// (c) 1g0r ' 2002 // mailto://1g0r@ukr.net unit UDP; interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Forms, Winsock, SyncObjs; const CM_SOCKETMESSAGE = WM_USER + $100; type TOnDataReceived = procedure(Sender: TComponent; const Data: String; FromIP: string; Port: integer) of object; TOnError = procedure(Sender: TComponent; const ErrCode: Integer) of object; TCMSocketMessage = record Msg: Cardinal; Socket: TSocket; SelectEvent: Word; SelectError: Word; Result: Longint; end; TSockOptions = class; TUDP = class(TComponent) private FActive: Boolean; FLocalPort: Word; FRemotePort: Word; FRemoteHost: String; FHandle: TSocket; FWinHandle: THandle; FSession: TWSAData; FSocketLock: TCriticalSection; FOptions: TSockOptions; FOnDataReceived: TOnDataReceived; FOnReady: TNotifyEvent; FOnClose: TNotifyEvent; FOnError: TOnError; protected procedure WMSocket(var Message: TCMSocketMessage); message CM_SOCKETMESSAGE; procedure WinsockEvent(var Message: TMessage); procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean); procedure DoError; public procedure Lock; procedure UnLock; function SendBuf(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; function SendText(const S: string): Integer; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Activate; procedure Deactivate; property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive; property Handle: TSocket read FHandle; property Options: TSockOptions read FOptions write FOptions; published property LocalPort: Word read FLocalPort write FLocalPort; property RemotePort: Word read FRemotePort write FRemotePort; // RemoteHost вида 'a.b.c.d' only !!! property RemoteHost: String read FRemoteHost write FRemoteHost; property OnDataReceived: TOnDataReceived read FOnDataReceived write FOnDataReceived; property OnReady: TNotifyEvent read FOnReady write FOnReady; property OnClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose; property OnError: TOnError read FOnError write FOnError; end; TSockOptions = class(TPersistent) private function GetHandle: TSocket; function GetBroadcast: LongBool; procedure SetBroadcast(Value: LongBool); function GetRoute: LongBool; procedure SetRoute(Value: LongBool); function GetSendBufSize: Integer; procedure SetSendBufSize(Value: Integer); function GetRecvBufSize: Integer; procedure SetRecvBufSize(Value: Integer); public Owner: TComponent; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property Handle: TSocket read GetHandle; published // Флаг для отправки широковещательных сообщений // при отправке сообщений установите RemoteHost := '' property Broadcast: LongBool read GetBroadcast write SetBroadcast; // Флаг маршрутизации TRUE - разрешена property Route: LongBool read GetRoute write SetRoute; // Размер буфера для отправки property SendBufSize: Integer read GetSendBufSize write SetSendBufSize; // Размер буфера для приема property RecvBufSize: Integer read GetRecvBufSize write SetRecvBufSize; end; procedure Register; implementation constructor TSockOptions.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin Owner := AOwner end; destructor TSockOptions.Destroy; begin inherited end; function TSockOptions.GetHandle: TSocket; begin if Assigned(Owner) then Result := TUDP(Owner).Handle else Result := INVALID_SOCKET end; function TSockOptions.GetBroadcast: LongBool; var optlen: Integer; begin optlen := SizeOf(Result); if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then getsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, PChar(@Result), optlen) else Result := False end; procedure TSockOptions.SetBroadcast(Value: LongBool); begin if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then setsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, PChar(@Value), Sizeof(Value)) end; function TSockOptions.GetRoute: LongBool; var optlen: Integer; begin optlen := SizeOf(Result); if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then begin getsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, PChar(@Result), optlen); Result := not Result end else Result := True end; procedure TSockOptions.SetRoute(Value: LongBool); begin Value := not Value; if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then setsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_DONTROUTE, PChar(@Value), Sizeof(Value)) end; function TSockOptions.GetSendBufSize: Integer; var optlen: Integer; begin optlen := SizeOf(Result); if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then getsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, PChar(@Result), optlen) else Result := -1 end; procedure TSockOptions.SetSendBufSize(Value: Integer); begin if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then setsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, PChar(@Value), Sizeof(Value)) end; function TSockOptions.GetRecvBufSize: Integer; var optlen: Integer; begin optlen := SizeOf(Result); if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then getsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, PChar(@Result), optlen) else Result := -1 end; procedure TSockOptions.SetRecvBufSize(Value: Integer); begin if Handle <> INVALID_SOCKET then setsockopt(Handle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, PChar(@Value), Sizeof(Value)) end; constructor TUDP.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited; FWinHandle := AllocateHWnd(WinsockEvent); FSocketLock := TCriticalSection.Create; FOptions := TSockOptions.Create(Self); FHandle := INVALID_SOCKET; FLocalPort := 0; FRemotePort := 0; FRemoteHost := '' end; destructor TUDP.Destroy; begin if FActive then Deactivate; FOptions.Free; FSocketLock.Free; DeallocateHWnd(FWinHandle); inherited end; procedure TUDP.WMSocket(var Message: TCMSocketMessage); var From: sockaddr_in; Length, FromLen: Integer; Buf: String; begin if Message.SelectError <> 0 then DoError else case Message.SelectEvent of FD_READ: begin Lock; FromLen := SizeOf(From); ZeroMemory(@From, FromLen); if ioctlsocket(FHandle, FIONREAD, Length) = 0 then begin SetLength(Buf, Length); Length := recvfrom(FHandle, Buf[1], Length, 0, From, FromLen); if Length >= 0 then begin SetLength(Buf, Length); if Assigned(FOnDataReceived) then FOnDataReceived(Self, Buf, inet_ntoa(From.sin_addr), ntohs(From.sin_port)) end else DoError end else DoError; UnLock end; FD_WRITE: begin FActive := True; if Assigned(FOnReady) then FOnReady(Self); end; FD_CLOSE: begin FActive := False; if Assigned(FOnClose) then FOnClose(Self) end; end; end; procedure TUDP.WinsockEvent(var Message: TMessage); begin case Message.Msg of CM_SOCKETMESSAGE: try Dispatch(Message) except Application.HandleException(Self) end; WM_QUERYENDSESSION: begin Deactivate; Message.Result := 1 end end end; procedure TUDP.Lock; begin FSocketLock.Enter end; procedure TUDP.UnLock; begin FSocketLock.Leave end; function TUDP.SendBuf(var Buf; Count: Integer): Integer; var AddrTo: sockaddr_in; ToLen: Integer; begin if FActive then begin Lock; ToLen := SizeOf(AddrTo); ZeroMemory(@AddrTo, ToLen); AddrTo.sin_family := AF_INET; AddrTo.sin_port := htons(FRemotePort); AddrTo.sin_addr.S_addr := inet_addr(PChar(FRemoteHost)); Result := sendto(FHandle, Buf, Count, 0, AddrTo, ToLen); if Result = SOCKET_ERROR then DoError; UnLock end else Result := 0 end; function TUDP.SendText(const S: string): Integer; begin Result := SendBuf(Pointer(S)^, Length(S)) end; procedure TUDP.Activate; var Addr: sockaddr_in; begin if FActive then Deactivate; if WSAStartup($0202, FSession) <> 0 then DoError; ZeroMemory(@Addr, SizeOf(Addr)); Addr.sin_family := AF_INET; Addr.sin_port := htons(FLocalPort); FHandle := socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if FHandle <> INVALID_SOCKET then if Winsock.bind(FHandle, Addr, SizeOf(Addr)) = 0 then if WSAAsyncSelect(FHandle, FWinHandle, CM_SOCKETMESSAGE, FD_READ or FD_WRITE or FD_CLOSE) = 0 then Exit else Deactivate else Deactivate else Deactivate; DoError end; procedure TUDP.Deactivate; begin closesocket(FHandle); FHandle := INVALID_SOCKET; WSACleanup; FActive := False end; procedure TUDP.SetActive(Value: Boolean); begin if Value then Activate else Deactivate end; procedure TUDP.DoError; var ErrCode: Integer; begin if Assigned(FOnError) then begin ErrCode := WSAGetLastError; if ErrCode <> 0 then FOnError(Self, ErrCode) end end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Internet', [TUDP]); end; end. { Перечень ошибок: WSABASEERR = 10000; WSAEINTR = (WSABASEERR+4) Interrupted system call WSAEBADF = (WSABASEERR+9) Bad file number WSAEACCES = (WSABASEERR+13) Permission denied WSAEFAULT = (WSABASEERR+14) Bad address WSAEINVAL = (WSABASEERR+22) Invalid argument WSAEMFILE = (WSABASEERR+24) Too many open files WSAEWOULDBLOCK = (WSABASEERR+35) Operation would block WSAEINPROGRESS = (WSABASEERR+36) Operation now in progress WSAEALREADY = (WSABASEERR+37) Operation already in progress WSAENOTSOCK = (WSABASEERR+38) Socket operation on non-socket WSAEDESTADDRREQ = (WSABASEERR+39) Destination address required WSAEMSGSIZE = (WSABASEERR+40) Message too long WSAEPROTOTYPE = (WSABASEERR+41) Protocol wrong type for socket WSAENOPROTOOPT = (WSABASEERR+42) Protocol not available WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT = (WSABASEERR+43) Protocol not supported WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT = (WSABASEERR+44) Socket type not supported WSAEOPNOTSUPP = (WSABASEERR+45) Operation not supported on socket WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = (WSABASEERR+46) Protocol family not supported WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = (WSABASEERR+47) Address family not supported by protocol family WSAEADDRINUSE = (WSABASEERR+48) Address already in use WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = (WSABASEERR+49) Can't assign requestes address WSAENETDOWN = (WSABASEERR+50) Network is down WSAENETUNREACH = (WSABASEERR+51) Network is unrechable WSAENETRESET = (WSABASEERR+52) Network dropped connection on reset WSAECONNABORTED = (WSABASEERR+53) Software caused connection abort WSAECONNRESET = (WSABASEERR+54) Connection reset by peer WSAENOBUFS = (WSABASEERR+55) No buffer space available WSAEISCONN = (WSABASEERR+56) Socket is already connected WSAENOTCONN = (WSABASEERR+57) Socket is not connected WSAESHUTDOWN = (WSABASEERR+58) Can't send aftersocket shutdown WSAETOOMANYREFS = (WSABASEERR+59) Too many references: can't splice WSAETIMEDOUT = (WSABASEERR+60) Connection timed out WSAECONNREFUSED = (WSABASEERR+61) Connection refused WSAELOOP = (WSABASEERR+62) Too many levels of symbolic links WSAENAMETOOLONG = (WSABASEERR+63) File name too long WSAEHOSTDOWN = (WSABASEERR+64) Host is down WSAEHOSTUNREACH = (WSABASEERR+65) No route to host WSAENOTEMPTY = (WSABASEERR+66) Directory not empty WSAEPROCLIM = (WSABASEERR+67) Too many processes WSAEUSERS = (WSABASEERR+68) Too many users WSAEDQUOT = (WSABASEERR+69) Disc quota exceeded WSAESTALE = (WSABASEERR+70) Stale NFS file handle WSAEREMOTE = (WSABASEERR+71) Too many levels of remote in path WSASYSNOTREADY = (WSABASEERR+91) Network sub-system is unusable WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED = (WSABASEERR+92) Winsock DLL cannot support this application WSANOTINITIALISED = (WSABASEERR+93) Winsock not initialized WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = (WSABASEERR+1001) Host not found WSATRY_AGAIN = (WSABASEERR+1002) Non-authoritative host not found WSANO_RECOVERY = (WSABASEERR+1003) Non-recoverable error WSANO_DATA = (WSABASEERR+1004) No Data }