function multigraf(arg) % MULTIGRAF enables putting up to six MATLAB figures into a single % figure. To use it, simply enter MULTIGRAF at the MATLAB % prompt. This will open a figure with six available slots. % Simply make a choice for each slot. When you are satisfied, % click the Finish button. % % There are special buttons for DFIELD and PPLANE figures, % since these need special handling. if nargin == 0 arg = 'initialize'; ngraphs = 6; end switch arg case 'initialize' fsize = [560 705]; left = [45,305,45,305,45,305]; bot = [50,50,275,275,500,500]; paperpos = [0.25,0.25,fsize/70]; ud.left = left; = bot; mgh = findobj('tag','MF'); if ~isempty(mgh),delete(mgh);end newfig = figure('pos',[40,40,fsize],... 'paperposition',paperpos,... 'vis','off','tag','MF'); dbutt(1) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Insert the current DFIELD Display here '); ext = get(dbutt(1),'extent'); texth = 24; bw = ext(3); for jj = 2:ngraphs dbutt(jj) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Insert the current DFIELD Display here '); call = 'multigraf(''dinsert'')'; end for j=1:ngraphs set(dbutt(j),'pos',[left(j),bot(j),bw,texth],... 'user',j,'call',call); end call = 'multigraf(''pinsert'')'; for jj = 1:ngraphs pbutt(jj) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Insert a PPLANE graph here ',... 'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj)+texth,bw,texth],... 'user',jj,'call',call); end call = 'multigraf(''ginsert'')'; for jj = 1:ngraphs gbutt(jj) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Insert a MATLAB graph here ',... 'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj)+2*texth,bw,texth],... 'user',jj,'call',call); end call = 'multigraf(''delete'')'; for jj = 1:ngraphs delbutt(jj) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Delete '); end ext = get(delbutt(1),'extent'); bwd = ext(3); call = 'multigraf(''delete'')'; shift = 30; for j=1:ngraphs set(delbutt(j),'pos',[left(j)-shift,bot(j),bwd,texth],... 'user',j,'call',call); end call = 'multigraf(''finish'')'; ud.finish = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Finish ',... 'pos',[left(2),10,bw,texth],... 'call',call); call = 'multigraf(''refresh'')'; ud.refresh = uicontrol('style','push',... 'string',' Start over ',... 'pos',[left(1),10,bw,texth],... 'call',call); set([newfig,dbutt,pbutt,gbutt,ud.finish,ud.refresh],'vis','on'); set(delbutt,'vis','off') ud.dbutt = dbutt; ud.pbutt = pbutt; ud.gbutt = gbutt; ud.delbutt = delbutt; ud.axes = cell(1,ngraphs); set(newfig,'user',ud); case 'dinsert' hhsetup = get(0,'ShowHiddenHandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); figh5 = findobj('name','DFIELD5 Display'); figh6 = findobj('name','DFIELD6 Display'); figh = [figh5;figh6] if isempty(figh) mess = 'There is no DFIELD Display figure.'; title = 'No figures'; msgbox(mess,title,'help'); return end oldax = findobj(figh,'type','axes'); newfig = gcf; ud = get(newfig,'user'); newax = copyobj(oldax,newfig); ht = 165; width = 210; left = ud.left; bot =; jj = get(gcbo,'user'); oldunits = get(newax,'units'); set(newax,'units','pix'); set(newax,'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj),210,165]); set(newax,'units',oldunits); set([ud.dbutt(jj),ud.pbutt(jj),ud.gbutt(jj)],'vis','off'); set(ud.delbutt(jj),'vis','on'); ud.axes{jj} = newax; set(newfig,'user',ud); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhsetup); th(1) = get(newax,'title'); th(2) = get(newax,'xlabel'); th(3) = get(newax,'ylabel'); fs = 7; set(th,'fontsize',fs); set(newax,'fontsize',fs); case 'ginsert' mgfig = gcf; hhsetup = get(0,'ShowHiddenHandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); fh = get(0,'children'); fh(find(fh == mgfig)) = []; nf =0; nfh = zeros(0,1); for k = 1:length(fh) tag = get(fh(k),'tag'); if ~strcmp(tag,'DFIELD5') & ~strcmp(tag,'DFIELD6') & ~strcmp(tag,'PPLANE5')& ~strcmp(tag,'PPLANE6') axhh = findobj(fh(k),'type','axes'); if ~isempty(axhh) nf = nf + 1; name = get(fh(k),'name'); if strcmp(name,''), name = ['Figure No. ',int2str(fh(k))]; end, winstr{nf} = name; nfh = [nfh;fh(k)]; end end end if nf == 0 mess = 'There are no suitable figures.'; title = 'No figures'; msgbox(mess,title,'help'); return elseif nf == 1 sel = 1; else [sel,ok] = listdlg('liststring',winstr,... 'selectionmode','single',... 'listsize',[270,100],... 'name','Figure selection',... 'promptstring','Select a figure:',... 'OKString','Select'); if ~ok, return,end end figh = nfh(sel); oldax = findobj(figh,'type','axes'); newfig = gcf; ud = get(newfig,'user'); newax = copyobj(oldax,newfig); LLL = length(newax); ht = 165; width = 210; left = ud.left; bot =; jj = get(gcbo,'user'); oldunits = get(newax,'units'); set(newax,'units','pix'); set(newax,'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj),210,165]); if LLL == 1 set(newax,'units',oldunits); else for k = 1:LLL set(newax(k),'units',oldunits{k}); end end set([ud.dbutt(jj),ud.pbutt(jj),ud.gbutt(jj)],'vis','off'); set(ud.delbutt(jj),'vis','on'); ud.axes{jj} = newax; set(newfig,'user',ud); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhsetup); th = findobj(newax,'type','text'); fs = 7; set(th,'fontsize',fs); set(newax,'fontsize',fs); case 'pinsert' mgfig = gcf; hhsetup = get(0,'ShowHiddenHandles'); set(0,'showhiddenhandles','on'); fh = get(0,'children'); fh(find(fh == mgfig)) = []; nf =0; nfh = zeros(0,1); for k = 1:length(fh) tag = get(fh(k),'tag'); if strcmp(tag,'PPLANE5') | strcmp(tag,'PPLANE6') axhh = findobj(fh(k),'type','axes'); if ~isempty(axhh) nf = nf + 1; name = get(fh(k),'name'); if strcmp(name,''), name = ['Figure No. ',int2str(fh(k))]; end, winstr{nf} = name; nfh = [nfh;fh(k)]; end end end if nf == 0 mess = 'There are no suitable figures.'; title = 'No figures'; msgbox(mess,title,'help'); return elseif nf == 1 sel = 1; else [sel,ok] = listdlg('liststring',winstr,... 'selectionmode','single',... 'listsize',[270,100],... 'name','Figure selection',... 'promptstring','Select a figure:',... 'OKString','Select'); if ~ok, return,end end figh = nfh(sel); name = get(figh,'name'); if findstr('t-plot',name) ooldax = findobj(figh,'type','axes'); raxh = findobj(ooldax,'tag','rotaObj'); % Is rotate3d on? ooldax = setdiff(ooldax,raxh); L = length(ooldax); oldax = [0;0]; for k = 1:L th = findobj(ooldax(k),'type','text','vis','on'); if ~isempty(th) ist = strcmp(get(th,'string'),'t'); if sum(ist) oldax(1) = ooldax(k); else oldax(2) = ooldax(k); end end end else oud = get(figh,'user'); % Works for Display, not for t-plot. oldax = [oud.axes;oud.title.axes]; end newfig = gcf; ud = get(newfig,'user'); left = ud.left; bot =; newax = copyobj(oldax,newfig); ht = 165; width = 210; jj = get(gcbo,'user'); set(newax,'units','pix'); campos = get(oldax(1),'cameraposition'); camup = get(oldax(1),'cameraupvector'); set(newax(1),'cameraposition',campos); camposmode = get(oldax(1),'camerapositionmode'); camtarget = get(oldax(1),'cameratarget'); camtargmode = get(oldax(1),'cameratargetmode'); camupvectormode = get(oldax(1),'cameraupvectormode'); set(newax(1),'camerapositionmode',camposmode,... 'cameraposition',campos,... 'cameratarget',camtarget,... 'cameratargetmode',camtargmode,... 'cameraupvectormode',camupvectormode,... 'cameraupvector',camup); set(newax(1),'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj),210,165]); set(newax(2),'pos',[left(jj),bot(jj)+165,210,30]); set(newax,'units','normal'); set([ud.dbutt(jj),ud.pbutt(jj),ud.gbutt(jj)],'vis','off'); set(ud.delbutt(jj),'vis','on'); ud.axes{jj} = newax; set(newfig,'user',ud); set(0,'showhiddenhandles',hhsetup); th = findobj(newax,'type','text'); fs = 7; set(th,'fontsize',fs); set(newax,'fontsize',fs); tith = findobj(newax(2),'type','text','vis','on'); titl = length(tith); pos = zeros(titl,3); for k = 1:length(tith) pos(k,:)=get(tith(k),'pos'); end [y,kk] = sort(pos(:,1)); tith = tith(kk); ext = get(tith(3),'extent'); p3 = 1-ext(3); set(tith(3),'pos',[p3,0.5]); ext = get(tith(2),'extent'); p2 = p3 -ext(3) - 0.01; set(tith(2),'pos',[p2,0.5]); set(tith(1),'pos',[0,0.5]); case 'delete' ud = get(gcf,'user'); jj = get(gcbo,'user'); delete(ud.axes{jj}); ud.axes{jj} = []; set(gcf,'user',ud); set([ud.dbutt(jj),ud.pbutt(jj),ud.gbutt(jj)],'vis','on'); set(ud.delbutt(jj),'vis','off'); case 'finish' ud = get(gcf,'user'); delete([ud.dbutt,ud.pbutt,ud.gbutt,ud.delbutt,ud.refresh]); delete(ud.finish); case 'refresh' ud = get(gcf,'user'); axes = ud.axes; ngraphs = length(axes); axh = []; for jj = 1:ngraphs axh = [axh;ud.axes{jj}]; end if ~isempty(axh),delete(axh);end set([ud.dbutt,ud.pbutt,ud.gbutt],'vis','on'); set(ud.delbutt,'vis','off') ud.axes = cell(1,ngraphs); set(gcf,'user',ud); otherwise mess = 'MULTIGRAF does not need any input parameters.'; title = 'Incorect input'; msgbox(mess,title,'help'); return end