unit MVTU_TLB; // ************************************************************************ // // WARNING // ------- // The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a // Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via // another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the // 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the // Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all // manual modifications will be lost. // ************************************************************************ // // PASTLWTR : 1.2 // File generated on 15.12.2005 19:57:59 from Type Library described below. // ************************************************************************ // // Type Lib: D:\DCAD\source\exe\MVTU.tlb (1) // LIBID: {BDC713D0-9286-4488-AAC7-CCD925590D1C} // LCID: 0 // Helpfile: // HelpString: MVTU Library // DepndLst: // (1) v2.0 stdole, (D:\WINNT\system32\STDOLE2.TLB) // ************************************************************************ // {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers. {$WRITEABLECONST ON} interface uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, StdVCL; // *********************************************************************// // GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used: // Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx // CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx // DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx // Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx // *********************************************************************// const // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions MVTUMajorVersion = 1; MVTUMinorVersion = 0; LIBID_MVTU: TGUID = '{BDC713D0-9286-4488-AAC7-CCD925590D1C}'; IID_IMVTU_Server: TGUID = '{145848B3-2BE8-4497-9A6B-8A42DA658844}'; DIID_IMVTU_ServerEvents: TGUID = '{A2C0F130-4AB8-49A8-AA05-B58E17BB05C8}'; CLASS_MVTU_Server: TGUID = '{ACE730D7-1712-4C70-87C8-7E4C55622E91}'; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library // *********************************************************************// // Constants for enum TExchangeMethod type TExchangeMethod = TOleEnum; const exmFile = $00000000; exmMemMapFile = $00000001; type // *********************************************************************// // Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary // *********************************************************************// IMVTU_Server = interface; IMVTU_ServerDisp = dispinterface; IMVTU_ServerEvents = dispinterface; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library // (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface) // *********************************************************************// MVTU_Server = IMVTU_Server; // *********************************************************************// // Declaration of structures, unions and aliases. // *********************************************************************// TDataDescriptor = packed record DataId: Integer; DataType: Integer; end; THandleArray = PSafeArray; // *********************************************************************// // Interface: IMVTU_Server // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {145848B3-2BE8-4497-9A6B-8A42DA658844} // *********************************************************************// IMVTU_Server = interface(IDispatch) ['{145848B3-2BE8-4497-9A6B-8A42DA658844}'] procedure GetProjectCount(out Count: Integer); safecall; procedure GetProjectIdByNumber(PrjNumber: Integer; out ID: Integer); safecall; procedure GetProjectIdByFileName(PrjFileName: PChar; out ID: Integer); safecall; procedure OpenExchangeFile(ExchangeMethod: TExchangeMethod; FileName: PChar; out DataObjId: Integer); safecall; procedure CloseExchangeFile(EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure FindProjectData(DataName: PChar; ProjectId: Integer; out DataDesc: TDataDescriptor); safecall; procedure Read(Handles: THandleArray; EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure Write(Handles: THandleArray; EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure ClearList; safecall; procedure AddToList(DataDesc: TDataDescriptor); safecall; procedure ReadList(EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure WriteList(EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure OpenProject(PrjFileName: PChar; out ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure CloseProject(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetActiveProject(out ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ProjectStart(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ProjectRun(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ProjectStop(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ProjectPause(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ReadAsFloat(DataDesc: TDataDescriptor; out Result: Double); safecall; procedure ReadAsInteger(DataDesc: TDataDescriptor; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure WriteAsFloat(DataDesc: TDataDescriptor; Source: Double); safecall; procedure WriteAsInteger(DataDesc: TDataDescriptor; Source: Integer); safecall; procedure GetProjectByCOMName(COMName: PChar; out ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure FindSignalData(SignalName: PChar; ProjectId: Integer; out DataDesc: TDataDescriptor); safecall; procedure GetProjectTime(ProjectId: Integer; out PrjTime: Double); safecall; procedure WaitForTime(ProjectId: Integer; TargetTime: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure GetPackId(PackNumber: Integer; out PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetPackCount(out Count: Integer); safecall; procedure GetPackIdByFileName(PackFileName: PChar; out PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure FindPackSignal(PackId: Integer; SignalName: PChar; out DataDesc: TDataDescriptor); safecall; procedure PackStart(PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure PackRun(PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure PackPause(PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure PackStop(PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure OpenPack(FileName: PWideChar; out PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure ClosePack(PackId: Integer); safecall; procedure NewProject(out ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure WaitForAllLoading; safecall; procedure GetProjectSignalList(ProjectId: Integer; out ListId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetPackSignalList(PackId: Integer; out ListId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetListCount(ListId: Integer; out Count: Integer); safecall; procedure GetDataInfoFromList(ListId: Integer; ElementNumber: Integer; out DataName: PChar; out DataCaption: PChar; out DataDesc: TDataDescriptor); safecall; procedure FindDataInListByName(ListId: Integer; Name: PChar; out ElementNumber: Integer); safecall; procedure RunTo(ProjectId: Integer; TargetTime: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure OpenTemplate(TemplateName: PChar; out ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetMainPage(ProjectId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetLayerProp(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; PropName: PChar; StrValue: PChar; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetSysProp(ProjectId: Integer; WindowLeft: Integer; WindowTop: Integer; WindowWidth: Integer; WindowHeight: Integer; fLoadRestart: Integer; LoadRestartFile: PChar; fChangeRestartTime: Integer; NewRestartTime: Double; fRestartSave: Integer; SaveRestartFile: PChar; fSaveTimedRestart: Integer; RestartStep: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetPageWindow(PageId: Integer; Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetPageCoords(PageId: Integer; X: Double; Y: Double; Scale: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure ShowAllBlocks(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetCurrentPage(ProjectId: Integer; PageId: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetPageScript(ProjectId: Integer; Script: PChar; CompileNow: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure CreateBlock(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; ParentBlock: Integer; LibRecordName: PChar; out BlockId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetBlockPosition(BlockId: Integer; Left: Double; Top: Double; Width: Double; Height: Double; Angle: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetGraphBlockProp(BlockId: Integer; PropName: PChar; StrValue: PChar; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetBlockProp(BlockId: Integer; PropName: PChar; StrValue: PChar; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure ExecutePropScript(BlockId: Integer; DataId: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure GetInPort(BlockId: Integer; InNo: Integer; out PortId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetOutPort(BlockId: Integer; OutNo: Integer; out PortId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetPortSide(PortId: Integer; Side: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure CreateWire(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; WireType: Integer; ParentWire: Integer; ParentPointNo: Integer; StartPort: Integer; EndPort: Integer; PointCount: Integer; out WireId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetWirePoint(WireId: Integer; PointNo: Integer; X: Double; Y: Double; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure NormalizeWire(WireId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetSubmodelPage(BlockId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); safecall; procedure PageUp(PageId: Integer; out UpPageId: Integer); safecall; procedure RepaintEditor(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure ClearProjectActions(ProjectId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetPortCount(BlockId: Integer; Count: Integer; DefaultMode: Integer; DefaultType: Integer; DefaultSide: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure SetCondPortCount(BlockId: Integer; Count: Integer; Mode: Integer; AType: Integer; DefaultSide: Integer; AName: PChar; APortVariant: Integer; out Result: Integer); safecall; procedure GetCurentPage(ProjectId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); safecall; procedure InitBlock(BlockId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetBlockEngine(BlockId: Integer; out EngineId: Integer); safecall; procedure SetGraphicView(EngineId: Integer; Color: LongWord; Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; FormMode: Integer; PlotCaption: PChar; MainLabel: PChar; XLabel: PChar; YLabel: PChar; Visible: Integer); safecall; procedure SetProjectModified(ProjectId: Integer; AModified: Integer); safecall; procedure BlockAfterEdit(BlockId: Integer); safecall; procedure GetPropHandle(BlockId: Integer; PropName: PChar; out PropHandle: Integer); safecall; procedure GetGraphPropHandle(BlockId: Integer; PropName: PChar; out PropHandle: Integer); safecall; procedure SetFontData(PropHandle: Integer; FontName: PChar; Height: Integer; Color: Integer; Style: Shortint); safecall; procedure SetMainFormVisible(Value: Integer); safecall; procedure SendDataToLayer(ProjectId: Integer; LayerID: Integer; Command: Integer; InputData: PChar; out Response: Integer; out OutData: PChar); safecall; procedure SetShutdownOnLastRelease(Value: Integer); safecall; procedure ProcessAllMessages; safecall; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IMVTU_ServerDisp // Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable // GUID: {145848B3-2BE8-4497-9A6B-8A42DA658844} // *********************************************************************// IMVTU_ServerDisp = dispinterface ['{145848B3-2BE8-4497-9A6B-8A42DA658844}'] procedure GetProjectCount(out Count: Integer); dispid 201; procedure GetProjectIdByNumber(PrjNumber: Integer; out ID: Integer); dispid 202; procedure GetProjectIdByFileName(PrjFileName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out ID: Integer); dispid 203; procedure OpenExchangeFile(ExchangeMethod: TExchangeMethod; FileName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out DataObjId: Integer); dispid 204; procedure CloseExchangeFile(EngineId: Integer); dispid 205; procedure FindProjectData(DataName: {??PChar}OleVariant; ProjectId: Integer; out DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant); dispid 206; procedure Read(Handles: {??THandleArray}OleVariant; EngineId: Integer); dispid 207; procedure Write(Handles: {??THandleArray}OleVariant; EngineId: Integer); dispid 208; procedure ClearList; dispid 209; procedure AddToList(DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant); dispid 210; procedure ReadList(EngineId: Integer); dispid 211; procedure WriteList(EngineId: Integer); dispid 212; procedure OpenProject(PrjFileName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out ProjectId: Integer); dispid 213; procedure CloseProject(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 214; procedure GetActiveProject(out ProjectId: Integer); dispid 215; procedure ProjectStart(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 216; procedure ProjectRun(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 217; procedure ProjectStop(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 218; procedure ProjectPause(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 219; procedure ReadAsFloat(DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant; out Result: Double); dispid 220; procedure ReadAsInteger(DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant; out Result: Integer); dispid 221; procedure WriteAsFloat(DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant; Source: Double); dispid 222; procedure WriteAsInteger(DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant; Source: Integer); dispid 223; procedure GetProjectByCOMName(COMName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out ProjectId: Integer); dispid 224; procedure FindSignalData(SignalName: {??PChar}OleVariant; ProjectId: Integer; out DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant); dispid 225; procedure GetProjectTime(ProjectId: Integer; out PrjTime: Double); dispid 226; procedure WaitForTime(ProjectId: Integer; TargetTime: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 227; procedure GetPackId(PackNumber: Integer; out PackId: Integer); dispid 228; procedure GetPackCount(out Count: Integer); dispid 229; procedure GetPackIdByFileName(PackFileName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out PackId: Integer); dispid 230; procedure FindPackSignal(PackId: Integer; SignalName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant); dispid 231; procedure PackStart(PackId: Integer); dispid 232; procedure PackRun(PackId: Integer); dispid 233; procedure PackPause(PackId: Integer); dispid 234; procedure PackStop(PackId: Integer); dispid 235; procedure OpenPack(FileName: {??PWideChar}OleVariant; out PackId: Integer); dispid 236; procedure ClosePack(PackId: Integer); dispid 237; procedure NewProject(out ProjectId: Integer); dispid 238; procedure WaitForAllLoading; dispid 239; procedure GetProjectSignalList(ProjectId: Integer; out ListId: Integer); dispid 240; procedure GetPackSignalList(PackId: Integer; out ListId: Integer); dispid 241; procedure GetListCount(ListId: Integer; out Count: Integer); dispid 242; procedure GetDataInfoFromList(ListId: Integer; ElementNumber: Integer; out DataName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out DataCaption: {??PChar}OleVariant; out DataDesc: {??TDataDescriptor}OleVariant); dispid 243; procedure FindDataInListByName(ListId: Integer; Name: {??PChar}OleVariant; out ElementNumber: Integer); dispid 244; procedure RunTo(ProjectId: Integer; TargetTime: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 245; procedure OpenTemplate(TemplateName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out ProjectId: Integer); dispid 246; procedure GetMainPage(ProjectId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); dispid 247; procedure SetLayerProp(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; PropName: {??PChar}OleVariant; StrValue: {??PChar}OleVariant; out Result: Integer); dispid 248; procedure SetSysProp(ProjectId: Integer; WindowLeft: Integer; WindowTop: Integer; WindowWidth: Integer; WindowHeight: Integer; fLoadRestart: Integer; LoadRestartFile: {??PChar}OleVariant; fChangeRestartTime: Integer; NewRestartTime: Double; fRestartSave: Integer; SaveRestartFile: {??PChar}OleVariant; fSaveTimedRestart: Integer; RestartStep: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 249; procedure SetPageWindow(PageId: Integer; Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 250; procedure SetPageCoords(PageId: Integer; X: Double; Y: Double; Scale: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 251; procedure ShowAllBlocks(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 252; procedure SetCurrentPage(ProjectId: Integer; PageId: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 253; procedure SetPageScript(ProjectId: Integer; Script: {??PChar}OleVariant; CompileNow: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 254; procedure CreateBlock(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; ParentBlock: Integer; LibRecordName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out BlockId: Integer); dispid 255; procedure SetBlockPosition(BlockId: Integer; Left: Double; Top: Double; Width: Double; Height: Double; Angle: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 256; procedure SetGraphBlockProp(BlockId: Integer; PropName: {??PChar}OleVariant; StrValue: {??PChar}OleVariant; out Result: Integer); dispid 257; procedure SetBlockProp(BlockId: Integer; PropName: {??PChar}OleVariant; StrValue: {??PChar}OleVariant; out Result: Integer); dispid 258; procedure ExecutePropScript(BlockId: Integer; DataId: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 259; procedure GetInPort(BlockId: Integer; InNo: Integer; out PortId: Integer); dispid 260; procedure GetOutPort(BlockId: Integer; OutNo: Integer; out PortId: Integer); dispid 261; procedure SetPortSide(PortId: Integer; Side: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 262; procedure CreateWire(ProjectId: Integer; LayerNo: Integer; WireType: Integer; ParentWire: Integer; ParentPointNo: Integer; StartPort: Integer; EndPort: Integer; PointCount: Integer; out WireId: Integer); dispid 263; procedure SetWirePoint(WireId: Integer; PointNo: Integer; X: Double; Y: Double; out Result: Integer); dispid 264; procedure NormalizeWire(WireId: Integer); dispid 265; procedure GetSubmodelPage(BlockId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); dispid 266; procedure PageUp(PageId: Integer; out UpPageId: Integer); dispid 267; procedure RepaintEditor(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 268; procedure ClearProjectActions(ProjectId: Integer); dispid 269; procedure SetPortCount(BlockId: Integer; Count: Integer; DefaultMode: Integer; DefaultType: Integer; DefaultSide: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 270; procedure SetCondPortCount(BlockId: Integer; Count: Integer; Mode: Integer; AType: Integer; DefaultSide: Integer; AName: {??PChar}OleVariant; APortVariant: Integer; out Result: Integer); dispid 271; procedure GetCurentPage(ProjectId: Integer; out PageId: Integer); dispid 272; procedure InitBlock(BlockId: Integer); dispid 273; procedure GetBlockEngine(BlockId: Integer; out EngineId: Integer); dispid 274; procedure SetGraphicView(EngineId: Integer; Color: LongWord; Left: Integer; Top: Integer; Width: Integer; Height: Integer; FormMode: Integer; PlotCaption: {??PChar}OleVariant; MainLabel: {??PChar}OleVariant; XLabel: {??PChar}OleVariant; YLabel: {??PChar}OleVariant; Visible: Integer); dispid 275; procedure SetProjectModified(ProjectId: Integer; AModified: Integer); dispid 276; procedure BlockAfterEdit(BlockId: Integer); dispid 277; procedure GetPropHandle(BlockId: Integer; PropName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out PropHandle: Integer); dispid 278; procedure GetGraphPropHandle(BlockId: Integer; PropName: {??PChar}OleVariant; out PropHandle: Integer); dispid 279; procedure SetFontData(PropHandle: Integer; FontName: {??PChar}OleVariant; Height: Integer; Color: Integer; Style: {??Shortint}OleVariant); dispid 280; procedure SetMainFormVisible(Value: Integer); dispid 281; procedure SendDataToLayer(ProjectId: Integer; LayerID: Integer; Command: Integer; InputData: {??PChar}OleVariant; out Response: Integer; out OutData: {??PChar}OleVariant); dispid 282; procedure SetShutdownOnLastRelease(Value: Integer); dispid 283; procedure ProcessAllMessages; dispid 284; end; // *********************************************************************// // DispIntf: IMVTU_ServerEvents // Flags: (4096) Dispatchable // GUID: {A2C0F130-4AB8-49A8-AA05-B58E17BB05C8} // *********************************************************************// IMVTU_ServerEvents = dispinterface ['{A2C0F130-4AB8-49A8-AA05-B58E17BB05C8}'] end; // *********************************************************************// // The Class CoMVTU_Server provides a Create and CreateRemote method to // create instances of the default interface IMVTU_Server exposed by // the CoClass MVTU_Server. The functions are intended to be used by // clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the // server of this typelibrary. // *********************************************************************// CoMVTU_Server = class class function Create: IMVTU_Server; class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IMVTU_Server; end; implementation uses ComObj; class function CoMVTU_Server.Create: IMVTU_Server; begin Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_MVTU_Server) as IMVTU_Server; end; class function CoMVTU_Server.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): IMVTU_Server; begin Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_MVTU_Server) as IMVTU_Server; end; end.