{*******************************************************} { } { OPCtypes.pas } { } { Standard type definitions shared across } { multiple OPC specifications } { } {*******************************************************} unit OPCtypes; interface uses Windows, ActiveX; type TOleEnum = type Integer; OPCHANDLE = DWORD; POPCHANDLE = ^OPCHANDLE; OPCHANDLEARRAY = array[0..65535] of OPCHANDLE; POPCHANDLEARRAY = ^OPCHANDLEARRAY; PVarType = ^TVarType; TVarTypeList = array[0..65535] of TVarType; PVarTypeList = ^TVarTypeList; POleVariant = ^OleVariant; OleVariantArray = array[0..65535] of OleVariant; POleVariantArray = ^OleVariantArray; PLCID = ^TLCID; BOOLARRAY = array[0..65535] of BOOL; PBOOLARRAY = ^BOOLARRAY; DWORDARRAY = array[0..65535] of DWORD; PDWORDARRAY = ^DWORDARRAY; SingleArray = array[0..65535] of Single; PSingleArray = ^SingleArray; TFileTimeArray = array[0..65535] of TFileTime; PFileTimeArray = ^TFileTimeArray; implementation end.