLUX = WEBER RESISTANCE (R) = OHM ELECTRIC POTENTIAL = VOLT INPUT UNITS ARE ALSO SET TO MKS *** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE Release 18.1 18.1 *** DISTRIBUTED ANSYS Academic Research 00339001 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 15:46:32 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 0.391 LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) ***** ANSYS ANALYSIS DEFINITION (PREP7) ***** *********** Nodes for the whole assembly *********** *********** Elements for Body 1 "_______ __________-1" *********** *********** Elements for Body 2 "_______ ______-1" *********** *********** Elements for Body 3 "_______ ______-2" *********** *********** Send User Defined Coordinate System(s) *********** *********** Set Reference Temperature *********** *********** Send Materials *********** *********** Create Contact "Contact Region" *********** Real Constant Set For Above Contact Is 5 & 4 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 2" *********** Real Constant Set For Above Contact Is 7 & 6 ******* Constant Zero Displacement X ******* ******* Constant Zero Displacement Y ******* ******* Constant Zero Displacement Z ******* ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 0.453 --- Number of total nodes = 4871 --- Number of contact elements = 568 --- Number of spring elements = 0 --- Number of bearing elements = 0 --- Number of solid elements = 714 --- Number of condensed parts = 0 --- Number of total elements = 1282 *GET _WALLBSOL FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 15.7755556 ***** ANSYS SOLUTION ROUTINE ***** PERFORM A MODAL ANALYSIS THIS WILL BE A NEW ANALYSIS USE SYM. BLOCK LANCZOS MODE EXTRACTION METHOD EXTRACT 30 MODES EXTRACT FREQUENCIES IN THE RANGE 0.0000 TO 10000. NORMALIZE THE MODE SHAPES TO THE MASS MATRIX ERASE THE CURRENT DATABASE OUTPUT CONTROL TABLE. WRITE ALL ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF NONE FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES WRITE NSOL ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF ALL FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES EXPAND ALL EXTRACTED MODES DO NOT CALCULATE ELEMENT RESULTS *GET ANSINTER_ FROM ACTI ITEM=INT VALUE= 0.00000000 *IF ANSINTER_ ( = 0.00000 ) NE 0 ( = 0.00000 ) THEN *ENDIF ***** ANSYS SOLVE COMMAND ***** *** WARNING *** CP = 0.484 TIME= 15:46:32 Element shape checking is currently inactive. Issue SHPP,ON or SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.484 TIME= 15:46:32 The model data was checked and warning messages were found. Please review output or errors file ( C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\ \_ProjectScratch\ScrC569\file0.err ) for these warning messages. *** SELECTION OF ELEMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR APPLICABLE ELEMENTS *** --- GIVE SUGGESTIONS AND RESET THE KEY OPTIONS --- ELEMENT TYPE 1 IS SOLID186. KEYOPT(2)=0 IS SUGGESTED AND HAS BEEN RESET. KEYOPT(1-12)= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELEMENT TYPE 2 IS SOLID186. KEYOPT(2)=0 IS SUGGESTED AND HAS BEEN RESET. KEYOPT(1-12)= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ELEMENT TYPE 3 IS SOLID186. KEYOPT(2)=0 IS SUGGESTED AND HAS BEEN RESET. KEYOPT(1-12)= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE Release 18.1 18.1 *** DISTRIBUTED ANSYS Academic Research 00339001 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 15:46:32 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 0.484 LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) S O L U T I O N O P T I O N S PROBLEM DIMENSIONALITY. . . . . . . . . . . . .3-D DEGREES OF FREEDOM. . . . . . UX UY UZ ANALYSIS TYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MODAL EXTRACTION METHOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . .BLOCK LANCZOS OFFSET TEMPERATURE FROM ABSOLUTE ZERO . . . . . 273.15 NUMBER OF MODES TO EXTRACT. . . . . . . . . . . 30 MODAL EXTRACTION RANGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0000 TO 10000. GLOBALLY ASSEMBLED MATRIX . . . . . . . . . . .SYMMETRIC NUMBER OF MODES TO EXPAND . . . . . . . . . . .ALL ELEMENT RESULTS CALCULATION . . . . . . . . . .OFF *** NOTE *** CP = 0.484 TIME= 15:46:32 The conditions for direct assembly have been met. No .emat or .erot files will be produced. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 4 and contact element type 4 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 5. Both pairs should have the same behavior. ANSYS will deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair, resulting in asymmetric contact. Contact algorithm: Augmented Lagrange method Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Contact stiffness factor FKN 10.000 The resulting initial contact stiffness 0.44000E+17 Default penetration tolerance factor FTOLN 0.10000 The resulting penetration tolerance 0.30000E-04 Default opening contact stiffness OPSF will be used. Default tangent stiffness factor FKT 1.0000 Default elastic slip factor SLTOL 0.50000E-02 The resulting elastic slip tolerance 0.34011E-05 Update contact stiffness at each iteration Default Max. friction stress TAUMAX 0.10000E+21 Average contact surface length 0.68022E-03 Average contact pair depth 0.30000E-03 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.75000E-04 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Max. Initial penetration 2.710505431E-20 was detected between contact element 797 and target element 981. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 5 and contact element type 4 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 4. Both pairs should have the same behavior. ANSYS will keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair, resulting in asymmetric contact. Contact algorithm: Augmented Lagrange method Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Contact stiffness factor FKN 10.000 The resulting initial contact stiffness 0.44000E+17 Default penetration tolerance factor FTOLN 0.10000 The resulting penetration tolerance 0.50000E-04 Default opening contact stiffness OPSF will be used. Default tangent stiffness factor FKT 1.0000 Default elastic slip factor SLTOL 0.50000E-02 The resulting elastic slip tolerance 0.25891E-05 Update contact stiffness at each iteration Default Max. friction stress TAUMAX 0.10000E+21 Average contact surface length 0.51782E-03 Average contact pair depth 0.50000E-03 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12500E-03 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Max. Initial penetration 5.421010862E-20 was detected between contact element 871 and target element 783. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 6 and contact element type 6 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 7. Both pairs should have the same behavior. ANSYS will deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair, resulting in asymmetric contact. Contact algorithm: Augmented Lagrange method Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Contact stiffness factor FKN 10.000 The resulting initial contact stiffness 0.44000E+17 Default penetration tolerance factor FTOLN 0.10000 The resulting penetration tolerance 0.30000E-04 Default opening contact stiffness OPSF will be used. Default tangent stiffness factor FKT 1.0000 Default elastic slip factor SLTOL 0.50000E-02 The resulting elastic slip tolerance 0.33345E-05 Update contact stiffness at each iteration Default Max. friction stress TAUMAX 0.10000E+21 Average contact surface length 0.66690E-03 Average contact pair depth 0.30000E-03 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.75000E-04 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Max. Initial penetration 2.710505431E-20 was detected between contact element 1085 and target element 1261. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 7 and contact element type 6 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 6. Both pairs should have the same behavior. ANSYS will keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair, resulting in asymmetric contact. Contact algorithm: Augmented Lagrange method Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Contact stiffness factor FKN 10.000 The resulting initial contact stiffness 0.44000E+17 Default penetration tolerance factor FTOLN 0.10000 The resulting penetration tolerance 0.50000E-04 Default opening contact stiffness OPSF will be used. Default tangent stiffness factor FKT 1.0000 Default elastic slip factor SLTOL 0.50000E-02 The resulting elastic slip tolerance 0.25148E-05 Update contact stiffness at each iteration Default Max. friction stress TAUMAX 0.10000E+21 Average contact surface length 0.50297E-03 Average contact pair depth 0.50000E-03 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12500E-03 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. *** NOTE *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Max. Initial penetration 5.421010862E-20 was detected between contact element 1159 and target element 1056. **************************************** *** WARNING *** CP = 0.547 TIME= 15:46:32 Maximum contact stiffness 4.4E+16 is too big which can cause an accuracy problem, you may scale the force units in the model. D I S T R I B U T E D D O M A I N D E C O M P O S E R ...Number of elements: 1282 ...Number of nodes: 4871 ...Decompose to 2 CPU domains ...Element load balance ratio = 1.441 L O A D S T E P O P T I O N S LOAD STEP NUMBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 THERMAL STRAINS INCLUDED IN THE LOAD VECTOR . . YES PRINT OUTPUT CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . . . .NO PRINTOUT DATABASE OUTPUT CONTROLS ITEM FREQUENCY COMPONENT ALL NONE NSOL ALL *********** PRECISE MASS SUMMARY *********** TOTAL RIGID BODY MASS MATRIX ABOUT ORIGIN Translational mass | Coupled translational/rotational mass 0.53420E-03 0.0000 0.0000 | 0.0000 0.52940E-22 -0.81662E-08 0.0000 0.53420E-03 0.0000 | 0.0000 0.0000 0.14031E-14 0.0000 0.0000 0.53420E-03 | 0.81662E-08 -0.14031E-14 0.0000 ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | Rotational mass (inertia) | 0.28484E-08 -0.11252E-16 0.0000 | -0.11252E-16 0.26474E-08 0.64623E-26 | 0.0000 0.38774E-25 0.39135E-08 TOTAL MASS = 0.53420E-03 The mass principal axes coincide with the global Cartesian axes CENTER OF MASS (X,Y,Z)= 0.26265E-11 0.15287E-04 0.99100E-19 TOTAL INERTIA ABOUT CENTER OF MASS 0.28482E-08 -0.11231E-16 0.0000 -0.11231E-16 0.26474E-08 0.72716E-26 0.0000 0.72716E-26 0.39134E-08 The inertia principal axes coincide with the global Cartesian axes *** MASS SUMMARY BY ELEMENT TYPE *** TYPE MASS 1 0.566766E-04 2 0.238762E-03 3 0.238762E-03 Range of element maximum matrix coefficients in global coordinates Maximum = 5.027607729E+09 at element 1213. Minimum = 49963617.4 at element 403. *** ELEMENT MATRIX FORMULATION TIMES TYPE NUMBER ENAME TOTAL CP AVE CP 1 202 SOLID186 0.062 0.000309 2 256 SOLID186 0.047 0.000183 3 256 SOLID186 0.078 0.000305 4 142 CONTA174 0.031 0.000220 5 142 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 6 142 CONTA174 0.016 0.000110 7 142 TARGE170 0.016 0.000110 Time at end of element matrix formulation CP = 1. BLOCK LANCZOS CALCULATION OF UP TO 30 EIGENVECTORS. NUMBER OF EQUATIONS = 14565 MAXIMUM WAVEFRONT = 243 MAXIMUM MODES STORED = 30 MINIMUM EIGENVALUE = 0.00000E+00 MAXIMUM EIGENVALUE = 0.10000E+05 Local memory allocated for solver = 41.097 MB Local memory required for in-core solution = 39.157 MB Local memory required for out-of-core solution = 18.446 MB Total memory allocated for solver = 84.058 MB Total memory required for in-core solution = 80.086 MB Total memory required for out-of-core solution = 35.995 MB *** NOTE *** CP = 1.453 TIME= 15:46:33 The Distributed Sparse Matrix Solver used by the Block Lanczos eigensolver is currently running in the in-core memory mode. This memory mode uses the most amount of memory in order to avoid using the hard drive as much as possible, which most often results in the fastest solution time. This mode is recommended if enough physical memory is present to accommodate all of the solver data. *** NOTE *** CP = 1.922 TIME= 15:46:33 Fewer modes than the requested number of modes ( 30 ) were computed. The range specified (FREQB= 0, FREQE= 10000) contains only 13 modes. *** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE Release 18.1 18.1 *** DISTRIBUTED ANSYS Academic Research 00339001 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 15:46:33 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 1.922 LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.2766E+01 SET TO ZERO NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.2430E+01 SET TO ZERO NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.2429E+01 SET TO ZERO NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.1829E+01 SET TO ZERO NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.1561E+01 SET TO ZERO NEGATIVE FREQUENCY OF -0.1476E+01 SET TO ZERO *** FREQUENCIES FROM BLOCK LANCZOS ITERATION *** MODE FREQUENCY (HERTZ) FREQUENCY RANGE REQUESTED= 0.00000 10000.0 1 0.000000000000 2 0.000000000000 3 0.000000000000 4 0.000000000000 5 0.000000000000 6 0.000000000000 7 1.587182530421 8 1.736780422185 9 60.34583898753 10 514.8566934347 11 966.5046569856 12 2576.198151039 13 4697.921005584 *** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE Release 18.1 18.1 *** DISTRIBUTED ANSYS Academic Research 00339001 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 15:46:33 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 1.984 LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION ***** X DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.21034E-01 1.000000 0.442432E-03 1.00000 0.828212 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 -0.51183E-07 0.000002 0.261973E-14 1.00000 0.490402E-11 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 0.41583E-09 0.000000 0.172915E-18 1.00000 0.323688E-15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.442432E-03 0.828212 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION ***** Y DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.55023E-07 0.000002 0.302756E-14 0.566786E-11 0.566746E-11 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 0.23112E-01 1.000000 0.534164E-03 1.00000 0.999930 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 0.10960E-08 0.000000 0.120126E-17 1.00000 0.224871E-14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.534164E-03 0.999930 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION ***** Z DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.17380E-08 0.000000 0.302061E-17 0.566210E-14 0.565445E-14 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.87493E-09 0.000000 0.765503E-18 0.709703E-14 0.143299E-14 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.709703E-14 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.709703E-14 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.709703E-14 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 -0.97195E-09 0.000000 0.944695E-18 0.886785E-14 0.176843E-14 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.886785E-14 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.886785E-14 0.00000 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 0.21544E-01 1.000000 0.464158E-03 0.870058 0.868882 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.870058 0.00000 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 -0.39553E-09 0.000000 0.156441E-18 0.870058 0.292851E-15 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 -0.10903E-04 0.000506 0.118867E-09 0.870059 0.222513E-06 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 0.83259E-02 0.386456 0.693211E-04 1.00000 0.129766 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.533479E-03 0.998648 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION *****ROTX DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 -0.18996E-04 0.382849 0.360835E-09 0.127836 0.126681 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.127836 0.00000 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.127836 0.00000 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 -0.64656E-07 0.001303 0.418043E-14 0.127837 0.146766E-05 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 0.49617E-04 1.000000 0.246180E-08 1.00000 0.864285 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.282264E-08 0.990967 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION *****ROTY DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 -0.51369E-04 1.000000 0.263875E-08 0.999998 0.996731 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 -0.67940E-07 0.001323 0.461586E-14 1.00000 0.174354E-05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.263876E-08 0.996733 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** PARTICIPATION FACTOR CALCULATION *****ROTZ DIRECTION CUMULATIVE RATIO EFF.MASS MODE FREQUENCY PERIOD PARTIC.FACTOR RATIO EFFECTIVE MASS MASS FRACTION TO TOTAL MASS 1 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 2 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 3 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 4 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 5 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 6 0.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 7 1.58718 0.63005 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 8 1.73678 0.57578 0.43326E-09 0.000017 0.187717E-18 0.286324E-09 0.479664E-10 9 60.3458 0.16571E-01 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 0.286324E-09 0.00000 10 514.857 0.19423E-02 0.25605E-04 1.000000 0.655612E-09 1.00000 0.167525 11 966.505 0.10347E-02 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 12 2576.20 0.38817E-03 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 13 4697.92 0.21286E-03 0.0000 0.000000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sum 0.655612E-09 0.167525 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** ANSYS BINARY FILE STATISTICS BUFFER SIZE USED= 16384 0.375 MB WRITTEN ON ELEMENT SAVED DATA FILE: file0.esav 7.750 MB WRITTEN ON ASSEMBLED MATRIX FILE: file0.full 1.000 MB WRITTEN ON MODAL MATRIX FILE: file0.mode 1.500 MB WRITTEN ON RESULTS FILE: file0.rst *************** Write FE CONNECTORS ********* WRITE OUT CONSTRAINT EQUATIONS TO FILE= file.ce *GET _NMODALSOLPROC FROM ACTI ITEM=NUMC VALUE= 2.00000000 FINISH SOLUTION PROCESSING ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 2.125 PRINTOUT RESUMED BY /GOP *GET _WALLASOL FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 15.7758333 *** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE Release 18.1 18.1 *** DISTRIBUTED ANSYS Academic Research 00339001 VERSION=WINDOWS x64 15:46:33 MAY 22, 2018 CP= 2.141 LabWork1_part2--Modal (C5) ***** ANSYS RESULTS INTERPRETATION (POST1) ***** *** NOTE *** CP = 2.141 TIME= 15:46:33 Reading results into the database (SET command) will update the current displacement and force boundary conditions in the database with the values from the results file for that load set. Note that any subsequent solutions will use these values unless action is taken to either SAVE the current values or not overwrite them (/EXIT,NOSAVE). PRINTOUT RESUMED BY /GOP Set Encoding of XML File to:ISO-8859-1 Set Output of XML File to: PARM, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , DATABASE WRITTEN ON FILE parm.xml EXIT THE ANSYS POST1 DATABASE PROCESSOR ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 2.219 PRINTOUT RESUMED BY /GOP *GET _WALLDONE FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 15.7758333 PARAMETER _PREPTIME = 0.000000000 PARAMETER _SOLVTIME = 1.000000000 PARAMETER _POSTTIME = 0.000000000 PARAMETER _TOTALTIM = 1.000000000 EXIT ANSYS WITHOUT SAVING DATABASE NUMBER OF WARNING MESSAGES ENCOUNTERED= 2 NUMBER OF ERROR MESSAGES ENCOUNTERED= 0 +--------- D I S T R I B U T E D A N S Y S S T A T I S T I C S ------------+ Release: Release 18.1 Build: 18.1 Update: UP20170403 Platform: WINDOWS x64 Date Run: 05/22/2018 Time: 15:46 Process ID: 17008 Operating System: Windows 10 (Build: 16299) Processor Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz Compiler: Intel(R) FORTRAN Compiler Version 15.0.7 (Build: 20160518) Intel(R) C/C++ Compiler Version 15.0.7 (Build: 20160518) Intel(R) Math Kernel Library Version 11.3.3 Product Build 20160413 Number of machines requested : 1 Total number of cores available : 4 Number of physical cores available : 2 Number of processes requested : 2 Number of threads per process requested : 1 Total number of cores requested : 2 (Distributed Memory Parallel) MPI Type: INTELMPI MPI Version: Intel(R) MPI Library 5.1.3 for Windows* OS GPU Acceleration: Not Requested Job Name: file0 Input File: dummy.dat Core Machine Name Working Directory ---------------------------------------------------- 0 DESKTOP-VQE0T43 C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\_ProjectScratch\ScrC569 1 DESKTOP-VQE0T43 C:\Users\AdminIU2\Desktop\18.05.18\LabWork1_of_Urazbaev\LabWork1_Part2\_ProjectScratch\ScrC569 Latency time from master to core 1 = 1.599 microseconds Communication speed from master to core 1 = 2137.43 MB/sec Total CPU time for main thread : 1.9 seconds Total CPU time summed for all threads : 2.5 seconds Elapsed time spent pre-processing model (/PREP7) : 0.0 seconds Elapsed time spent solution - preprocessing : 0.1 seconds Elapsed time spent computing solution : 1.2 seconds Elapsed time spent solution - postprocessing : 0.1 seconds Elapsed time spent post-processing model (/POST1) : 0.1 seconds Eigensolver used : Block Lanczos Equation solver computational rate : 13282.0 Mflops Maximum total memory used : 293.0 MB Maximum total memory allocated : 3136.0 MB Total physical memory available : 8 GB +------ E N D D I S T R I B U T E D A N S Y S S T A T I S T I C S -------+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | DISTRIBUTED ANSYS RUN COMPLETED | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Ansys Release 18.1 Build 18.1 UP20170403 WINDOWS x64 | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Database Requested(-db) 1024 MB Scratch Memory Requested 1024 MB | | Maximum Database Used 3 MB Maximum Scratch Memory Used 149 MB | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | CP Time (sec) = 2.531 Time = 15:46:34 | | Elapsed Time (sec) = 4.000 Date = 05/22/2018 | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*