function output = dfield8(action,input1,input2,input3) % dfield8 is an interactive tool for studying single first order % differential equations. When dfield8 is executed, a dfield8 Setup % window is opened. The user may enter the differential % equation and specify a display window using the interactive % controls in the Setup window. % % When the Proceed button is pressed on the Setup window, the DF % Display window is opened. At first this window displays a % direction line field for the differential equation. When the % mouse button is depressed in the dfield8 Display window, the % solution to the differential equation with that initial % condition is calculated and plotted. % % Other options are available in the Options menu. These are % fairly self explanatory. The Settings option allows the user % to change several parameters. Included here are the % possibilities of using a vector field instead of the default % line field, and of changing the number of field points computed % and displayed. % Copywright (c) 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 % John C. Polking Rice University % Last modified: April 2, 2003 startstr = 'dfield8'; if nargin < 1 action ='initialize'; end % disp(action) if strcmp(action,'initialize') % First we make sure that there is no other copy of dfield8 % running, since this causes problems. dfh = findobj('tag','dfield8'); if ~isempty(dfh); qstring = {'There are some open dfield8 figures (perhaps invisible). ';... 'What do you want to do?'}; tstring = 'Only one copy of dfield8 can be open at one time.'; b1str = 'Restart dfield8.'; b2str = 'Just close those figures.'; b3str = 'Do nothing.'; answer = questdlg(qstring,tstring,b1str,b2str,b3str,b1str); if strcmp(answer,b1str) delete(dfh); eval(startstr);return elseif strcmp(answer,b2str) delete(dfh);return else return end end % if ~isempty(dfh); % Make sure tempdir is on the MATLABPATH. We want to be sure that we % return the path to its current position when we exit. p = path; tmpdir = tempdir; ll = length(tmpdir); tmpdir = tmpdir(1:ll-1); ud.remtd = 0; if isempty(findstr(tmpdir,p)) ud.remtd = 1; addpath(tempdir) end % Next we look for old files created by dfield8. oldfiles = dir('dftp*.m'); kk = zeros(0,1); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = oldfiles(k).name; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); if fid ~= -1 ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if strcmp(ll,'%% Created by dfield8') delete(fn) else kk = [kk;k]; end end end oldfiles = dir([tempdir,'dftp*.m']); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = [tempdir,oldfiles(k).name]; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); if fid ~= -1 ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if isempty(findstr('%% Created by DF',ll)) kk = [kk;k]; else delete(fn) end end end if ~isempty(kk) fprintf('The following files\n'); for j = 1:length(kk) fn = [tempdir,oldfiles(kk(j)).name]; fn = strrep(fn,'\','\\'); fprintf([' ',fn,'\n']); end fprintf('may have been created by an older version of DFIELD.\n'); fprintf('If so they should be deleted.\n\n'); end style = 'white'; dfdir = pwd; ssize = get(0,'defaultaxesfontsize'); npts = 20; solver = 'Dormand-Prince'; solvhandle = @dfdp45; if exist('dfstart','file') H = dfstart; if ~isempty(H) if isfield(H,'style') style =; end if isfield(H,'size') ssize = H.size; end if isfield(H,'npts') npts = H.npts; end if isfield(H,'dfdir') dfdir = H.dfdir; end if isfield(H,'solver') solver = H.solver; switch solver case 'Dormand-Prince' solvhandle = @dfdp45; case 'Euler' solvhandle = @dfeul; case 'Runge-Kutta 2' solvhandle = @dfrk2; case 'Runge-Kutta 4' solvhandle = @dfrk4; otherwise error('Undefined solver.'); end end end end if get(0,'screendepth') == 1 style = 'bw'; end ud.ssize = ssize; ud.dfdir = dfdir; comp = computer; if strcmp(comp,'PCWIN') ud.fontsize = 0.8*ud.ssize; else ud.fontsize = ud.ssize; end = 'default equation'; system.xname = 'x'; system.tname = 't'; system.der = ' x^2 - t'; system.wind = [-2 10 -4 4]; system.pname = {}; system.pval = {}; system(2).name = 'logistic equation'; system(2).xname = 'P'; system(2).tname = 't'; system(2).der = ' r*P*(1 - P/K)'; system(2).wind = [0 20 0 15]; system(2).pname = {'r','K','',''}; system(2).pval = {'0.75','10','',''}; system(3).name = 'RC circuit'; system(3).xname = 'V_c'; system(3).tname = 't'; system(3).der = '(A*cos(\omega*t) - V_c)/(R*C)'; system(3).wind = [0 10 -5 5]; system(3).pname = {'A' '\omega' 'R' 'C'}; system(3).pval = {'5' '3' '0.5' '2'}; system(4).name = 'RL circuit'; system(4).xname = 'I'; system(4).tname = 't'; system(4).der = '(A*cos(\omega*t) - R*I)/L'; system(4).wind = [0 10 -5 5]; system(4).pname = {'A' '\omega' 'R' 'L'}; system(4).pval = {'5' '3' '3' '2'}; ud.c = system(1); % Changed values. ud.o = system(1); % Original values. ud.fieldtype = 'lines'; ud.npts = npts; = style; ud.settings.magn = 1.25; ud.settings.refine = 4; ud.settings.tol = 1e-6; ud.settings.solver = solver; ud.settings.solvhandle = solvhandle; ud.settings.stepsize = 0.1; ud.settings.hmax = 0; ud.settings.speed = 100; ud.system = system; switch style case 'black' color.temp = [1 0 0]; % red for temporary orbits color.orb = [1 1 0]; % yellow for orbits color.arrows = .5*[1 1 1]; % gray for arrows color.pline = [1 1 1]; color.level = [1,.5,.5]; case 'white' color.temp = [1 0 0]; % red for temporary orbits color.orb = [0 0 1]; % blue for orbits color.arrows = .7*[1 1 1]; % gray for arrows color.pline = [0 0 0]; color.level = 0.8*[.9,.5,.8]; case 'test' color.temp = [1 0 0]; % red for temporary orbits color.orb = [0 0 1]; % blue for orbits color.arrows = .7*[1 1 1]; % gray for arrows color.pline = [0 0 0]; color.level = [1,.5,.5]; case 'display' color.temp = [1 0 0]; % red for temporary orbits color.orb = [0 0 1]; % blue for orbits color.arrows = .4*[1 1 1]; % gray for arrows color.pline = [0 0 0]; color.level = [255 150 10]/255;% 0.8*[.9,.5,.8]; case 'bw' color.temp = [1 1 1]; % white for everything color.orb = [1 1 1]; color.arrows = [1 1 1]; color.pline = [1 1 1]; color.level = [1,1,1]; end ud.color = color; dfset = figure('name','dfield8 Setup','numb','off',... 'tag','dfield8','visible','off',... 'user',ud); dfield8('figdefault',dfset); frame(1) = uicontrol('style','frame','visible','off'); eq(1)=uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','The differential equation.','visible','off'); ext = get(eq(1),'extent'); rr=ext(4)/10; texth =ext(4)+4; % Height of text boxes. varw = 40*rr; % Length of variable boxes. equalw =13*rr; % Length of equals.(30) eqlength = 230*rr; % Length of right hand sides of equations. winstrlen = 120*rr; % Length of string boxes in display frame. left = 1; % Left margin of the frames. frsep = 1; % Separation between frames. separation = texth; % Separation between boxes. disfrw = varw+equalw+eqlength+10; dfigwidth =2*left + disfrw; % Width of the figure. dfigurebot = 60; % Bottom of the figure. buttw = dfigwidth/3; qwind = [0,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Quit button rwind = [buttw,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Revert " pwind = [2*buttw,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Proceed " disfrbot = 2*frsep + separation; % Display frame. disfrht = 3*separation + 10; disfrwind = [left, disfrbot, disfrw, disfrht]; pfrbot = disfrbot + disfrht + frsep; pfrw = disfrw; pfrht = 2*separation + 10; pfrwind = [left, pfrbot, pfrw, pfrht]; defrbot = pfrbot + pfrht + frsep; % Equation frame. defrw = pfrw; defrht = 3*separation + 15; defrwind = [left, defrbot, defrw, defrht]; dfigureheight = defrbot + defrht +frsep; % Height of the figure. set(dfset,'pos',[30 dfigurebot dfigwidth dfigureheight]); set(frame(1),'pos',defrwind); xname=[ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'Xname=get(ud.h.xname,''string'');'... 'set(ud.h.twind(3),''string'','... '[''The minimum value of '',Xname,'' = '']);'... 'set(ud.h.twind(4),''string'','... '[''The maximum value of '',Xname,'' = '']);'... 'ud.c.xname = Xname;'... 'ud.flag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; tname=[ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'Tname=get(ud.h.tname,''string'');'... 'set(ud.h.twind(1),''string'','... '[''The minimum value of '',Tname,'' = '']);'... 'set(ud.h.twind(2),''string'','... '[''The maximum value of '',Tname,'' = '']);'... 'ud.c.tname = Tname;'... 'ud.flag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; der =[ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'ud.c.der = get(ud.h.der,''string'');'... 'ud.flag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; equationbot = defrbot + 5; eqlabelbot = equationbot + 2*separation; derbot = equationbot + separation + 5; % Bottom of equation. tbot = equationbot; % Bottom of ind. var. lablen =200*rr; eqlableft = (dfigwidth-lablen)/2; eqleft = left + 5; fudge = 0.15*separation; set(eq(1),'pos',[eqlableft eqlabelbot lablen texth]); tcolor = get(gcf,'defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor'); ecolor = 'w'; ud.h.xname=uicontrol('pos',[eqleft, derbot, varw, texth],... 'style','edit',... 'horizon','right',... 'string',ud.o.xname,... 'call',xname,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); eq(2) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft+varw derbot-fudge equalw texth],... 'horizon','center','string',''' = ','visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.der=uicontrol('pos',[eqleft+varw+equalw derbot eqlength texth],... 'string',ud.o.der,... 'horizon','left','style','edit',... 'call',der,'visible','off','backgroundcolor',ecolor); eq(3) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','right',... 'string','The independent variable is ',... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ext = get(eq(3),'extent'); tnw = ext(3)+10; tvarl = eqleft + tnw; set(eq(3),'pos',[eqleft,tbot-fudge,tnw,texth]); ud.h.tname = uicontrol('pos',[tvarl tbot varw texth],... 'style','edit',... 'horizon','left',... 'string',ud.o.tname,... 'call',tname,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); pframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',pfrwind,'visible','on'); pncall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.pname{num} = get(ud.h.pname(num),''string'');'... 'ud.flag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; pvcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.pval{num} = get(ud.h.pval(num),''string'');'... 'ud.flag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; pnamew = 30*rr; peqw = 8*rr; pbot1 = pfrbot + 5; pbot2 = pbot1 +separation; pbot(1) = pbot2; pbot(2) = pbot1; paratit=uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',{'Parameters';'&';'expressions:'},... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ext = get(paratit,'extent'); paratitw = ext(3); pos = [eqleft pbot(2) paratitw 2*texth]; set(paratit,'pos',pos); psep = 20; pvalw = (dfigwidth - 2*eqleft - paratitw)/2 - psep - pnamew - peqw; pval = ud.c.pval; pname = ud.c.pname; for jj = 1:2 for kk = 1:2 pleft = eqleft + paratitw +psep +(kk-1)*(pnamew+peqw+pvalw+ psep); peqleft = pleft + pnamew; pvleft = peqleft + peqw; K = kk +2*(jj-1); if K > length(pname) pname{K} = ''; end name = pname{K}; if K <= length(pval) value = pval{K}; else value = ''; end ud.h.pname(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[pleft pbot(jj) pnamew texth],... 'horizon','right','string',name,... 'user',K,... 'call',pncall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor','w'); equal(K) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[peqleft pbot(jj)-fudge peqw texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string','=',... 'visible','off'); ud.h.pval(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[pvleft pbot(jj) pvalw texth],... 'string',value,... 'call',pvcall,... 'visible','off',... 'user',K,... 'backgroundcolor','w'); end end ud.c.pname = pname; ud.c.pval = pval; pbot = pbot + texth; frame(2) = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',disfrwind,'visible','off'); w1 = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'nnn = str2num(get(ud.h.wind(1),''string''));'... 'if isempty(nnn),',... ' set(ud.h.wind(1),''string'',''?'');',... ' nnn = NaN;',... 'end,',... 'ud.c.wind(1) = nnn;',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; w2 = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'nnn = str2num(get(ud.h.wind(2),''string''));'... 'if isempty(nnn),',... ' set(ud.h.wind(2),''string'',''?'');',... ' nnn = NaN;',... 'end,',... 'ud.c.wind(2) = nnn;',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; w3 = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'nnn = str2num(get(ud.h.wind(3),''string''));'... 'if isempty(nnn),',... ' set(ud.h.wind(3),''string'',''?'');',... ' nnn = NaN;',... 'end,',... 'ud.c.wind(3) = nnn;',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; w4 = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'nnn = str2num(get(ud.h.wind(4),''string''));'... 'if isempty(nnn),',... ' set(ud.h.wind(4),''string'',''?'');',... ' nnn = NaN;',... 'end,',... 'ud.c.wind(4) = nnn;',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; winbot1 = disfrbot + disfrht - 5 - separation; winbot2 = winbot1 - separation; winbot3 = winbot2 - separation; windw = 40*rr; twindw = (disfrw - 10)/2-windw; twindl = eqleft + twindw + windw; dwind = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft winbot1 disfrw-10 texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string','The display window.','visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); % ud.h.twind contains the handles to the text windows, and ud.h.wind % contains the handles to the edit windows. ud.h.twind(1) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft winbot2-fudge twindw texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',['The minimum value of ',ud.o.tname,' = '],... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.wind(1) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[eqleft+twindw winbot2 windw texth],... 'string',num2str(ud.o.wind(1)),... 'call',w1,'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.h.twind(2) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft winbot3-fudge twindw texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',['The maximum value of ',ud.o.tname,' = '],... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.wind(2) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[eqleft+twindw winbot3 windw texth],... 'string',num2str(ud.o.wind(2)),... 'call',w2,'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.h.twind(3)= uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[twindl winbot2-fudge twindw texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',['The minimum value of ',ud.o.xname,' = '],... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.wind(3) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[twindl+twindw winbot2 windw texth],... 'string',num2str(ud.o.wind(3)),... 'call',w3,'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.h.twind(4) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[twindl winbot3-fudge twindw texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',['The maximum value of ',ud.o.xname,' = '],... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.wind(4) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[twindl+twindw winbot3 windw texth],... 'string',num2str(ud.o.wind(4)),... 'call',w4,'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); butt(1) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',qwind,... 'string','Quit',... 'call','dfield8(''quit'')',... 'visible','off'); butt(2) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',rwind,... 'string','Revert',... 'call','dfield8(''revert'')',... 'visible','off'); butt(3) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',pwind,... 'string','Proceed',... 'call','dfield8(''proceed'')',... 'visible','off'); hhsetup = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); delgall = ['sud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'mh = get(,''children'');',... 'add = findobj(,''tag'',''add system'');',... 'mh(find(mh == add)) = [];',... 'delete(mh);',... 'set(,''user'',[]);',... 'set(findobj(''tag'',''load default''),''enable'',''on'')']; mefile = findobj(dfset,'label','&File'); meedit = findobj(gcf,'label','&Edit'); metools = findobj(gcf,'label','&Tools'); meview = findobj(gcf,'label','&View'); meinsert = findobj(gcf,'label','&Insert'); delete([metools,meview,meinsert]); % File menu meexp = findobj(mefile,'label','&Export...'); meprev = findobj(mefile,'label','Print Pre&view...'); mepset = findobj(mefile,'label','Pa&ge Setup...'); set(get(mefile,'child'),'vis','off'); meload = uimenu(mefile,'label','Load an equation ...',... 'call','dfield8(''loadsyst'',''system'');',... 'pos',1); mesave = uimenu(mefile,'label','Save the current equation ...',... 'call','dfield8(''savesyst'',''system'');',... 'pos',2); meloadg = uimenu(mefile,'label','Load a gallery ...',... 'call','dfield8(''loadsyst'',''gallery'');',... 'separator','on','pos',3); mesaveg = uimenu(mefile,'label','Save a gallery ...',... 'call','dfield8(''savesyst'',''gallery'');',... 'tag','savegal','pos',4); medelg = uimenu(mefile,'label','Delete the current gallery',... 'call',delgall,'pos',5); melddg = uimenu(mefile,'label','Load the default gallery',... 'call','dfield8(''loadsyst'',''default'');',... 'enable','on',... 'tag','load default','pos',6); meproceed = uimenu(mefile,'label','Proceed','call',... 'dfield8(''proceed'')','separator','on',... 'accelerator','G','pos',7); merevert = uimenu(mefile,'label','Revert','call',... 'dfield8(''revert'')','separator','off','pos',8); set(mepset,'vis','on','pos',9); set(meprev,'vis','on','label','Page Pre&view...','pos',10); set(meexp,'vis','on','pos',11,'separator','off'); merestart = uimenu(mefile,'label','Restart dfield8','call',... 'dfield8(''restart'')','separator','on','pos',12); mequit = uimenu(mefile,'label','Quit dfield8','call',... 'dfield8(''quit'')','separator','on','pos',13); % Edit menu. set(get(meedit,'child'),'vis','off'); meclrf = uimenu(meedit,'label','Clear equations',... 'call',['ud = get(gcf,''user'');h = ud.h;',... 'set([h.xname,h.der,h.tname,h.der],''string'','''');'],... 'accelerator','E'); pclear = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');h = ud.h;',... 'set([h.pname,h.pval],''string'','''');',... 'ud.c.pname = {};',... 'ud.c.pval = {};',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);',... ]; meclrp = uimenu(meedit,'label','Clear parameters',... 'call',pclear,... 'accelerator','N'); meclrwind = uimenu(meedit,'label','Clear display window',... 'call',['ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'set(ud.h.wind,''string'','''');'],... 'accelerator','D'); allclear = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');h = ud.h;',... 'set([h.xname,h.der,h.tname],''string'','''');',... 'set([h.pname,h.pval,h.wind],''string'','''');',... 'ud.c.pname = {};',... 'ud.c.pval = {};',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);',... ]; meclrall = uimenu(meedit,'label','Clear all',... 'call',allclear,... 'accelerator','A',... 'separator','on'); % Gallery menu. sysmenu = uimenu('label','Gallery','visible','off','pos',3); meadd = uimenu(sysmenu,'label','Add current equation to the gallery',... 'call','dfield8(''addgall'');','tag','add system'); sep = 'on'; for kk = 1:length(system) kkk = num2str(kk); if kk == 2, sep = 'off';end sysmen(kk) = uimenu(sysmenu,'label',system(kk).name,... 'call',['dfield8(''system'',',kkk,')'],... 'separator',sep,'visible','on'); end set(sysmenu,'user',system); = sysmenu; set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhsetup); ud.flag = 0; % Record the handles in the User Data of the Set Up figure. set(dfset,'user',ud); hhhh = findobj(dfset,'type','uicontrol'); set(hhhh,'units','normal') set(dfset,'visible','on','resize','on'); set(get(dfset,'children'),'visible','on'); elseif strcmp(action,'revert') ud = get(gcf,'user'); ud.c = ud.o; syst = ud.o; xname = syst.xname; tname = syst.tname; set(ud.h.xname,'string',xname); set(ud.h.tname,'string',tname); set(ud.h.der,'string',syst.der); set(ud.h.twind(1),'string',['The minimum value of ',tname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(2),'string',['The maximum value of ',tname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(3),'string',['The minimum value of ',xname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(4),'string',['The maximum value of ',xname,' = ']); for kk = 1:4 set(ud.h.wind(kk),'string',num2str(syst.wind(kk))); end for kk = 1:4 if kk <= length(syst.pname) name = syst.pname{kk}; else name = ''; end if kk <= length(syst.pval) value = syst.pval{kk}; else value = ''; end set(ud.h.pname(kk),'string',name); set(ud.h.pval(kk),'string',value); end set(gcf,'user',ud); elseif strcmp(action,'proceed') % Proceed connects Setup with the Display window. dfset = gcf; sud = get(dfset,'user'); sud.o = sud.c; set(dfset,'user',sud); % Some error checking that has to be done no matter what. WINvect = sud.c.wind; if any(isnan(WINvect)) errmsg = ['One of the entries defining the display window ',... 'is not a number.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end xstr = sud.c.xname; if isempty(xstr) errmsg = 'The dependent variable needs a name.'; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end tstr = sud.c.tname; if isempty(tstr) errmsg = 'The independent variable needs a name.'; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end if WINvect(2)<= WINvect(1) errmsg = ['The minimum value of ', tstr,... ' must be smaller than the maximum value.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end if WINvect(4)<= WINvect(3) errmsg = ['The minimum value of ', xstr,... ' must be smaller than the maximum value.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end % sud.flag = 0 if this is the first time through for this equation, % sud.flag = 1 if only the window dimensions have been changed. % If sud.flag == 1 we only have to update things. if (sud.flag == 1) dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); aud = get(dud.axes,'user'); tstr = get(get(dud.axes,'title'),'string'); wind = sud.c.wind(:); hmax = dud.settings.hmax; if (~all(wind == dud.syst.wind(:))) dwind = [wind(1); wind(3); -wind(2); -wind(4)]; DY = [wind(2)-wind(1); wind(4)-wind(3)]; hmax = min(hmax,DY(1)/4); aud.DY = DY; aud.cwind = wind - dud.settings.magn*[DY(1);-DY(1);DY(2);-DY(2)]; set(dud.axes,'user',aud); end dud.syst = sud.c; dud.settings = sud.settings; dud.settings.hmax = hmax; set(dfdisp,'user',dud); dfield8('dirfield',dfdisp); else sud.flag = 1; set(dfset,'user',sud); Arrflag = sud.fieldtype; NumbFPts = sud.npts; Xname = sud.c.xname; Tname = sud.c.tname; derivstr = sud.c.der; pname = sud.c.pname; parav = get(sud.h.pval,'string'); % First remove the blanks. derivstr(find(abs(derivstr)==32))=[]; for kk = 1:4 paraval = parav{kk}; if ~isempty(paraval) paraval(find(abs(paraval)==32))=[]; parav{kk} = paraval; end end % Next remove the periods inserted by users attempting to make the % function array smart. l=length(derivstr); for ( k = fliplr(findstr('.',derivstr))) if (find('*/^' == derivstr(k+1))) derivstr = [derivstr(1:k-1), derivstr(k+1:l)]; end l=l-1; end for kk = 1:4 paraval = parav{kk}; l=length(paraval); for ( k = fliplr(findstr('.',paraval))) if (find('*/^' == paraval(k+1))) paraval = [paraval(1:k-1), paraval(k+1:l)]; end l=l-1; end parav{kk} = paraval; end % Build strings for the title. txderstr = derivstr; kxder = find(abs(txderstr)==42); % Get rid of *s txderstr(kxder)=' '*ones(size(kxder)); txderstr = strrep(txderstr,'-',' - '); % Extra spaces txderstr = strrep(txderstr,'+',' + '); if (abs(txderstr(1)) == 32) % Get rid of starting space txderstr = txderstr(2:length(txderstr)); end tstr = [Xname,' '' = ', txderstr]; pstring = cell(4,1); pstring{1} = ''; pstring{2} = ''; pstring{3} = ''; pstring{4} = ''; for kk = 1:4 if ~isempty(parav{kk}); tp1str = parav{kk}; kxder = find(abs(tp1str)==42); % Get rid of *s tp1str(kxder)=' '*ones(size(kxder)); tp1str = strrep(tp1str,'-',' - '); % Extra spaces tp1str = strrep(tp1str,'+',' + '); if (abs(tp1str(1)) == 32) % Get rid of starting space tp1str = tp1str(2:length(tp1str)); end pstring{kk} = [pname{kk},' = ', tp1str]; end end % Get ready to do some error trapping. SS = warning; warning off XxXxXx = WINvect(1) + rand*(WINvect(2)-WINvect(1)); TtTtTt = WINvect(3) + rand*(WINvect(4)-WINvect(3)); err = 0; % Now we remove the backslashes (\) used to get Greek into the % labels. txname = Xname; ttname = Tname; derivstr(find(abs(derivstr)==92))=[]; Xname(find(abs(Xname)==92))=[]; Tname(find(abs(Tname)==92))=[]; eval([Xname,'=XxXxXx;'],'err = 1;'); if err errmsg = ['"',xstr, '" is not a valid variable name in MATLAB.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); warning(SS) return end err = 0; eval([Tname,'=TtTtTt;'],'err = 1;'); if err errmsg = ['"',tstr, '" is not a valid variable name in MATLAB.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); warning(SS) return end % Replace the parameters/expressions with their values. pflag = zeros(1,4); perr = []; pnameh = sud.h.pname; pvalh = sud.h.pval; for kk = 1:4; pn = char(get(pnameh(kk),'string')); pn(find(abs(pn)==92))=[]; pv = char(get(pvalh(kk),'string')); if ~isempty(pn) if isempty(pv) perr = pvalh(kk); else if isempty(str2num(pv)) % This is an expression. tpv = pv; tpv(find(abs(tpv)==92))=[]; err = 0; pval = ''; eval(['pval = ',tpv,';'],'err=1;'); %pval; if (err | isempty(pval)) errmsg = ['The expression for ',pn,' is not valid.']; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); warning(SS) return end end xderivstr = dfield8('paraeval',pn,pv,derivstr); if ~strcmp(xderivstr,derivstr) pflag(kk) = 1; derivstr = xderivstr; end end end end % We have to make the derivative strings array smart. l = length(derivstr); for (k=fliplr(find((derivstr=='^')|(derivstr=='*')|(derivstr=='/')))) derivstr = [derivstr(1:k-1) '.' derivstr(k:l)]; l = l+1; end % Some more error trapping. eval(['res = ',derivstr, ';'],'err = 1;'); if err | isempty(res) if isempty(perr) errmsg = ['The differential equation ',... 'is not entered correctly.']; else errstr1 = 'The differential equation does not evaluate correctly.'; errstr2 = 'At least one of the parameter values is not a number.'; errmsg = str2mat(errstr1,errstr2); set(perr,'string','?'); end fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); dfield8('restart'); warning(SS); return end warning(SS); % Build a new derivative m-file. tee = clock; tee = ceil(tee(6)*100); dfcn=['dftp',num2str(tee)]; fcnstr = ['function YYyYypr = ',dfcn,'(TtTt,YyYy)\n\n']; commstr = '%%%% Created by dfield8\n\n'; varstr = [Xname,' = YyYy;', Tname,' = TtTt;\n\n']; lenstr = ['l = length(YyYy);\n']; derstr1 = ['YYyYypr = ', derivstr,';\n']; derstr2 = ['if (length(YYyYypr) < l) YYyYypr = YYyYypr*ones(1,l);end\n']; dff = fopen([tempdir,dfcn,'.m'],'w'); fprintf(dff,fcnstr); fprintf(dff,commstr); fprintf(dff,varstr); fprintf(dff,lenstr); fprintf(dff,derstr1); fprintf(dff,derstr2); fclose(dff); % Find dfield8 Display if it exists. % If dfield8 Display exists, update it. If it does not build it. dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); if (~isempty(dfdisp)) figure(dfdisp); dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); dud.syst = sud.c; dud.settings = sud.settings; dfcnn = dud.function; if exist(dfcnn) == 2 delete([tempdir,dfcnn,'.m']) end else dfdisp = figure('name','dfield8 Display',... 'numb','off','interrupt','on',... 'visible','off','tag','dfield8'); dfield8('figdefault',dfdisp); dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); dud.syst = sud.c; dud.settings = sud.settings; fs = dud.fontsize; ssize = dud.ssize; r = ssize/10; dfaxw = 437*1.2; % Default axes width dfaxh = 315*1.2; % Default axes height dfaxl = 45*1.2; % Default axes left buttw = 40*1.2; % Default button width uni = get(0,'units'); set(0,'units','pixels'); ss = get(0,'screensize'); style =; set(0,'units',uni); nframeh = 70; % Default notice frame height dfaxb = 4+nframeh+35; titleh = 30; bottomedge = 38; dfdh = dfaxh + nframeh + titleh + bottomedge; sw = ss(3);sh = ss(4); bottom = 20; if r*dfdh > sh - bottom -35; r = (sh-bottom-35)/dfdh; fs = 10*r; lw = 0.5*r; set(gcf,'defaultaxesfontsize',fs,'defaultaxeslinewidth',lw); set(gcf,'defaulttextfontsize',fs); set(gcf,'defaultlinelinewidth',lw); set(gcf,'defaultuicontrolfontsize',fs*0.9); end % Set up the bulletin window. nframe = uicontrol('style','frame','visible','on'); nstr = {'More';'than';'five';'lines';'of text'}; dud.notice = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','left',... 'string',nstr,'visible','on'); ext = get(dud.notice,'extent'); nframeh = ext(4)+2; titleh = r*titleh; dfaxl = r*dfaxl; buttw = r*buttw; butth = fs+20*r; dfaxw = r*dfaxw; dfaxh = r*dfaxh; dfaxb = nframeh+r*bottomedge; buttl = dfaxl + dfaxw + 5; buttsep = (dfaxh - butth)/2; % Set up the coordinate display cstr = '(0.9999, 0,9999)'; dud.ccwind = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','left',... 'string',cstr,... 'visible','on'); cext = get(dud.ccwind,'extent'); ccwindtxt = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','left',... 'string','Cursor position: ',... 'visible','on'); cwh = cext(4); cww = cext(3); % Set up the plot axes. dud.axes = axes('units','pix',... 'position',[dfaxl,dfaxb,dfaxw,dfaxh],... 'next','add',... 'box','on',... 'interrupt','on',... 'xgrid','on',... 'ygrid','on',... 'drawmode','fast',... 'visible','off',... 'tag','display axes'); % Finish the positions. dfdw = buttl + buttw +5; dfdh = dfaxb+dfaxh+titleh; set(nframe,'pos',[10,1,dfdw-20,nframeh]); set(dud.notice,'pos',[15,1,dfdw-30,nframeh-2],... 'string',{' ';' ';' ';' ';' '}); ctext = get(ccwindtxt,'extent'); cc1pos = [dfaxl,2+nframeh,ctext(3),cwh]; cc2pos = [dfaxl+ctext(3),2+nframeh,cww,cwh]; set(ccwindtxt,'pos',cc1pos); set(dud.ccwind,'pos',cc2pos,... 'string',''); dfdleft = max((sw-dfdw)/2,sw-dfdw-60); dfdbot = sh - dfdh - 70; dfdpos = [dfdleft,dfdbot,dfdw,dfdh]; set(dfdisp,'resize','on'); set(dfdisp,'pos',dfdpos); Arrflag = sud.fieldtype; % Set up the buttons and the menu. stopstr = 'aud = get(gca,''user'');aud.stop = 4;set(gca,''user'',aud);'; dbutt(1) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',[buttl,dfaxb+2*buttsep,buttw,butth],... 'string','Stop',... 'call',stopstr,... 'vis','off',... 'tag','stop'); dbutt(2) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',[buttl,dfaxb,buttw,butth],... 'string','Quit',... 'call','dfield8(''quit'')',... 'visible','off'); dbutt(3) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',[buttl,dfaxb+buttsep,buttw,butth],... 'string','Print',... 'call','dfield8(''print'')',... 'visible','off'); dud.butt = dbutt; hhsetup = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); % File menu fmenu = findobj(gcf,'label','&File'); delete(findobj(fmenu,'label','&New Figure')); delete(findobj(fmenu,'label','&Open...')); delete(findobj(fmenu,'label','&Close')); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','&Save'),... 'separator','off',... 'pos',1); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','Save &As...'),... 'pos',2); delete(findobj(fmenu,'label','Pre&ferences...')); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','&Export...'),... 'pos',3); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','Pa&ge Setup...'),'pos',4,... 'separator','on'); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','Print Pre&view...'),'pos',5); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','Print Set&up...'),'pos',6); set(findobj(fmenu,'label','&Print...'),'pos',7); merestart = uimenu(fmenu,'label','Restart dfield8','call',... 'dfield8(''restart'')','separator','on','pos',8); mequit = uimenu(fmenu,'label','Quit dfield8',... 'call','dfield8(''quit'')','separator','on'); % Tools menu tmenu = findobj(gcf,'label','&Tools'); delete(tmenu); % Insert menu imenu = findobj(gcf,'label','&Insert'); inschild = get(imenu,'child'); legitem = findobj(inschild,'label','&Legend'); colitem = findobj(inschild,'label','&Colorbar'); delete([legitem,colitem]); % Edit menu emenu = findobj(gcf,'label','&Edit'); menu(2) = uimenu(emenu,'label','Zoom in.',... 'call','dfield8(''zoomin'')',... 'pos',1); zbmenu = uimenu(emenu,'label','Zoom back.',... 'call','dfield8(''zoomback'')',... 'enable','off',... 'tag','zbmenu',... 'pos',2); metext = uimenu(emenu,'label','Enter text on the Display Window.',... 'call','dfield8(''text'')',... 'separator','on',... 'pos',3); medel = uimenu(emenu,'label','Delete a graphics object.',... 'call','dfield8(''delete'')',... 'visible','on',... 'pos',4); medall = uimenu(emenu,'label','Erase all solutions.',... 'call','dfield8(''dallsol'')',... 'separator','off',... 'pos',5); medalllev = uimenu(emenu,'label','Erase all level curves.',... 'call','dfield8(''dalllev'')',... 'separator','off',... 'pos',6); medall = uimenu(emenu,'label','Erase all graphics objects.',... 'call','dfield8(''dall'')',... 'separator','off',... 'pos',7); set(findobj(emenu,'label','&Undo'),'separator','on',... 'pos',8); set(findobj(emenu,'label','Cu&t'),'pos',9); set(findobj(emenu,'label','&Copy'),'pos',10); set(findobj(emenu,'label','&Paste'),'pos',11); set(findobj(emenu,'label','&Select All'),'pos',12); set(findobj(emenu,'label','Copy &Figure'),'pos',13); set(findobj(emenu,'label','Copy &Options'),'pos',14); set(findobj(emenu,'label','F&igure Properties'),'pos',15); set(findobj(emenu,'label','&Axes Properties'),'pos',16); set(findobj(emenu,'label','C&urrent Object Properties'),'pos',17); % Options menu menu(1) = uimenu('label','Options','visible','off','pos',3); menukey = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Keyboard input.','call',... 'dfield8(''kbd'')'); mesev = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Plot several solutions.',... 'call','dfield8(''several'')'); menulevel = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Plot level curves.',... 'call','dfield8(''level'')',... 'separator','off','tag','level'); meexportdata = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Export solution data.',... 'call','dfield8(''export'')',... 'separator','off','tag','dexp'); plcall = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'me = gcbo;',... 'label = get(me,''label'');',... 'if strcmp(label,''Show the phase line.''),',... ' set(me,''label'',''Hide the phase line.'');',... ' ud.pline = ''on'';',... ' set(ud.plineh,''vis'',''on'');',... ' set(gcf,''user'',ud);',... 'else,',... ' set(me,''label'',''Show the phase line.'');',... ' ud.pline = ''off'';',... ' set(ud.plineh,''vis'',''off'');',... ' kk = find(ishandle(ud.plhand));',... ' delete(ud.plhand(kk));',... ' ud.plhand = [];',... ' set(gcf,''user'',ud);',... 'end']; mepline = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Show the phase line.',... 'call',plcall,'tag','pline','separator','on'); mesolvset = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Solver settings.',... 'call','dfield8(''solvset'')'); mesolve = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Solver.'); solverstr = ['ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'me = gcbo;',... 'meud = get(me,''user'');',... 'ud.settings.refine = meud.refine;',... 'ud.settings.tol = meud.tol;',... 'ud.settings.solver = meud.solver;',... 'ud.settings.solvhandle = meud.solvhandle;',... 'ud.settings.stepsize = meud.stepsize;',... 'ud.settings.hmax = meud.hmax;',... 'set(ud.solver,''checked'',''off'');',... 'set(me,''checked'',''on'');',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);',... 'dfset = findobj(''name'',''dfield8 Setup'');',... 'sud = get(dfset,''user'');',... 'sud.settings = ud.settings;',... 'set(dfset,''user'',sud);',... 'dfield8(''solvset'');']; solver = dud.settings.solver; dpset.refine = 4; dpset.tol = 1e-6; dpset.solver = 'Dormand-Prince'; dpset.solvhandle = @dfdp45; dpset.stepsize = 0; dpset.hmax = 0; if strcmp(solver,'Dormand-Prince') dpch = 'on'; else dpch = 'off'; end eulset.refine = 1; eulset.tol = 0; eulset.solver = 'Euler'; eulset.solvhandle = @dfeul; eulset.stepsize = 0.1; eulset.hmax = 0; if strcmp(solver,'Euler') eulch = 'on'; else eulch = 'off'; end rk2set.refine = 1; rk2set.tol = 0; rk2set.solver = 'Runge-Kutta 2'; rk2set.solvhandle = @dfrk2; rk2set.stepsize = 0.1; rk2set.hmax = 0; if strcmp(solver,'Runge-Kutta 2') rk2ch = 'on'; else rk2ch = 'off'; end rk4set.refine = 1; rk4set.tol = 0; rk4set.solver = 'Runge-Kutta 4'; rk4set.solvhandle = @dfrk4; rk4set.stepsize = 0.1; rk4set.hmax = 0; if strcmp(solver,'Runge-Kutta 4') rk4ch = 'on'; else rk4ch = 'off'; end dud.solver(1) = uimenu(mesolve,'label','Dormand-Prince',... 'checked',dpch,... 'call',solverstr,'user',dpset); dud.solver(2) = uimenu(mesolve,'label','Euler',... 'checked',eulch,... 'call',solverstr,'user',eulset); dud.solver(3) = uimenu(mesolve,'label','Runge-Kutta 2',... 'checked',rk2ch,... 'call',solverstr,'user',rk2set); dud.solver(4) = uimenu(mesolve,'label','Runge-Kutta 4',... 'checked',rk4ch,... 'call',solverstr,'user',rk4set); medir = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Solution direction.'); directionstr = ['ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'me = gcbo;',... 'ud.dir = get(me,''user'');',... 'set(ud.direction,''checked'',''off'');',... 'set(me,''checked'',''on'');',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; dud.direction(1) = uimenu(medir,'label','Both',... 'checked','on',... 'user',0,... 'call',directionstr); dud.dir = 0; dud.direction(2) = uimenu(medir,'label','Forward',... 'user',1,... 'call',directionstr); dud.direction(3) = uimenu(medir,'label','Back',... 'user',-1,... 'call',directionstr); meset = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Window settings.',... 'call','dfield8(''settings'')'); menu(6) = uimenu(menu(1),'label','Make the Display Window inactive.',... 'call','dfield8(''hotcold'')','separator','on'); % View menu set(findobj(gcf,'label','&View'),'pos',4); set(findobj(gcf,'label','&Figure Toolbar'),... 'call','dfield8(''showbar'')'); = menu; set(dfdisp,'ToolBar','none'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhsetup); set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); set(dfdisp,'WindowButtonMotionFcn','dfield8(''cdisp'')'); dud.uicont = [nframe,dud.notice,dbutt([1 2 3])]; hh1 = [dud.axes,nframe,dud.notice,dbutt([1 2 3])]; set(hh1,'units','norm'); hh2 = [nframe,dud.notice,dbutt(2:3),dud.axes,]; set(hh2,'visible','on'); set(dfdisp,'vis','on'); dud.printstr = 'print -noui'; dud.pline = 'off'; dud.arr = []; dud.solhand = []; dud.plhand = []; dud.level = ' '; dud.contours = zeros(0,1); end % if (~isempty(dfdisp)) & else dfdispa = dud.axes; axes(dfdispa); xlabel(Tname); ylabel(Xname); hv = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); set(findobj('tag','zbmenu'),'enable','off'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hv); pf = pflag; k = find(pflag); if ~isempty(k) tstr = [tstr,' ']; for j = 1:length(k) tstr = [tstr,' ',pstring{k(j)}]; end end title(tstr) % Initialize important information as user data. dud.function = dfcn; if ~isempty(dud.solhand) delete(dud.solhand); end dud.solhand = []; % Handles to solution curves. if isstruct(dud.arr) hand = [dud.arr.lines;dud.arr.arrows]; delete(hand); end dud.arr = []; % Handles for the direction and vector fields. dud.wmat = []; set(findobj('tag','pline'),'label','Show the phase line.'); dud.pline = 'off'; kk = find(ishandle(dud.plhand)); delete(dud.plhand(kk)); dud.plhand = []; dud.color = sud.color; dud.fieldtype = Arrflag; dud.npts = NumbFPts; ud.y = zeros(2,1); ud.i = 0; ud.line = 0; wind = dud.syst.wind(:); dwind = [wind(1); wind(3); -wind(2); -wind(4)]; DY = [wind(2)-wind(1); wind(4)-wind(3)]; ud.DY = DY; ud.cwind = wind - dud.settings.magn*[DY(1);-DY(1);DY(2);-DY(2)]; ud.stop = 0; ud.gstop = 1; ud.plot = 1; hmax = DY(1)/10; dud.settings.hmax = hmax; mud = get(dud.solver(1),'user'); mud.hmax = hmax; set(dud.solver(1),'user',mud); set(dfdisp,'user',dud); set(dud.axes,'user',ud); ppkbd = findobj('name','dfield8 Keyboard input','vis','on'); if ~isempty(ppkbd),dfield8('kbd'),end dfield8('dirfield',dfdisp); end elseif strcmp(action,'dirfield') % 'dirfield' computes and plots the field elements. This is the entry % point both from 'proceed' and from later commands that require the % recomputation of the field elements. % Find dfield8 Display and get the user data. disph = input1; dud = get(disph,'user'); color = dud.color; dfcn = dud.function; dfdispa = dud.axes; WINvect = dud.syst.wind; settings = dud.settings; notice = dud.notice; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4)=nstr(2:5); nstr{5,1} = 'Computing the field elements.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); % Augment the window matrix wmat = dud.wmat; wrows = size(wmat,1); wflag = 0; for k = 1:wrows if wmat(k,:)==WINvect wflag = 1; end end if wflag == 0 wmat = [wmat;WINvect]; dud.wmat = wmat; end if wrows hv = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); hhh = findobj('tag','zbmenu'); set(hhh,'enable','on'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hv); end end Tmin = WINvect(1); Tmax = WINvect(2); Xmin = WINvect(3); Xmax = WINvect(4); N = dud.npts; deltax=(Xmax - Xmin)/(N-1); deltat=(Tmax - Tmin)/(N-1); % Set up the display window. Dxint=[Xmin-deltax,Xmax+deltax]; Dtint=[Tmin-deltat,Tmax+deltat]; % Set up the original mesh. XXXg=Xmin + deltax*[0:N-1]; TTTg=Tmin + deltat*[0:N-1]; [Tt,Xx]=meshgrid(TTTg,XXXg); % Calculate the line and vector fields. Xx=Xx(:);Tt=Tt(:); Ww = zeros(size(Xx)); Ww = feval(dfcn,Tt',Xx'); Vv = ones(size(Ww)) + Ww*sqrt(-1); Vv = Vv.'; Arrflag = dud.fieldtype; mgrid = Tt+Xx.*sqrt(-1); % mgrid = mgrid(:); zz=Vv.'; sc = min(deltat,deltax); arrow=[-1,1].'; zzz=sign(zz); scale = sqrt((real(zzz)/deltat).^2+(imag(zzz)/deltax).^2); ww = (zzz == 0); scale = scale + ww; aa1 = 0.3*arrow*(zzz./scale)+ones(size(arrow))*(mgrid.'); [r,c] = size(aa1); aa1=[aa1;NaN*ones(1,c)]; aa1=aa1(:); arrow = [0,1,.7,1,.7].' + [0,0,.25,0,-.25].' * sqrt(-1); zz=sign(zz).*((abs(zz)).^(1/3)); scale = 0.9*sc./max(max(abs(zz))); aa2 = scale*arrow*zz +ones(size(arrow))*(mgrid.'); [r,c] = size(aa2); aa2=[aa2;NaN*ones(1,c)]; aa2=aa2(:); axes(dfdispa); arr = dud.arr; % Delete the old field data. if isstruct(arr) hand = [arr.lines;arr.arrows]; delete(hand); end arrh1 = plot(real(aa1),imag(aa1),'color',color.arrows,'visible','off'); arrh2 = plot(real(aa2),imag(aa2),'color',color.arrows,'visible','off'); % We plot both the line field and the vector field. Then we % control which is seen by manipulating the visibility. switch Arrflag case 'lines' set(arrh1,'visible','on'); case 'arrows' set(arrh2,'visible','on'); end dud.arr.lines = arrh1; % Save the handles for later use. dud.arr.arrows = arrh2; % Save the handles for later use. if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5,1} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end axis([Dtint,Dxint]); aa = Dtint(1) + (Dtint(2) - Dtint(1))/100; if ~isempty(dud.plhand) set(dud.plhand,'xdata',aa); end if (isfield(dud,'plineh') & (~isempty(dud.plineh))) set(dud.plineh,'xdata',[aa,aa],'ydata',Dxint); else dud.plineh = plot([aa,aa],Dxint,'color',dud.color.pline); end set([dud.plhand;dud.plineh],'vis',dud.pline); set(disph,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'hotcold') % 'hotcold' is the callback for the menu selection that makes the % Display Window active or inactive. dfdisp = gcf; dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); mehc =; if (findstr(get(mehc,'label'),'inactive')) set(dfdisp,'WindowButtonDownFcn',' '); set(mehc,'label','Make the Display Window active.'); nstr{5,1} = 'The Display Window is not active.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); else set(dfdisp,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); set(mehc,'label','Make the Display Window inactive.'); nstr{5,1} = 'The Display Window is active.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); end elseif strcmp(action,'down') % 'down' is the Window Button Down call. It starts the computation of % solutions from a click of the mouse. disph = gcf; seltype = get(disph,'selectiontype'); if strcmp(seltype,'alt') dfield8('zoom'); return end dud = get(disph,'user'); ax = dud.axes; ch = findobj('type','uicontrol','enable','on'); % mh = findobj('type','uimenu','enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','inactive'); % set(mh,'enable','off'); wbdf = get(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn'); set(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn',''); axes(ax); initpt = get(ax,'currentpoint'); initpt = initpt(1,[1,2]); dfield8('solution',initpt,disph); set(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn',wbdf); % set([ch;mh],'enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','on'); notice = dud.notice; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5,1} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr) end elseif strcmp(action,'several') % 'several' allows the user to pick several initial points at once. % This is not needed in X-windows, but it is on the Macintosh. disph = gcf; ch = findobj('type','uicontrol','enable','on'); % mh = findobj('type','uimenu','enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','inactive'); % set(mh,'enable','off') wbdf = get(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn'); set(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn',wbdf); dud = get(disph,'user'); notice = dud.notice; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5,1} = ['Pick initial points with the mouse. ',... 'Enter "Return" when finished.']; set(notice,'string',nstr) end [X,Y]=ginput; NN = length(X); for k = 1:NN initpt = [X(k),Y(k)]; dfield8('solution',initpt,disph); end if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5,1} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end % set([ch;mh],'enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','on'); set(disph,'WindowbuttonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); elseif strcmp(action,'solution') % 'solution' effects the computation and (erasemode == none) plotting of % solutions. It also stores the data as appropriate. disph = input2; dud = get(disph,'user'); tcol = dud.color.temp; pcol = dud.color.orb; notice = dud.notice; initpt = input1(:); dfcn = dud.function; dfdispa = dud.axes; aud=get(dfdispa,'user'); wind = aud.cwind; AA = wind(1); BB = wind(2); settings = dud.settings; ptstr = [' (',num2str(initpt(1),2), ', ', num2str(initpt(2),2), ')']; refine = settings.refine; tol = settings.tol; ud = get(dud.axes,'user'); rtol = tol; atol = tol*ud.DY*1e-4'; if length(initpt) == 2 switch dud.dir case 0 intplus = [initpt(1), BB]; intminus = [initpt(1), AA]; case -1 intplus = [initpt(1), initpt(1)]; intminus = [initpt(1), AA]; case 1 intplus = [initpt(1), BB]; intminus = [initpt(1), initpt(1)]; end else intplus = [initpt(1),initpt(4)]; intminus = [initpt(1),initpt(3)]; initpt = initpt([1:2]); end stopbutt =findobj('tag','stop'); set(stopbutt,'vis','on','enable','on'); solvhandle = settings.solvhandle; cflag = 0; if intplus(2)>intplus(1) cflag = cflag + 1; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = ['The forward orbit from',ptstr]; set(notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow [tp,xp] = feval(solvhandle,dfcn,intplus,initpt(2),disph); aud = get(dfdispa,'user'); hnew1 = aud.line; set(aud.pline,'erase','normal','color', pcol); dud.plhand=[dud.plhand;aud.pline]; end if intminus(2) < intminus(1) cflag = cflag + 2; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = ['The backward orbit from',ptstr]; set(notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow [tm,xm] = feval(solvhandle,dfcn,intminus,initpt(2),disph); aud = get(dfdispa,'user'); hnew2 = aud.line; set(aud.pline,'erase','normal','color', pcol); dud.plhand=[dud.plhand;aud.pline]; set(stopbutt,'vis','off'); end % if intminus(2) < intminus(1) % Store the trajectory. switch cflag case 1 % positive only set(hnew1,'xdata',tp(:),'ydata',xp(:),'color',pcol); set(hnew1,'erase','normal'); dud.solhand = [dud.solhand;hnew1]; case 2 % negative only x = flipud(xm); t = flipud(tm); set(hnew2,'xdata',t(:),'ydata',x(:),'color',pcol); set(hnew2,'erase','normal'); dud.solhand = [dud.solhand;hnew2]; case 3 % both directions x = flipud(xm); t = flipud(tm); x=[x;xp]; t=[t;tp]; delete(hnew1); set(hnew2,'xdata',t(:),'ydata',x(:),'color',pcol); set(hnew2,'erase','normal'); dud.solhand = [dud.solhand;hnew2]; end % switch cflag set(disph,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'kcompute') % 'kcompute' is the call back for the Compute % button on the dfield8 Keyboard figure. compute = 1; kh = get(gcf,'user'); dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); if (isempty(dfdisp)) dfield8('confused'); end dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); dfdispa = dud.axes; aud = get(dfdispa,'user'); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); ch = findobj('type','uicontrol','enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','inactive'); set(dfdisp,'WindowbuttonDownFcn',''); xstr = get(kh.xval,'string'); tstr = get(kh.tval,'string'); pnameh = sud.h.pname; pvalh = sud.h.pval; pflag = zeros(1,4); perr = []; for kk = 1:4; pn = char(get(pnameh(kk),'string')); pv = char(get(pvalh(kk),'string')); if ~isempty(pn) if isempty(pv) perr = pvalh(kk); else xstr = dfield8('paraeval',pn,pv,xstr); tstr = dfield8('paraeval',pn,pv,tstr); end end end xvalue = str2num(xstr); tvalue = str2num(tstr); if get(kh.spec,'value') t0 = str2num(get(kh.t0,'string')); tf = str2num(get(,'string')); initpt = [tvalue,xvalue,t0,tf]; if (length(initpt) ~= 4) warndlg({'Values must be entered for all of the entries.'},... 'Illegal input'); compute = 0; elseif tf <= t0 warndlg({'The final time of the computation interval';... 'must be smaller than the initial time.'},'Illegal input'); compute = 0; elseif (tvalue < t0) | (tvalue > tf) warndlg('The initial time must be in the computation interval.',... 'Illegal input'); compute = 0; end aud.gstop = 0; set(dfdispa,'user',aud); else initpt = [tvalue,xvalue]; if (length(initpt) ~= 2) warndlg({'Values must be entered for all of the entries.'},... 'Illegal input'); compute = 0; end end % if get(kh.spec,'value') if compute dfield8('solution',initpt,dfdisp); end nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr) % set([ch;mh],'enable','on'); set(ch,'enable','on'); set(dfdisp,'WindowbuttonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); aud.gstop = 1; set(dfdispa,'user',aud); elseif strcmp(action,'kbd') % 'kbd' is the callback for the Keyboard Input menu selection. It % sets up the dfield8 Keyboard figure which allows accurate input of % initial values using the keyboard. ppkbd = findobj('name','dfield8 Keyboard input'); if ~isempty(ppkbd) delete(ppkbd); end dfdisp = gcf; dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); Xname = dud.syst.xname; Tname = dud.syst.tname; xnstr = ['The initial value of ',Xname,' = ']; tnstr = ['The initial value of ',Tname,' = ']; ppkbd = figure('name','dfield8 Keyboard input',... 'vis','off',... 'numb','off','tag','dfield8'); dfield8('figdefault',ppkbd); set(ppkbd,'menubar','none'); kbd.fr1 = uicontrol('style','frame'); kbd.fr2 = uicontrol('style','frame'); kbd.inst = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','center',... 'string','Enter the initial conditions:'); kbd.xname = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','right','string',xnstr); kbd.tname = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','right',... 'string',tnstr); kbd.tval = uicontrol('style','edit','background','w'); kbd.xval = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'string','','call','','background','w'); kbd.t0 = uicontrol('style','edit','background','w'); = uicontrol('style','edit','background','w'); tstring = ['<= ',Tname,' <=']; kbd.t = uicontrol('style','text','string',tstring); kbd.spec = uicontrol('style','check','horiz','center',... 'string','Specify a computation interval.'); kbd.comp = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Compute','call','dfield8(''kcompute'')'); kbd.close = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Close','call','close'); nudge = 3; left = 3; varl = 80; buttw = 60; xex = get(kbd.xname,'extent'); ht = xex(4)+nudge; yex = get(kbd.tname,'extent'); nwdth = max(xex(3),yex(3)) + nudge; varl = varl*ht/19; fr1bot = left + ht; fr1ht = 3*nudge + 2*ht; fr2bot = fr1bot + fr1ht; frw = 2*nudge + nwdth + varl; intb = fr1bot + nudge; specb = intb + ht + nudge; intext = get(kbd.t,'extent'); tw = intext(3); newwidth = tw + 2*varl +2*nudge; frw = max(frw,newwidth); margin = (frw -tw - 2*varl)/2; t0l = left+margin; tl = t0l + varl; tfl = tl + tw; xnb = fr2bot + nudge; tnb = xnb + ht; nl = left+nudge; xnwind = [nl,xnb-.15*ht,nwdth,ht]; tnwind = [nl,tnb-.15*ht,nwdth,ht]; vl = nl + nwdth; xvwind = [vl,xnb,varl,ht]; tvwind = [vl,tnb,varl,ht]; instb = tnb + ht + nudge; instw = nwdth + varl; instwind = [nl,instb,instw,ht]; fr2ht = 3*nudge + 3*ht; % frw = 2*nudge + nwdth + varl; fr2wind = [left,fr2bot,frw,fr2ht]; fr1wind = [left,fr1bot,frw,fr1ht]; specw = frw - 2*nudge; specwind = [nl,specb,specw,ht]; t0wind = [t0l,intb,varl,ht]; twind = [tl,intb-.15*ht,tw,ht]; tfwind = [tfl,intb,varl,ht]; figw = 2*left + frw; fight = 3*left + ht + fr1ht + fr2ht; figwind = [30,300,figw,fight]; buttw = frw/2; sep = (figw - 2*buttw)/3; closel = left; compl = closel+buttw; clwind = [closel,left,buttw,ht]; compwind = [compl,left,buttw,ht]; set(ppkbd,'pos',figwind); set(kbd.fr1,'pos',fr1wind); set(kbd.fr2,'pos',fr2wind); set(kbd.inst,'pos',instwind); set(kbd.xname,'pos',xnwind); set(kbd.tname,'pos',tnwind); set(kbd.xval,'pos',xvwind); set(kbd.tval,'pos',tvwind); set(kbd.comp,'pos',compwind); set(kbd.close,'pos',clwind); set(kbd.tname,'pos',tnwind); set(kbd.tval,'pos',tvwind); set(kbd.spec,'pos',specwind); set(kbd.t0,'pos',t0wind); set(kbd.t,'pos',twind); set(,'pos',tfwind); speccall = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'if get(gcbo,''value''),',... ' set([ud.t0,ud.t,],''enable'',''on'');',... ' set([ud.t0,],''background'',[1 1 1]);',... 'else,',... ' set([ud.t0,ud.t,],''enable'',''off'');',... ' set([ud.t0,],''background'',[0.83 0.82 0.78]);',... 'end']; set(kbd.spec,'call',speccall); set(ppkbd,'resize','on'); set(findobj(ppkbd,'type','uicontrol'),'units','normal'); set(kbd.spec,'value',0); set(ppkbd,'user',kbd,'vis','on'); set([kbd.t0,],'enable','off',... 'background',[0.83 0.82 0.78]); set(kbd.t,'enable','off'); set(findobj(ppkbd,'type','uicontrol'),'units','normal'); figure(ppkbd) elseif strcmp(action,'zoomin') % 'zoomin' is the callback for the Zoomin menu item. It allows the % user to pick a new display rectangle. set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''zoom'')',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn','1;','inter','on'); set(gca,'inter','on'); dud = get(gcf,'user'); nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = ['Pick a new display rectangle by clicking and ',... 'dragging the mouse, or by clicking on a point.']; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); elseif strcmp(action,'zoom') disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); axh = dud.axes; aud = get(axh,'user'); DY = aud.DY; w = dud.syst.wind; q1 = get(disph,'currentpoint'); p1 = get(axh,'currentpoint'); p1 = p1(1,1:2); rbbox([q1 0 0],q1); p2 = get(axh,'currentpoint'); p2 = p2(1,1:2); if all(abs(p1'-p2')>0.01*DY) a = [p1;p2]; a = [min(a);max(a)]; DY = (a(2,:) - a(1,:))'; else DY = DY/4; a(1) = max(w(1),p1(1)-DY(1)); a(2) = min(w(2),p1(1)+DY(1)); a(3) = max(w(3),p1(2)-DY(2)); a(4) = min(w(4),p1(2)+DY(2)); DY(1) = a(2) - a(1); DY(2) = a(4) - a(3); end WINvect = a(:)'; dud.syst.wind = WINvect; aud.DY = DY; dwind = [WINvect(1); WINvect(3); -WINvect(2); -WINvect(4)]; aud.cwind = WINvect(:) - ... dud.settings.magn*[DY(1);-DY(1);DY(2);-DY(2)]; set(axh,'user',aud); set(disph,'user',dud); set(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')',... 'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); dfield8('dirfield',disph); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); if isempty(dfset) dfield8('confused'); else sud = get(dfset,'user'); sud.c.wind = WINvect; sud.o.wind = WINvect; set(sud.h.wind(1),'string',num2str(WINvect(1))); set(sud.h.wind(2),'string',num2str(WINvect(2))); set(sud.h.wind(3),'string',num2str(WINvect(3))); set(sud.h.wind(4),'string',num2str(WINvect(4))); set(dfset,'user',sud); end elseif strcmp(action,'dall') % 'dall' is the callback for the Erase all graphics objects. disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); notice = dud.notice; kk = find(ishandle(dud.solhand)); delete(dud.solhand(kk)); dud.solhand = []; kk = find(ishandle(dud.plhand)); delete(dud.plhand(kk)); dud.plhand = []; kk = find(ishandle(dud.contours)); delete(dud.contours(kk)); dud.contours = []; if notice set(dud.butt(1),'enable','off'); end set(disph,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'dallsol') % 'dallsol' is the callback for the Erase all solutions option. disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); notice = dud.notice; kk = find(ishandle(dud.solhand)); delete(dud.solhand(kk)); dud.solhand = []; kk = find(ishandle(dud.plhand)); delete(dud.plhand(kk)); dud.plhand = []; if notice set(dud.butt(1),'enable','off'); end set(disph,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'dalllev') % 'dalllev' is the callback for the Erase all level curves option. disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); notice = dud.notice; kk = find(ishandle(dud.contours)); delete(dud.contours(kk)); dud.contours = []; if notice set(dud.butt(1),'enable','off'); end set(disph,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'solvset') dud = get(gcf,'user'); name = dud.settings.solver; setfig = findobj('name','dfield8 Solver settings'); if ~isempty(setfig) data = get(setfig,'user'); if strcmp(data.settings.solver,name) figure(setfig); return else close(setfig); end end data.settings = dud.settings; nstepcall =['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'ss = max(round(str2num(get(data.d1,''string''))),1);',... 'data.settings.refine = ss;',... 'set(data.d1,''string'',num2str(ss));',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''on''),',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; ssizecall = ['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'data.settings.stepsize = str2num(get(data.d1,''string''));',... 'set(data.d1,''string'',num2str(data.settings.stepsize));',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''on''),',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; chcall = ['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'dfdisp = findobj(''name'',''dfield8 Display'');',... 'dud = get(dfdisp,''user'');',... 'dud.settings = data.settings;',... 'set(dfdisp,''user'',dud);',... 'dfset = findobj(''name'',''dfield8 Setup'');',... 'ud = get(dfset,''user'');',... 'ud.settings = data.settings;',... 'set(dfset,''user'',ud);',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''off'');']; speedcall = ['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'me = data.speed;',... 'val = round(get(me,''value''));',... 'set(me,''value'',val);',... 'set(data.sp.val,''string'',num2str(val));',... 'data.settings.speed = val;',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''on''),',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; switch name case 'Dormand-Prince' ssname = 'Settings for the Dormand-Prince solver.'; d1call = nstepcall; d1string = 'Number of plot steps per computation step: '; d1data = num2str(data.settings.refine); case 'Euler' ssname = 'Settings for Euler''s method.'; d1call = ssizecall; d1string = 'Step size: '; d1data = num2str(data.settings.stepsize); case 'Runge-Kutta 2' ssname = 'Settings for the second order Runge-Kutta method.'; d1call = ssizecall; d1string = 'Step size: '; d1data = num2str(data.settings.stepsize); case 'Runge-Kutta 4' ssname = 'Settings for the fourth order Runge-Kutta method.'; d1call = ssizecall; d1string = 'Step size: '; d1data = num2str(data.settings.stepsize); end left = 5; nudge = 1; varl = 70; setfig = figure('name','dfield8 Solver settings','numb','off',... 'tag','dfield8','vis','off'); dfield8('figdefault',setfig); set(setfig,'menubar','none'); setfr = uicontrol('style','frame'); setspfr = uicontrol('style','frame'); d1 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string',d1string); data.d1 = uicontrol('style','edit','string',d1data,... 'call',d1call,'background','w'); rtolcall =['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'data.settings.tol = str2num(get(data.rtol,''string''));',... 'set(data.rtol,''string'',num2str(data.settings.tol));',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''on''),',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; hmaxcall = ['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'data.settings.hmax = str2num(get(data.hmax,''string''));',... 'set(data.hmax,''string'',num2str(data.settings.hmax));',... 'set(data.chb,''enable'',''on''),',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; ss = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','center',... 'string',ssname); gob = uicontrol('style','push','string','Go Away','call','close'); data.chb = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Change settings',... 'call',chcall,... 'enable','off'); data.speed = uicontrol('style','slider',... 'string','Steps per second.',... 'min',2,... 'max',100,... 'value',data.settings.speed,... 'sliderstep',[1/98,10/98],... 'call',speedcall); data.sp.min = uicontrol('style','text','string',' 2',... 'horiz','left'); data.sp.max = uicontrol('style','text','string','100 ',... 'horiz','right'); data.sp.val = uicontrol('style','text',... 'string',num2str(data.settings.speed),... 'horiz','center'); pps = uicontrol('style','text',... 'string','Solution steps per second.'); ext1 = get(d1,'extent'); ht = ext1(4)+3; ext2 = get(ss,'extent'); stw = ext1(3)+5; varl = varl*ht/19; setspfrb = 2*left + 2*ht; setspfrht = 4*nudge + 3*ht; setfrb = setspfrb + setspfrht; setfrh = 4*nudge + 4*ht; figh = setfrb + setfrh + left; gobb = left; chbb = gobb + ht; hmaxb = setfrb + nudge; d1b = hmaxb + ht; rtolb = d1b + ht; ssizeb = (rtolb+d1b)/2; ssb = rtolb + ht + nudge; ssw = max(max(stw+varl,ext2(3)),300); frw = 2*nudge + ssw; figw = frw + 2*left; buttw = figw/3; sep = figw/9; sl = left + nudge; d1l = (figw -stw-varl)/2; gobl = sep; chbl = 2*sep + buttw; spb1 = setspfrb+2*nudge; spb2 = spb1+ht; spb3 = spb2+ht+nudge; sptw = varl; sptl1 = sl; sptsep = (ssw-3*sptw-sl)/2; sptl2 = sptl1 + sptw + sptsep; sptl3 = sptl2 + sptw + sptsep; sunit = get(0,'units'); set(0,'units','pix'); ssize = get(0,'screensize'); figb = ssize(4) - figh - 50; set(setfig,'pos',[20,figb,figw,figh]); set(setspfr,'pos',[left,setspfrb,frw,setspfrht]); set(data.speed,'pos',[sl,spb1,ssw,ht],... 'backgroundcolor',0.6*[1 1 1],... 'foregroundcolor','r'); set(data.sp.min,'pos',[sptl1,spb2,sptw,ht]); set(data.sp.max,'pos',[sptl3,spb2,sptw,ht]); set(data.sp.val,'pos',[sptl2,spb2,sptw,ht]); set(pps,'pos',[sl,spb3,ssw,ht]); set(setfr,'pos',[left,setfrb,frw,setfrh]); set(ss,'pos',[sl,ssb,ssw,ht]); set(d1,'pos',[d1l,d1b,stw,ht]); set(data.d1,'pos',[d1l+stw,d1b,varl,ht]); set(gob,'pos',[left,gobb,frw,ht]); set(data.chb,'pos',[left,chbb,frw,ht]); if strcmp(name,'Dormand-Prince') rtol = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'pos',[sl+5,rtolb,stw-5,ht],... 'string','Relative error tolerance: '); data.rtol = uicontrol('style','edit','call',rtolcall,... 'pos',[sl+stw,rtolb,varl,ht],... 'string',num2str(data.settings.tol),... 'background','w'); hmax = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'pos',[sl+5,hmaxb,stw-5,ht],... 'string','Maximum step size: '); data.hmax = uicontrol('style','edit','call',hmaxcall,... 'pos',[sl+stw,hmaxb,varl,ht],... 'string',num2str(data.settings.hmax),... 'background','w'); set(d1,'pos',[sl+5,d1b,stw-5,ht]); set(data.d1,'pos',[sl+stw,d1b,varl,ht]); end set(setfig,'user',data); set(setfig,'units','normal'); set(findobj(setfig,'type','uicontrol'),'units','normal'); set(setfig,'vis','on','resize','on'); set(get(setfig,'child'),'vis','on'); elseif strcmp(action,'settings') % 'settings' is the call back for the Settings menu option. It sets % up the dfield8 Settings window, which allows the user to interactively % change several parameters that govern the behaviour of the program. dud = get(gcf,'user'); data.settings = dud.settings; fieldtype = dud.fieldtype; npts = dud.npts; data.fieldtype = fieldtype; data.npts = npts; data.magn = dud.settings.magn; setfig = findobj('name','dfield8 Window settings'); if ~isempty(setfig) close(setfig); end setfig = figure('name','dfield8 Window settings',... 'numb','off',... 'tag','dfield8','vis','off'); dfield8('figdefault',setfig); set(setfig,'menubar','none'); dirffr = uicontrol('style','frame'); cwfr = uicontrol('style','frame'); ss = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','center',... 'string','The direction field.'); kk = 1+2*data.settings.magn; magcall = ['data = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'mag = (str2num(get(data.mag,''string''))-1)/2;',... 'data.magn = max(0,mag);',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data);']; cw1 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string','The calculation window is'); data.mag = uicontrol('style','edit','call',magcall,... 'string',num2str(kk),'background','w'); cw2 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string',' times as large as the '); cw3 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string','display window.'); gob = uicontrol('style','push','string','Go Away','call','close'); chb = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Change settings',... 'call','dfield8(''setchange'')'); left = 1; nudge = 3; cw1ext = get(cw1,'extent'); cw1w = cw1ext(3); cw2ext = get(cw2,'extent'); cw2w = cw2ext(3); ht = cw1ext(4)+nudge; cwfrb = 2*left + ht; cwfrh = 4*nudge + 2*ht; dirffrb = cwfrb + cwfrh; rbfrh = 3*ht + 3*nudge; dirffrh = 4*nudge + 4*ht; figh = dirffrb + dirffrh + left; bb = left; cw3b = cwfrb + nudge; cw2b = cw3b + ht; % = cw1b = cweb rb1b = dirffrb + nudge; rb2b = rb1b + ht; rb3b = rb2b + ht; ssb = rb3b + ht + nudge; cwew = 40*ht/19; cww = cw1w + cwew + cw2w; frw = 2*nudge + cww; figw = frw + 2*left; buttw = frw/2; sl = left + nudge; gobl = left; chbl = left + buttw; sunit = get(0,'units'); set(0,'units','pix'); ssize = get(0,'screensize'); figb = ssize(4) - figh - 50; set(setfig,'pos',[20,figb,figw,figh]); set(dirffr,'pos',[left,dirffrb,frw,dirffrh]); set(cwfr,'pos',[left,cwfrb,frw,cwfrh]); set(ss,'pos',[sl,ssb,cww,ht]); set(cw1,'pos',[sl,cw2b,cw1w,ht]); set(cw2,'pos',[sl+cw1w+cwew,cw2b,cw2w,ht]); set(cw3,'pos',[sl,cw3b,cww,ht]); set(data.mag,'pos',[sl+cw1w,cw2b,cwew,ht]); set(gob,'pos',[gobl,bb,buttw,ht]); set(chb,'pos',[chbl,bb,buttw,ht]); radw = .4*cww; rbl = sl + nudge; rbw = radw -4*nudge; typewindw = radw + 2*nudge; typewind = [left, dirffrb, typewindw, rbfrh]; textwindl = left+typewindw; textleft = textwindl + nudge; textw = frw - typewindw; textwind = [textwindl, dirffrb,textw, rbfrh]; typeframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',typewind,'visible','off'); textframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',textwind,'visible','off'); switch fieldtype case 'arrows' rval1 = 1;rval2 = 0;rval3 = 0; case 'lines' rval1 = 0;rval2 = 2;rval3 = 0; case 'none' rval1 = 0;rval2 = 0;rval3 = 3; otherwise error(['Unknown fieldtype ',ud.o.fieldtype,'.']) end data.rad(1) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',[rbl rb3b rbw ht],... 'string','Arrows','value',rval1,'visible','off'); data.rad(2) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',[rbl rb2b rbw ht],... 'string','Lines',... 'value',rval2,... 'max',2,... 'visible','off'); data.rad(3) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',[rbl rb1b rbw ht],... 'string','None',... 'value',rval3,... 'max',3,'visible',... 'off'); for i=1:3 set(data.rad(i),'user',data.rad(:,[1:(i-1),(i+1):3])); end callrad = ['me = gcbo;',... 'kk = get(me,''max'');',... 'set(get(me,''user''),''value'',0),',... 'set(me,''value'',kk);',... 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'switch kk,',... ' case 1, ud.fieldtype = ''arrows'';',... ' case 2, ud.fieldtype = ''lines'';',... ' case 3, ud.fieldtype = ''none'';',... 'end,',... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; set(data.rad,'call',callrad); nfptsstr = {'Number of field points'; 'per row or column.'}; nfptstext = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[textleft rb2b textw-2*nudge 1.5*ht],... 'string',nfptsstr,... 'horizon','center',... 'visible','off'); callnfpts = ['me = gcbo;',... 'kk = str2num(get(me,''string''));',... 'if isempty(kk),',... ' set(me,''string'',''?'');',... ' kk = NaN;',... 'else,',... ' kk = floor(kk);',... ' [m,N] = computer;'... ' if (N <= 8192),',... ' N = 32;',... ' else,',... ' N = 50;',... ' end,'... ' kk = min([N,max([5,kk])]);'... ' set(me,''string'',num2str(kk));'... 'end,'... 'data = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'data.npts = kk;',... 'set(gcf,''user'',data)']; npts = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[textleft+(textw -30*ht/19)/2,rb1b 30*ht/19,ht],... 'string',npts,... 'call',callnfpts,... 'visible','off',... 'background','w'); set(setfig,'user',data); set(setfig,'units','normal'); set(findobj(setfig,'type','uicontrol'),'units','normal'); set(setfig,'vis','on','resize','on'); set(get(setfig,'child'),'vis','on'); elseif strcmp(action,'setchange') % 'setchange' is the callback for the Change button % on the dfield8 Settings window. dfsett = gcf; data = get(dfsett,'user'); dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); if isempty(dfdisp)|isempty(dfset) dfield8('confused'); return end dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); dud.settings.magn = data.magn; sud.settings.magn = data.magn; WINvect = dud.syst.wind; aud = get(dud.axes,'user'); DY = aud.DY; aud.cwind = WINvect(:) - dud.settings.magn*[DY(1);-DY(1);DY(2);-DY(2)]; set(dfset,'user',sud); set(dfdisp,'user',dud); set(dud.axes,'user',aud); if dud.npts ~= data.npts dud.fieldtype = data.fieldtype; dud.npts = data.npts; sud.fieldtype = data.fieldtype; sud.npts = data.npts; set(dfdisp,'user',dud); set(dfset,'user',sud); dfield8('dirfield',dfdisp); elseif ~strcmp(dud.fieldtype,data.fieldtype) dud.fieldtype = data.fieldtype; sud.fieldtype = data.fieldtype; switch dud.fieldtype case 'lines' set(dud.arr.lines,'vis','on'); set(dud.arr.arrows,'vis','off'); case 'arrows' set(dud.arr.lines,'vis','off'); set(dud.arr.arrows,'vis','on'); case 'none' set(dud.arr.lines,'vis','off'); set(dud.arr.arrows,'vis','off'); end set(dfset,'user',sud); set(dfdisp,'user',dud); end close(dfsett) elseif strcmp(action,'delete') % 'delete' is the callback for the Delete a graphics object selection % on the menu. disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); arr = dud.arr; lv = get(arr.lines,'vis'); av = get(arr.arrows,'vis'); pv = get(dud.plineh,'vis'); handles = [arr.lines;arr.arrows;dud.plineh]; set(handles,'vis','off'); oldcall = get(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); set(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); trjh = [dud.solhand;dud.plhand;dud.contours]; notice = dud.notice; if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Select a graphics object with the mouse.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end ginput(1); objh = get(disph,'currentobject'); typ = get(objh,'type'); axh = dud.axes; hh = [get(axh,'title'),get(axh,'xlabel'),get(axh,'ylabel')]; if strcmp(typ,'line') dud.solhand = setdiff(dud.solhand,objh); dud.plhand = setdiff(dud.plhand,objh); dud.contours = setdiff(dud.contours,objh); delete(objh); if notice nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end elseif strcmp(typ,'text') & ~ismember(objh,hh) delete(objh); if notice nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end else if notice nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'The object you selected cannot be deleted.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end end set(arr.lines,'vis',lv); set(arr.arrows,'vis',av); set(dud.plineh,'vis',pv); set(disph,'user',dud); set(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); elseif strcmp(action,'print') dud = get(gcf,'user'); nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Preparing to print the dfield8 Display Window. Please be patient.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Printing the dfield8 Display Window.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); set(gcf,'pointer','watch'); eval(dud.printstr); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); set(gcf,'pointer','arrow'); elseif strcmp (action,'zoomback') disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); axh = dud.axes; Xname = dud.syst.xname; Tname = dud.syst.tname; wmat = dud.wmat; WINvect = dud.syst.wind; NN = size(wmat,1); wch = 0;j=0; while wch == 0 j = j+1; if WINvect == wmat(j,:) wch = j; end end winstr = cell(1,NN); for j = 1:NN a = num2str(wmat(j,1)); b = num2str(wmat(j,2)); c = num2str(wmat(j,3)); d = num2str(wmat(j,4)); winstr{j} = [' ',a,' < ',Tname,' < ',b,' & ',c,' < ', Xname,' < ',d]; end [sel,ok] = listdlg('liststring',winstr,... 'selectionmode','single',... 'listsize',[270,100],... 'initialvalue',wch,... 'name','dfield8 Zoomback',... 'promptstring','Select a rectangle:',... 'OKString','Zoom'); if (~isempty(sel)) WINvect = wmat(sel,:); dud.syst.wind = WINvect; set(gcf,'user',dud); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); set(disph,'user',dud); set(sud.h.wind(1),'string',num2str(WINvect(1))); set(sud.h.wind(2),'string',num2str(WINvect(2))); set(sud.h.wind(3),'string',num2str(WINvect(3))); set(sud.h.wind(4),'string',num2str(WINvect(4))); sud.c.wind = WINvect; sud.o.wind = WINvect; set(dfset,'user',sud); aud = get(axh,'user'); DY = [WINvect(2) - WINvect(1);WINvect(4) - WINvect(3)]; aud.DY = DY; aud.cwind = WINvect(:) - ... dud.settings.magn*[DY(1);-DY(1);DY(2);-DY(2)]; set(axh,'user',aud); dfield8('dirfield',disph); end elseif strcmp(action,'level') dfdisp = gcf; dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); lfcn = dud.level; tname = dud.syst.tname; xname = dud.syst.xname; tname(find(abs(tname)==92))=[]; % Remove \s if any. xname(find(abs(xname)==92))=[]; dflevel = findobj('name','dfield8 Level sets'); if ~isempty(dflevel) delete(dflevel) end dflevel = figure('name','dfield8 Level sets',... 'vis','off',... 'numb','off','tag','dfield8'); dfield8('figdefault',dflevel); hhsetup = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(dflevel,'menubar','none'); lev.fr1 = uicontrol('style','frame'); lev.fr2 = uicontrol('style','frame'); inst1str = ['Enter the function in terms of the variables ',... tname, ' and ', xname, ' and the parameter/expressions:']; lev.inst1 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string',inst1str); lev.lfcn = uicontrol('style','edit','horiz','center',... 'string',lfcn,'call','',... 'background','w'); = uicontrol('style','radio','horiz','center',... 'min',0,'max',3,... 'value',0,... 'vis','on',... 'string','Let dfield8 decide.'); = uicontrol('style','radio','horiz','center',... 'min',0,'max',2,... 'value',0,... 'string','Select a point in the Display Window.'); lev.inst2 = uicontrol('style','text','horiz','left',... 'string',['Choose one of the following ways to',... ' choose level value(s):']); = uicontrol('style','radio','horiz','center',... 'min',0,'max',1,... 'value',0,... 'string','Enter a vector of level values.'); lev.rhs = uicontrol('style','edit','horiz','center',... 'string',' ','call',''); lev.proc = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Proceed',... 'call','dfield8(''levcomp'')'); lev.close = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string','Close',... 'call','close'); for i=1:3 set(,'user',,[1:(i-1),(i+1):3])); end callrad = [ 'me = get(gcf,''currentobject'');',... 'kk = get(me,''max'');',... 'col = get(me,''backg'');',... 'set(get(me,''user''),''value'',0),',... 'set(me,''value'',kk);',... 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');',... 'if kk == 1,',... ' set(ud.rhs,''enable'',''on'',''backg'',''w'');',... 'else,',... ' set(ud.rhs,''enable'',''off'',''backg'',col);',... 'end,']; set(,'call',callrad); left = 2; varl = 400; buttw = 60; nudge = 3; tab = 15; lines1 = 5; lines2 = 2; xex = get(lev.inst1,'extent'); ht = xex(4)+nudge; frw = varl + 2*tab+ 2*nudge; fr1bot = 2*left + ht; fr1ht = lines1*(nudge + ht) + nudge; fr2bot = fr1bot + fr1ht; fr2ht = lines2*(nudge + ht) + nudge; vbot = fr1bot + nudge; ch1bot = vbot + nudge + ht; ch2bot = ch1bot + nudge + ht; ch3bot = ch2bot + nudge + ht; inst2bot = ch3bot + nudge + ht; fbot = fr2bot + nudge; inst1bot = fbot + nudge + ht; fleft = left + nudge + tab; instleft = left + nudge; chleft = instleft + tab; vleft = chleft + tab; vw = (frw - 2*vleft); fr1wind = [left,fr1bot,frw,fr1ht]; fr2wind = [left,fr2bot,frw,fr2ht]; inst1wind = [instleft,inst1bot,varl,ht]; inst2wind = [instleft,inst2bot,varl,ht]; fwind = [fleft,fbot,varl,ht]; ch1wind = [chleft,ch1bot,varl,ht]; ch2wind = [chleft,ch2bot,varl,ht]; ch3wind = [chleft,ch3bot,varl,ht]; vwind = [vleft,vbot,vw,ht]; figw = 2*left + frw; fight = 3*left + ht + fr1ht + fr2ht; figwind = [40, 300, figw, fight]; buttw = frw/2; sep = (figw - 2*buttw)/3; closel = sep; procl = 2*sep+buttw; clwind = [closel,left,buttw,ht]; procwind = [procl,left,buttw,ht]; set(dflevel,'pos',figwind); set(lev.fr1,'pos',fr1wind); set(lev.fr2,'pos',fr2wind); set(lev.inst1,'pos',inst1wind); set(lev.inst2,'pos',inst2wind); set(,'pos',ch1wind); set(,'pos',ch2wind); set(,'pos',ch3wind); set(lev.rhs,'pos',vwind); set(lev.lfcn,'pos',fwind); set(lev.proc,'pos',procwind); set(lev.close,'pos',clwind); set(,'value',3); set(lev.rhs,'enable','off'); child = get(dflevel,'children'); set(dflevel,'vis','on','user',lev); set(child,'vis','on'); elseif strcmp(action,'levcomp') dflevel = gcf; ud = get(dflevel,'user'); dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); ch =; val = zeros(1,3); for kk = 1:3 val(kk) = get(ch(kk),'value'); end KK = max(val); lfcn = get(ud.lfcn,'string'); l=length(lfcn); for ( k = fliplr(findstr('.',lfcn))) if (find('*/^' == lfcn(k+1))) lfcn = [lfcn(1:k-1), lfcn(k+1:l)]; end l=l-1; end pnameh = sud.h.pname; pvalh = sud.h.pval; pflag = zeros(1,4); perr = []; lfcn(find(abs(lfcn)==32))=[]; for kk = 1:4; pn = get(pnameh(kk),'string'); pv = get(pvalh(kk),'string'); if ~isempty(pn) pn(find(abs(pn)==92))=[]; if isempty(pv) perr = pvalh(kk); else pv(find(abs(pv)==32))=[]; lfcn = dfield8('paraeval',pn,pv,lfcn); end end end l = length(lfcn); for (k=fliplr(find((lfcn=='^')|(lfcn=='*')|(lfcn=='/')))) lfcn = [lfcn(1:k-1) '.' lfcn(k:l)]; l = l+1; end WINvect = dud.syst.wind; XxXxXx = WINvect(1) + rand*(WINvect(2)-WINvect(1)); YyYyYy = WINvect(3) + rand*(WINvect(4)-WINvect(3)); tname = dud.syst.tname; xname = dud.syst.xname; tname(find(abs(tname)==92))=[]; % Remove \s if any. xname(find(abs(xname)==92))=[]; err = 0;res = 1; eval([tname,'=XxXxXx;'],'err = 1;'); eval([xname,'=YyYyYy;'],'err = 1;'); eval(['res = ',lfcn, ';'],'err = 1;'); if err | isempty(res) errmsg = 'The function does not evaluate correctly.'; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return; end Xmin = WINvect(1); Xmax = WINvect(2); Ymin = WINvect(3); Ymax = WINvect(4); N = 50; k = 4; deltax=(Xmax - Xmin)/(N-1); deltay=(Ymax - Ymin)/(N-1); XXXg=Xmin + deltax*[-k:N+k]; YYYg=Ymin + deltay*[-k:N+k]; [Xx,Yy]=meshgrid(XXXg,YYYg); Xxx=Xx(:);Yyy=Yy(:); Ww = zeros(size(Xxx)); eval([tname,'=Xxx;'],'err = 1;'); eval([xname,'=Yyy;'],'err = 1;'); eval(['Ww = ',lfcn, ';']); KKK = 3; %# of significant figures. switch KK case 1 % vector input rhs = get(ud.rhs,'string'); rhs = str2num(rhs); case 2 % mouse input figure(dfdisp); [XX,YY] = ginput(1); figure(dflevel); eval([tname,'=XX;'],'err = 1;'); eval([xname,'=YY;'],'err = 1;'); eval(['rhs = ',lfcn, ';'],'err = 1'); LL = ceil(log10(abs(rhs))); rhs = round(10^(KKK-LL)*rhs); rhs = 10^(LL-KKK)*rhs; case 3 % dfield8 input MM = max(Ww);mm = min(Ww); LL = ceil(log10(MM-mm)); NN = 7; % Number of curves rhs = mm+(1:NN).^2*(MM-mm)/NN^2; rhs = round(10^(KKK-LL)*rhs); rhs = 10^(LL-KKK)*rhs; end Ww = reshape(Ww,N+2*k+1,N+2*k+1); lrhs = length(rhs); if lrhs == 0 return elseif lrhs == 1 rhs = [rhs,rhs]; end figure(dfdisp); [Cm,hcont] = contour(Xx,Yy,Ww,rhs,'--'); hlabel = clabel(Cm,hcont); % set(hlabel,'fontsize',dud.fontsize,... % 'color',dud.color.level,... % 'rotation',0); set(hlabel,'fontsize',dud.fontsize,... 'color',[1,0,0],... 'rotation',0); set(hcont,'visible','on',... 'color',dud.color.level,... 'linestyle',':'); dud.contours = [dud.contours ;hcont;hlabel]; set(dfdisp,'user',dud); elseif strcmp(action,'showbar') sbfig = gcbf; domymenu('menubar','toggletoolbar',sbfig); hhset = get(0,'showhiddenhandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); state = get(sbfig,'toolbar'); if strcmp(state,'figure') fixtb = ['set(gcbo,''state'',''off'');']; set(findobj(sbfig,'tooltipstr','Zoom Out'),... 'clickedcallback',['dfield8(''zoomback'');' fixtb]); set(findobj(sbfig,'tooltipstr','Zoom In'),... 'clickedcallback',['dfield8(''zoomin'');' fixtb]); set(findobj(sbfig,'tooltipstr','Print'),... 'clickedcallback','dfield8(''print'');'); delete(findobj(sbfig,'tooltipstr','Rotate 3D')); sbmh = findobj(sbfig,'label','Show &Toolbar'); set(sbmh,'label','Hide &Toolbar','checked','off'); else sbmh = findobj(sbfig,'label','Hide &Toolbar'); set(sbmh,'label','Show &Toolbar','checked','off'); end set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhset) elseif strcmp(action,'figdefault') fig = input1; set(fig,'CloseRequestFcn','dfield8(''closefcn'')'); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); ud = get(fig,'user'); ud.ssize = sud.ssize; fs = sud.fontsize; ud.fontsize = fs; style =; switch style case 'black' % if isunix | isvms, gamma = 0.5; else gamma = 0.0; end whitebg(fig,[0,0,0]) if isunix | isvms fc = [.35 .35 .35]; else fc = [.2 .2 .2]; end set(fig,'color',fc); set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[0 0 0]) % whitebg(fig,brighten([.2 .2 .2],gamma)) set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[0 0 0]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolororder', ... 1-[0 0 1;0 1 0;1 0 0;0 1 1;1 0 1;1 1 0;.25 .25 .25]) % ymcrgbw set(fig,'colormap',jet(64)) set(fig,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor',[0 0 0]); case 'white' whitebg(fig,[1 1 1]) set(fig,'color',[.8 .8 .8]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[1 1 1]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolororder', ... [0 0 1;0 .5 0;1 0 0;0 .75 .75;.75 0 .75;.75 .75 0;.25 .25 .25]) % bgrymck set(fig,'colormap',jet(64)) set(fig,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor',[0 0 0]) case 'test' whitebg(fig,[1 1 1]) set(fig,'color',[.8 .8 .8]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[1 1 1]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolororder', ... [0 0 1;0 .5 0;1 0 0;0 .75 .75;.75 0 .75;.75 .75 0;.25 .25 .25]) % bgrymck set(fig,'colormap',jet(64)) set(fig,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor',[0 0 0]) % set(fig,'defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor',[1 1 1]); case 'display' whitebg(fig,[1 1 1]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[1 1 1]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolororder', ... [0 0 1;0 .5 0;1 0 0;0 .75 .75;.75 0 .75;.75 .75 0;.25 .25 .25]) % bgrymck set(fig,'colormap',jet(64)) set(fig,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor',[0 0 0]) set(fig,'color',[1 1 1]*220/255); set(fig,'defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor',[1 1 1]*220/255); case 'bw' whitebg(fig,[0 0 0]) set(fig,'color',[0 0 0]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolor',[0 0 0]) set(fig,'defaultaxescolororder', ... [1 1 1]) set(fig,'colormap',[1 1 1;0 0 0]) set(fig,'defaultsurfaceedgecolor',[0 0 0]) end set(fig,'defaulttextfontsize',fs); set(fig,'defaultaxesfontsize',fs); set(fig,'defaultuicontrolfontsize',0.9*fs) lw = 0.5*fs/10; set(fig,'defaultaxeslinewidth',lw) set(fig,'defaultlinelinewidth',lw) set(fig,'defaultaxesfontname','helvetica') set(fig,'defaultaxesfontweight','normal') set(fig,'user',ud); elseif strcmp(action,'paraeval') % Replace a parameter with its value in string form. para = deblank(input1); value = input2; value = ['(',value,')']; str = deblank(input3); ll = length(str); lp = length(para); lv = length(value); if strcmp(para,str) str = value; elseif (ll >= lp+1) k = findstr(para,str); lk = length(k); lopstr = '(+-*/^'; ropstr = ')+-*/^'; s = []; pos = 1; for jj = 1:lk if (((k(jj) == 1)|(find(lopstr == str(k(jj)-1))))... &((k(jj)+lp-1 == ll)|(find(ropstr == str(k(jj) + lp))))) s = [s,str(pos:(k(jj)-1)),value]; pos = k(jj)+lp; end end str = [s,str(pos:ll)]; end output = str; elseif strcmp(action,'quit') dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); if sud.remtd rmpath(tempdir); end oldfiles = dir([tempdir,'dftp*.m']); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = [tempdir,oldfiles(k).name]; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); if fid ~= -1 ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if strcmp(ll,'%% Created by dfield8') delete(fn) end end end h = findobj('tag','dfield8'); delete(h); elseif strcmp(action,'restart') dfdisp = findobj('name','dfield8 Display'); dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); if (~isempty(dfdisp)) dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); if isfield(dud,'function') fcn = [tempdir,dud.function]; if (exist(fcn)==2) delete([fcn,'.m']);end end end h = findobj('tag','dfield8'); delete(setdiff(h,dfset)); sud = get(dfset,'user'); sud.flag = 0; set(dfset,'user',sud); figure(dfset) elseif strcmp(action,'closefcn') fig = gcf; name = get(fig,'name'); if strcmp(name,'dfield8 Setup') | strcmp(name,'dfield8 Display') quest = ['Closing this window will cause all dfield8 ',... 'windows to close, and dfield8 will stop. ',... 'Do you want to quit dfield8?']; butt = questdlg(quest,'Quit dfield8?','Quit','Cancel','Quit'); if strcmp(butt,'Quit') dfield8('quit'); end elseif strcmp(name,'dfield8 Linearization') dud = get(fig,'user'); fcn = dud.function; if (exist(fcn)==2) delete([fcn,'.m']);end delete(findobj('label',name)); delete(fig); else delete(findobj('label',name)); delete(fig); end elseif strcmp(action,'text') dfdisp = gcf; oldcall = get(dfdisp,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); set(dfdisp,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); prompt = ['Enter the text here. Then choose ',... 'the location in the Display Window.']; txtstr = inputdlg(prompt,'Text entry'); if ~isempty(txtstr) txtstr = txtstr{1}; figure(dfdisp); gtext(txtstr); end set(dfdisp,'WindowButtonDownFcn',oldcall); elseif strcmp(action,'confused') tstring = 'dfield8 is totally confused'; qstring = {['You will have to restart dfield8 from '... 'the beginning in order to ',... 'do anything new. However, it might be possible '... 'to save the current system ',... 'or the gallery to make your restart easier, '... 'or it may be possible to ',... 'print out a figure, if the appropriate '... 'figures are visible. In such a case ',... 'it would be best to do nothing now.']; 'What do you want to do?'}; bstr1 = 'Quit and restart dfield8.'; bstr2 = 'Just quit dfield8.'; bstr3 = 'Do nothing.'; answer = questdlg(qstring,tstring,bstr1,bstr2,bstr3,bstr1); if strcmp(answer,bstr1) delete(findobj('tag','dfield8')); dfield8;return elseif strcmp(answer,bstr2) delete(findobj('tag','dfield8')); return else return end elseif strcmp(action,'cdisp') [dfcbo,dfdisp] = gcbo; dud = get(dfdisp,'user'); cp = get(dfdisp,'currentpoint'); fpos = get(dfdisp,'pos'); dfax = dud.axes; xd = get(dfax,'xlim'); yd = get(dfax,'ylim'); apos = get(dfax,'pos'); xp = xd(1) + (cp(1) - apos(1)*fpos(3))*(xd(2)-xd(1))/(apos(3)*fpos(3)); yp = yd(1) + (cp(2) - apos(2)*fpos(4))*(yd(2)-yd(1))/(apos(4)*fpos(4)); str = ['(',num2str(xp,3),', ',num2str(yp,3),')']; set(dud.ccwind,'string',str); elseif strcmp(action,'savesyst') dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); type = input1; sud = get(dfset,'user'); switch type case 'system' systems = get(,'user'); newsyst = sud.c; fn =; if ~isempty(fn) fn(find(abs(fn)==32))='_'; % Replace spaces by underlines. end fn = [fn, '.dfs']; % full filename comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' filter = [sud.dfdir, '\',fn]; case 'MAC2' filter = [sud.dfdir,':', fn]; otherwise filter = [sud.dfdir,'/', fn]; end [fname,pname] = uiputfile(filter,'Save the system as:'); if fname == 0,return;end if ~strcmp(fname,fn) ll = length(fname); if (ll>4 & strcmp(fname(ll-3:ll),'.dfs')) fn = fname; sfn = fname(1:ll-4); % short filename else sfn = fname; fn = [fname, '.dfs']; end = sfn; = sfn; set(dfset,'user',sud); end newsysts = newsyst; case 'gallery' systems = get(,'user'); ll = length(systems); if ll == 0 warndlg(['There are no equations to make up a gallery.'],'Warning'); return end names = cell(ll,1); for j=1:ll names{j} = systems(j).name; end [sel,ok] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the equations',... 'Name','Gallery selection',... 'ListString',names); if isempty(sel) return else newsysts = systems(sel); end comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' prompt = [sud.dfdir,'\*.dfg']; case 'MAC2' prompt = [sud.dfdir,':*.dfg']; otherwise prompt = [sud.dfdir,':/.dfg']; end [fname,pname] = uiputfile(prompt,'Save the gallery as:'); ll = length(fname); if (ll>4 & strcmp(fname(ll-3:ll),'.dfg')) fn = fname; sfn = fname(1:ll-4); else sfn = fname; fn = [fname, '.dfg']; end = sfn; = sfn; set(dfset,'user',sud); end % switch type ll = length(newsysts); fid = fopen([pname fn],'w'); dfstring = '%%%% DFIELD file %%%%'; fprintf(fid,[dfstring,'\n']); for k = 1:ll fprintf(fid,'\n'); nstr = newsysts(k).name; nstr = strrep(nstr,'''',''''''); nstr = [' = ''', nstr, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,nstr); xname = newsysts(k).xname; xnstr = ['H.xname = ''', xname]; xnstr = strrep(xnstr,'\','\\'); xnstr = [xnstr, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,xnstr); tname = newsysts(k).tname; tnstr = ['H.tname = ''', tname]; tnstr = strrep(tnstr,'\','\\'); tnstr = [tnstr, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,tnstr); der = newsysts(k).der; dstr = ['H.der = ''', der]; dstr = strrep(dstr,'\','\\'); dstr = [dstr, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,dstr); wind = newsysts(k).wind; wstr = ['H.wind = [', num2str(wind),'];\n']; fprintf(fid,wstr); pname = strrep(newsysts(k).pname,'\','\\'); pval = strrep(newsysts(k).pval,'\','\\'); pnl = length(pname); pvl = length(pval); for kk = 1:4 if kk <= pnl pns = pname{kk}; else pns = ''; end if kk <= pvl pvs = pval{kk}; else pvs = ''; end if kk == 1 pnstr = ['H.pname = {''', pns, '''']; pvstr = ['H.pval = {''', pvs, '''']; else pnstr = [pnstr, ',''',pns, '''']; pvstr = [pvstr, ',''',pvs, '''']; end end pnstr = [pnstr, '};\n']; pvstr = [pvstr, '};\n']; fprintf(fid,pnstr); fprintf(fid,pvstr); end fclose(fid); elseif strcmp(action,'loadsyst') % This loads either a system or a gallery. sud = get(gcf,'user'); pos = get(gcf,'pos'); wpos = [pos(1),pos(2)+pos(4)+20,300,20]; waith = figure('pos',wpos,... 'numb','off',... 'vis','off',... 'next','replace',... 'menubar','none',... 'resize','off',... 'createfcn',''); axes('pos',[0.01,0.01,0.98,0.98],... 'vis','off'); xp = [0 0 0 0]; yp = [0 0 1 1]; xl = [1 0 0 1 1]; yl = [0 0 1 1 0]; patchh = patch(xp,yp,'r','edgecolor','r','erase','none'); lineh = line(xl,yl,'erase','none','color','k'); type = input1; set(,'enable','off'); if strcmp(type,'default') set(waith,'name','Loading the default gallery.','vis','on'); set(findobj('tag','load default'),'enable','off'); megall =; mh = get(megall,'children'); add = findobj(megall,'tag','add system'); mh(find(mh == add)) = []; delete(mh); newsysstruct = get(megall,'user'); system = sud.system; ll = length(system); x = 1/(ll+2); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; sep = 'on'; for kk = 1:length(system) kkk = num2str(kk); if kk ==2, sep = 'off';end uimenu(megall,'label',system(kk).name,... 'call',['dfield8(''system'',',kkk,')'],... 'separator',sep); end % for set(megall,'user',system); else comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' prompt = [sud.dfdir,'\']; case 'MAC2' prompt = [sud.dfdir,':']; otherwise prompt = [sud.dfdir,'/']; end if strcmp(type,'system') prompt = [prompt,'*.dfs']; [fname,pname] = uigetfile(prompt,'Select an equation to load.'); elseif strcmp(type,'gallery') prompt = [prompt,'*.dfg']; [fname,pname] = uigetfile(prompt,'Select a gallery to load.'); end % if strcmp if fname == 0 delete(waith); set(,'enable','on'); return; end set(waith,'name',['Loading ',fname],'vis','on'); fid = fopen([pname fname],'r'); sline = fgetl(fid); if ~strcmp(sline,'%% DFIELD file %%') errmsg = 'This is not a dfield8 file.'; fprintf('\a') errordlg(errmsg,'dfield8 error','on'); return end newsysts = {}; kk = 0; while ~feof(fid) kk = kk + 1; newsysts{kk} = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); newsysts = newsysts([1:kk]); systline = newsysts(kk); while strcmp(systline,'') kk = kk - 1; newsysts = newsysts([1:kk]); systline = newsysts(kk); end false = 0; if mod(kk,8 ) false = 1; end if false if strcmp(type,'system') wstr = ['The file ',fname, ' does not define a proper equation.']; elseif strcmp(type,'gallery') wstr = ['The file ',fname, ' does not define a proper gallery.'] end warndlg(wstr,'Warning'); set(,'enable','on'); delete(waith); return end %if false x = 8 /(kk+16); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; nnn = kk/8; % The number of equations. for j = 1:nnn for k = 2:8 ; eval(newsysts{(j-1)*8+k}); end newsysstruct(j) = H; end end % if strcmp(type,'default') & else nnn = length(newsysstruct); ignoresyst = {}; for j = 1:nnn x = (j+1)/(nnn+2); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; newsyst = newsysstruct(j); sname =; sname(find(abs(sname) == 95)) = ' '; % Replace underscores with spaces. = sname; ignore = dfield8('addgall',newsyst); if ignore == -1; ignoresyst{length(ignoresyst)+1} = sname; end end % for j = 1:nnn l = length(ignoresyst); if l % At least 1 eqn was a dup with a different name. if l == 1 message = {['The equation ',ignoresyst{1},'" duplicates an ',... 'equation already in the gallery and was not added.']}; else message = 'The equations '; for k = 1:(l-1) message = [message,'"',ignoresyst{k},'", ']; end message = {[message,'and "',ignoresyst{l},'" duplicate ',... 'equations already in the gallery and were not added.']}; end % if l == 1 & else helpdlg(message,'Ignored systems'); end % if l if strcmp(type,'system') % Added a system. if ignore > 0 % The system was ignored. kk = ignore; else systems = get(,'user'); kk = length(systems); end dfield8('system',kk); end if strcmp('type','default') dfield8('system',1); end set(,'enable','on'); x = 1; xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; delete(waith); elseif strcmp(action,'addgall') output = 0; dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); if nargin < 2 % We are adding the current equation. syst = sud.c; snstr = 'Provide a name for this equation.'; sname = inputdlg(snstr,'Equation name',1,{}); if isempty(sname),return;end sname = sname{1}; if ~strcmp(sname, = sname; set(dfset,'user',sud); = sname; end else % We have an equation coming from a file. syst = input1; sname =; end pnl = length(syst.pname); for kk = (pnl+1):4 syst.pname{kk} = ''; end pvl = length(syst.pval); for kk = (pvl+1):4 syst.pval{kk} = ''; end systems = get(,'user'); ll = length(systems); kk = 1; while ((kk<=ll) & (~strcmp(sname,systems(kk).name))) kk = kk + 1; end nameflag = (kk<=ll); ssyst = rmfield(syst,'name'); kk = 1; while ((kk<=ll) & (~isequal(ssyst,rmfield(systems(kk),'name')))) kk = kk + 1; end systflag = 2*(kk<=ll); flag = nameflag + systflag; switch flag case 1 % Same name but different system. mh = findobj(,'label',sname); prompt = {['The equation "',sname,'", which you wish to ',... 'add to the gallery has ',... 'the same name as a different equation ',... 'already in the gallery. Please ',... 'specify the name for the newly added equation.'],... 'Specify the name for the old equation.'}; titl = 'Two equations with the same name'; lineno = 1; defans = {sname,sname}; answer = inputdlg(prompt,titl,lineno,defans); if isempty(answer),return,end sname = answer{1}; systems(kk).name = answer{2}; set(mh,'label',answer{2}); output = kk; case 2 % Two names for the same system. oldname = systems(kk).name; mh = findobj(,'label',oldname); prompt = {['The equation "',sname,'", which you wish to add ',... 'to the gallery is the same as an equation which is ',... 'already in the gallery with the name "',oldname,'". ',... 'Please specify which name you wish to use.']}; titl = 'Two names for the same equation.'; lineno = 1; defans = {oldname}; answer = inputdlg(prompt,titl,lineno,defans); if isempty(answer),return,end systems(kk).name = answer{1}; set(mh,'label',answer{1}); output = kk; case 3 % Systems and names the same. output = -1; otherwise end % switch set(,'user',systems); = sname; if flag <=1 switch ll case 0 systems = syst; sepstr = 'on'; case 4 systems(5) = syst; if strcmp(systems(4).name,'RL circuit') sepstr = 'on'; else sepstr = 'off'; end otherwise systems(ll+1) = syst; sepstr = 'off'; end kkk = num2str(ll+1); newmenu = uimenu(,'label',sname,... 'call',['dfield8(''system'',',kkk,')'],... 'separator',sepstr); set(findobj('tag','savegal'),'enable','on'); end set(,'user',systems); elseif strcmp(action,'export') % export is the callback for the Export solution data item in the % Options menu. disph = gcf; dud = get(disph,'user'); arr = dud.arr; lv = get(arr.lines,'vis'); av = get(arr.arrows,'vis'); pv = get(dud.plineh,'vis'); handles = [arr.lines;arr.arrows;dud.plineh]; set(handles,'vis','off'); oldcall = get(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); set(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); trjh = dud.solhand; notice = dud.notice; switch length(trjh) case 0 if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:3) = nstr(3:5); nstr{4} = 'There are no solutions.'; nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end th = []; case 1 th = trjh; otherwise if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:4) = nstr(2:5); nstr{5} = 'Select a solution with the mouse.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end ginput(1); th = get(disph,'currentobject'); end if isempty(th) if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:3) = nstr(3:5); nstr{4} = 'The item selected is not a solution.'; nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end else vars = evalin('base','who'); no = 1; kk = 0; while no kk = kk + 1; vstr = ['dfdata',num2str(kk)]; if ~any(strcmp(vars,vstr)) no = 0; end end tname = dud.syst.tname; xname = dud.syst.xname; tval = get(th,'xdata'); xval = get(th,'ydata'); ivstr = struct(tname,tval,xname,xval); assignin('base',vstr,ivstr); if notice nstr = get(notice,'string'); nstr(1:3) = nstr(3:5); nstr{4} = ['The data has been exported as the structure ',... vstr,' with fields ', tname, ' and ', xname,'.']; nstr{5} = 'Ready.'; set(notice,'string',nstr); end end set(arr.lines,'vis',lv); set(arr.arrows,'vis',av); set(dud.plineh,'vis',pv); set(disph,'user',dud); set(disph,'WindowButtonDownFcn','dfield8(''down'')'); elseif strcmp(action,'system') dfset = findobj('name','dfield8 Setup'); ud = get(dfset,'user'); kk = input1; if isstr(kk) kk = str2num(input1); end system = get(,'user'); syst = system(kk); xname = syst.xname; tname = syst.tname; set(ud.h.xname,'string',xname); set(ud.h.tname,'string',tname); set(ud.h.der,'string',syst.der); pname = syst.pname; pval = syst.pval; pnl = length(pname); pvl = length(pval); for kk = 1:4 if kk <= pnl set(ud.h.pname(kk),'string',pname{kk}); else set(ud.h.pname(kk),'string',''); syst.pname{kk} = ''; end if kk <= pvl set(ud.h.pval(kk),'string',pval{kk}); else set(ud.h.pval(kk),'string',''); syst.pval{kk} = ''; end end ud.o = syst; ud.c = syst; set(ud.h.twind(1),'string',['The minimum value of ',tname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(2),'string',['The maximum value of ',tname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(3),'string',['The minimum value of ',xname,' = ']); set(ud.h.twind(4),'string',['The maximum value of ',xname,' = ']); for kk = 1:4 set(ud.h.wind(kk),'string',num2str(syst.wind(kk))); end ud.flag = 0; set(dfset,'user',ud); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [tout,yout] = dfdp45(dfcn,tspan,y0,disph) % DFDP45 is an implementation of the explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5) which % is described in Chapters 5 & 6 of John Dormand's book, % Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. % % This is the same algorithm used in ODE45, part of the new MATLAB % ODE Suite. Details are to be found in The MATLAB ODE Suite, % L. F. Shampine and M. W. Reichelt, SIAM Journal on Scientific % Computing, 18-1, 1997. % Input the user data. dud = get(disph,'user'); dispha = dud.axes; ud = get(dispha,'user'); refine = dud.settings.refine; tol = dud.settings.tol; hmax = dud.settings.hmax; DY = ud.DY; col = dud.color.temp; speed = dud.settings.speed; slow = (speed < 100); % Initialize the stopping criteria. % The compute window. CC = ud.cwind(3); DD = ud.cwind(4); % The stop button. stop = 0; ud.stop = 0; % Set the the line handle. ph = plot([tspan(1),tspan(1)],[y0,y0],'color',col,... 'erase','none',... 'parent',dispha); ud.line = ph; % Set up the phase line vi = dud.pline; figure(disph); v = axis; aa = v(1)+0.01*(v(2)-v(1)); plh = plot(aa,y0,'.','markersize',20,'color',col,... 'erase','xor','parent',dispha,'visible',vi); ud.pline = plh; set(dispha,'UserData',ud); % Initialize the loop. t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(2); tdir = sign(tfinal - t0); t = t0; y = y0; % By default, hmax is 1/10 of the interval. %hmax = min(abs(0.1*(tfinal-t)),1); rDY = DY(:,ones(1,refine)); steps = 0; block = 120; tout = zeros(block,1); yout = zeros(block,1); N = 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % Initialize method parameters. pow = 1/5; C = [1/5; 3/10; 4/5; 8/9; 1; 1]; A = [ 1/5 3/40 44/45 19372/6561 9017/3168 0 9/40 -56/15 -25360/2187 -355/33 0 0 32/9 64448/6561 46732/5247 0 0 0 -212/729 49/176 0 0 0 0 -5103/18656 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]; bhat = [35/384 0 500/1113 125/192 -2187/6784 11/84 0]'; % E = bhat - b. E = [71/57600; 0; -71/16695; 71/1920; -17253/339200; 22/525; -1/40]; if refine > 1 sigma = (1:refine-1) / refine; S = cumprod(sigma(ones(4,1),:)); bstar = [ 1 -183/64 37/12 -145/128 0 0 0 0 0 1500/371 -1000/159 1000/371 0 -125/32 125/12 -375/64 0 9477/3392 -729/106 25515/6784 0 -11/7 11/3 -55/28 0 3/2 -4 5/2 ]; bstar = bstar*S; end f = zeros(1,7); f0 = feval(dfcn,t,y); mm = max(abs(f0./DY)); absh = hmax; if mm absh = min(absh,1/(100*mm)); end f(:,1) = f0; % THE MAIN LOOP tic while ~stop % hmin is a small number such that t+h is distinquishably % different from t if abs(h) > hmin. hmin = 16*eps*abs(t); absh = min(hmax, max(hmin, absh)); h = tdir * absh; % LOOP FOR ADVANCING ONE STEP. while stop~=5 hC= h * C; hA = h * A; f(:,2) = feval(dfcn, t + hC(1), y + f*hA(:,1)); f(:,3) = feval(dfcn, t + hC(2), y + f*hA(:,2)); f(:,4) = feval(dfcn, t + hC(3), y + f*hA(:,3)); f(:,5) = feval(dfcn, t + hC(4), y + f*hA(:,4)); f(:,6) = feval(dfcn, t + hC(5), y + f*hA(:,5)); tn = t + h; yn = y + f*h*bhat; f(:,7) = feval(dfcn, tn, yn); % Estimate the error. err = abs(h * f * E); alpha = (2*max(err/((abs(y)+abs(yn)+DY(2)*1e-3)*tol)))^pow; if alpha < 1 % Step is OK break else if absh <= hmin % This keeps us out of an infinite loop. stop = 5; break; end absh = max(hmin,0.8*absh / alpha); h = tdir * absh; end % if alpha < 1 end % while stop~=5 steps = steps + 1; oldN = N; N = N + refine; if N > length(tout) tout = [tout; zeros(block,1)]; yout = [yout; zeros(block,1)]; end if refine > 1 % computed points, with refinement j = oldN+1:N-1; tout(j) = t + h*sigma'; yout(j) = (y(:,ones(length(j),1)) + f*h*bstar).'; tout(N) = tn; yout(N) = yn; else % computed points, no refinement tout(N) = tn; yout(N) = yn; end % Update stop. Maybe the stop button has been pressed. ud = get(dispha,'user'); stop = max(ud.stop,stop); % Are we out of the compute window? if ynDD stop = 1; end if (abs(tn-tfinal) < hmin) stop = 2; end % if gstop i = oldN:N; set(ph,'Xdata',tout(i),'Ydata',yout(i)); set(plh,'Xdata',aa,'Ydata',yn); drawnow % Compute a new step size. absh = max(hmin,0.8*absh / max( alpha,0.1)); absh = min(absh,tdir*(tfinal - tn)); h = absh*tdir; % Advance the integration one step. t = tn; y = yn; f(1) = f(7); % Already evaluated dfcn(tnew,ynew) if slow ttt= N/(speed*refine); tt = toc; while tt < ttt tt = toc; end end end % while ~stop tout = tout(1:N); yout = yout(1:N,:); if dud.notice nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); switch stop case 1 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' left the computation window.']; case 4 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' was stopped by the user.']; case 5 ystr = ['(',num2str(t,2), ', ', num2str(y,2),').']; nstr(1:3) = nstr(2:4); nstr{4} = [nstr{5},' experienced a failure at ',ystr]; nstr{5} = 'Problem is singular or tolerances are too large.'; end set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [tout,yout] = dfeul(dfcn,tspan,y0,disph) % DFEUL is an implementation of Euler's method % Input the user data. dud = get(disph,'user'); dispha = dud.axes; ud = get(dispha,'user'); refine = dud.settings.refine; ssize = dud.settings.stepsize; DY = ud.DY; col = dud.color.temp; speed = dud.settings.speed; slow = (speed < 100); % Initialize the stopping criteria. % The compute window. CC = ud.cwind(3); DD = ud.cwind(4); % The stop button. stop = 0; ud.stop = 0; % Set the the line handle. ph = plot([tspan(1),tspan(1)],[y0,y0],'color',col,... 'erase','none',... 'parent',dispha); ud.line = ph; % Set up the phase line vi = dud.pline; figure(disph); v = axis; aa = v(1)+0.01*(v(2)-v(1)); plh = plot(aa,y0,'.','markersize',20,'color',col,... 'erase','xor','parent',dispha,'visible',vi); ud.pline = plh; set(dispha,'UserData',ud); % Initialize the loop. t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(2); tdir = sign(tfinal - t0); t = t0; y = y0; h = ssize*tdir; block = 120; tout = zeros(block,1); yout = tout; N = 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % The main loop tic while ~stop if abs(t - tfinal) < ssize h = tfinal - t; end % Compute the slope s1 = feval(dfcn,t,y); t = t + h; y = y + h*s1; if N >= length(tout) tout = [tout;zeros(block,1)]; yout = [yout;zeros(block,1)]; end N = N + 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % Update stop. Maybe the stop button has been pressed. ud = get(dispha,'user'); stop = max(ud.stop,stop); % Are we out of the compute window? if yDD stop = 1; end if (abs(t-tfinal) < 0.0001*ssize) stop = 2; end i = (N-1):N; set(ph,'Xdata',tout(i),'Ydata',yout(i)); set(plh,'Xdata',aa,'Ydata',y); drawnow if slow ttt= N/(speed); tt = toc; while tt < ttt tt = toc; end end end % while ~stop tout = tout(1:N); yout = yout(1:N,:); if dud.notice nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); switch stop case 1 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' left the computation window.']; case 4 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' was stopped by the user.']; case 5 ystr = ['(',num2str(t,2), ', ', num2str(y,2),').']; nstr(1:3) = nstr(2:4); nstr{4} = [nstr{5},' experienced a failure at ',ystr]; nstr{5} = 'Problem is singular or tolerances are too large.'; end set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [tout,yout] = dfrk2(dfcn,tspan,y0,disph) % DFRK2 is an implementation of the second order Runge-Kutta method. % Input the user data. dud = get(disph,'user'); dispha = dud.axes; ud = get(dispha,'user'); refine = dud.settings.refine; ssize = dud.settings.stepsize; DY = ud.DY; col = dud.color.temp; speed = dud.settings.speed; slow = (speed < 100); % Initialize the stopping criteria. % The compute window. CC = ud.cwind(3); DD = ud.cwind(4); % The stop button. stop = 0; ud.stop = 0; % Set the the line handle. ph = plot([tspan(1),tspan(1)],[y0,y0],'color',col,... 'erase','none',... 'parent',dispha); ud.line = ph; % Set up the phase line vi = dud.pline; figure(disph); v = axis; aa = v(1)+0.01*(v(2)-v(1)); plh = plot(aa,y0,'.','markersize',20,'color',col,... 'erase','xor','parent',dispha,'visible',vi); ud.pline = plh; set(dispha,'UserData',ud); % Initialize the loop. t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(2); tdir = sign(tfinal - t0); t = t0; y = y0; h = ssize*tdir; block = 120; tout = zeros(block,1); yout = tout; N = 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % The main loop tic while ~stop if abs(t - tfinal) < ssize h = tfinal - t; end % Compute the slope s1 = feval(dfcn,t,y); s2 = feval(dfcn, t + h, y + h*s1); t = t + h; y = y + h*(s1 + s2)/2; if N >= length(tout) tout = [tout;zeros(block,1)]; yout = [yout;zeros(block,1)]; end N = N + 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % Update stop. Maybe the stop button has been pressed. ud = get(dispha,'user'); stop = max(ud.stop,stop); % Are we out of the compute window? if yDD stop = 1; end if (abs(t-tfinal) < 0.0001*ssize) stop = 2; end i = (N-1):N; set(ph,'Xdata',tout(i),'Ydata',yout(i)); set(plh,'Xdata',aa,'Ydata',y); drawnow if slow ttt= N/(speed); tt = toc; while tt < ttt tt = toc; end end end % while ~stop tout = tout(1:N); yout = yout(1:N,:); if dud.notice nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); switch stop case 1 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' left the computation window.']; case 4 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' was stopped by the user.']; case 5 ystr = ['(',num2str(t,2), ', ', num2str(y,2),').']; nstr(1:3) = nstr(2:4); nstr{4} = [nstr{5},' experienced a failure at ',ystr]; nstr{5} = 'Problem is singular or tolerances are too large.'; end set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [tout,yout] = dfrk4(dfcn,tspan,y0,disph) % DFRK4 is an implementation of the fourth order Runge-Kutta method. % Input the user data. dud = get(disph,'user'); dispha = dud.axes; ud = get(dispha,'user'); refine = dud.settings.refine; ssize = dud.settings.stepsize; DY = ud.DY; col = dud.color.temp; speed = dud.settings.speed; slow = (speed < 100); % Initialize the stopping criteria. % The compute window. CC = ud.cwind(3); DD = ud.cwind(4); % The stop button. stop = 0; ud.stop = 0; % Set the the line handle. ph = plot([tspan(1),tspan(1)],[y0,y0],'color',col,... 'erase','none',... 'parent',dispha); ud.line = ph; % Set up the phase line vi = dud.pline; figure(disph); v = axis; aa = v(1)+0.01*(v(2)-v(1)); plh = plot(aa,y0,'.','markersize',20,'color',col,... 'erase','xor','parent',dispha,'visible',vi); ud.pline = plh; set(dispha,'UserData',ud); % Initialize the loop. t0 = tspan(1); tfinal = tspan(2); tdir = sign(tfinal - t0); t = t0; y = y0; h = ssize*tdir; block = 120; tout = zeros(block,1); yout = tout; N = 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % The main loop tic while ~stop if abs(t - tfinal) < ssize h = tfinal - t; end % Compute the slope s1 = feval(dfcn,t,y); s2 = feval(dfcn, t + h/2, y + h*s1/2); s2=s2(:); s3 = feval(dfcn, t + h/2, y + h*s2/2); s3=s3(:); s4 = feval(dfcn, t + h, y + h*s3); s4=s4(:); t = t + h; y = y + h*(s1 + 2*s2 + 2*s3 +s4)/6; if N >= length(tout) tout = [tout;zeros(block,1)]; yout = [yout;zeros(block,1)]; end N = N + 1; tout(N) = t; yout(N) = y; % Update stop. Maybe the stop button has been pressed. ud = get(dispha,'user'); stop = max(ud.stop,stop); % Are we out of the compute window? if yDD stop = 1; end if (abs(t-tfinal) < 0.0001*ssize) stop = 2; end i = (N-1):N; set(ph,'Xdata',tout(i),'Ydata',yout(i)); set(plh,'Xdata',aa,'Ydata',y); drawnow if slow ttt= N/(speed); tt = toc; while tt < ttt tt = toc; end end end % while ~stop tout = tout(1:N); yout = yout(1:N,:); if dud.notice nstr = get(dud.notice,'string'); switch stop case 1 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' left the computation window.']; case 4 nstr{5} = [nstr{5}, ' was stopped by the user.']; case 5 ystr = ['(',num2str(t,2), ', ', num2str(y,2),').']; nstr(1:3) = nstr(2:4); nstr{4} = [nstr{5},' experienced a failure at ',ystr]; nstr{5} = 'Problem is singular or tolerances are too large.'; end set(dud.notice,'string',nstr); end drawnow %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%