function output = odesolve(action,input1) % ODESOLVE is a MATLAB function which provides a Graphical User % Interface (GUI) for the use of MATLAB's differential % equation solvers. % Copyright (c) 2003 John C. Polking, Rice University. startstr = 'odesolve'; if nargin < 1 action ='initialize'; end switch action case 'initialize' % First we make sure that there is no other copy of ODESOLVE % running, since this causes problems. dfh = findobj('tag','odesolve'); if ~isempty(dfh); qstring = {'There are some open ODESOLVE figures. These may be' ... ' invisible. What do you want to do?'}; tstring = 'Only one copy of ODESOLVE can be open at one time.'; b1str = 'Close and restart.'; b2str = 'Just close.'; b3str = 'Nothing.'; answer = questdlg(qstring,tstring,b1str,b2str,b3str,b1str); switch answer case b1str delete(dfh); eval(startstr);return case b2str delete(dfh);return case b3str return end end % if ~isempty(dfh); % Make sure tempdir is on the MATLABPATH. We want to be sure that we % return the path to its current position when we exit. p = path; tmpdir = tempdir; ll = length(tmpdir); tmpdir = tmpdir(1:ll-1); ud.remtd = 0; if isempty(findstr(tmpdir,p)) ud.remtd = 1; addpath(tempdir) end % Next we look for old files created by odesolve. oldfiles = dir('odes*.m'); kk = zeros(0,1); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = oldfiles(k).name; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if strcmp(ll,'%% Created by odesolve') delete(fn) else kk = [kk;k]; end end oldfiles = dir([tempdir,'odes*.m']); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = [tempdir,oldfiles(k).name]; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if strcmp(ll,'%% Created by odesolve') delete(fn) else kk = [kk;k]; end end %% Default settings. ud.ssize = get(0,'defaultaxesfontsize'); ud.oddir = pwd; ud.solvers = {'ode45'; 'ode23'; 'ode113'; 'ode15s'; 'ode23s'; 'ode23t'; 'ode23tb'}; ud.outputhandle = @tpout; comp = computer; if strcmp(comp,'PCWIN') ud.fontsize = 0.8*ud.ssize; else ud.fontsize = ud.ssize; end ecolor = 'w'; %% Background for text boxes dcolor = 'r'; %% Indicates errors ccolor = 'y'; %% Caution %% The initial window odesolveset = figure('name','ODESOLVE Setup','numb','off',... 'tag','odesolve','visible','off',... 'user',ud); tcolor = get(gcf,'defaultuicontrolbackgroundcolor'); odesolve('figdefault',odesolveset) eq(1)=uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','The differential equations.',... 'visible','off'); ext = get(eq(1),'extent'); rr=ext(4)/10; texth =ext(4)+4; % Height of text boxes. varw = 40*rr; % Length of variable boxes. equalw =13*rr; % Length of equals.(30) eqlength = 230*rr; % Length of right hand sides of equations. winstrlen = 120*rr; % Length of string boxes in display frame. left = 1; % Left margin of the frames. frsep = 1; % Separation between frames. separation = texth; % Separation between boxes. eqleft = left +5; fudge = 0.15*separation; = 'default system'; system.NN = 2; system.xname = {'x', 'y'}; system.der = {' y', ' y^2 - x' }; system.ic = {'2', '0'}; system.tname = 't'; system.tvals = [0 0 30]; system.pname = {}; system.pval = []; system.exname = {}; system.exval = {}; system(2).name = 'forced oscillator'; system(2).NN = 2; system(2).xname = {'x', 'v'}; system(2).der = {' v', ' -C*v -om0^2*x + A*cos(om *t)' }; system(2).ic = {'0', '0'}; system(2).tname = 't'; system(2).tvals = [0 0 30]; system(2).pname = {'C', 'om0','A','om'}; system(2).pval = [1,4,1,2]; system(2).exname = {}; system(2).exval = {}; system(3).name = 'immune system'; system(3).NN = 3; system(3).xname = {'E_1' 'E_2' 'V'}; system(3).der = {' GG - mu*E_1 + EEEE + KK*V*E_1' ' GG - mu*E_2 + EEEE' ' rr*V - kk*V*E_1'}; system(3).ic = {'1', '1', '1'}; system(3).tname = 't'; system(3).tvals = [0 0 100]; system(3).pname = {'GG' 'mu' 'rr' 'KK' 'kk' ''}; system(3).pval = [1 1.25 0.1 0.05 0.01]; system(3).exname = {'EEEE' '' '' ''}; system(3).exval = {'0.252*E_1*E_2/(1+0.008*E_1*E_2)'}; system(4).name = 'forced Duffing'; system(4).NN = 2; system(4).xname = {'x','v'}; system(4).der = {' v',' (-C*v -om0^2*x - k*x^3 + FF)/m'}; system(4).ic = {'0', '0'}; system(4).tname = 't'; system(4).tvals = [0 0 30]; system(4).pname = {'C','om0','k','om','A','m'}; system(4).pval = [1 4 1 2 1 1]; system(4).exname = {'FF','','',''}; system(4).exval = {'A*cos(om *t)'}; system(5).name = 'Lorenz'; system(5).NN = 3; system(5).xname = {'x','y','z'}; system(5).der = {' -a*x + a*y',' b*x - y - x*z',' -r*z + x*y'}; system(5).ic = {'10', '-10', '15'}; system(5).tname = 't'; system(5).tvals = [0 0 100]; system(5).pname = {'a','r','b','','',''}; system(5).pval = [10 2.66667 28]; system(5).exname = {'','','',''}; system(5).exval = {}; system(6).name = 'logistic'; system(6).NN = 1; system(6).xname = {'P'}; system(6).der = {'rr*P*(1 - P)'}; system(6).ic = {'0.1'}; system(6).tname = 't'; system(6).tvals = [0 0 20]; system(6).pname = {'rr'}; system(6).pval = [0.5]; system(6).exname = {'','','',''}; system(6).exval = {}; system(7).name = '1D stiff'; system(7).NN = 1; system(7).xname = {'y'}; system(7).der = {'exp(t)*cos(y)'}; system(7).ic = {'0'}; system(7).tname = 't'; system(7).tvals = [0 0 12]; system(7).pname = {}; system(7).pval = []; system(7).exname = {'','','',''}; system(7).exval = {}; = 'two springs'; H.NN = 4; H.xname = {'x','u','y','v'}; H.der = {'u','(k2*(y-x) - k1*x)/M1','v','(-k2*(y-x) + F)/M2'}; H.ic = {'2','0','2','0'}; H.tname = 't'; H.tvals = [0 0 30]; H.pname = {'k1','k2','A','M1','M2','om'}; H.pval = [1 1 0 1 2 4]; H.exname = {'F','','',''}; H.exval = {'A*cos(om*t)','','',''}; system(8) = H; ud.c = system(1); % Changed values. ud.o = system(1); % Original values. %% ud.h.NN = system(1).NN; = system(1).name; ud.h.xname = []; % This will be the handles in the ud.h.equals = []; ud.h.der = []; ud.h.icname = []; ud.h.icval = []; ud.h.pname = []; ud.system = system; eqfrw = varw+equalw+eqlength+10; icnamew = 38*rr; icvalw = 60*rr; % iceqw = 8*rr; % icfrw = icnamew+iceqw+icvalw+10; icfrw = icnamew+icvalw+10; setfigw = 2*left + eqfrw + icfrw + frsep; %% The buttons buttw = setfigw/3; qwind = [0,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Quit button rwind = [buttw,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Revert sowind = [buttw,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Solve in old fig snwind = [2*buttw,frsep,buttw,separation]; % Solve in new fig buttht = 2*frsep+separation; butt(1) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',qwind,... 'string','Quit',... 'call','odesolve(''quit'')',... 'visible','off'); socall = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'ud.addflag = 1;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);'... 'odesolve(''solve'')']; butt(2) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',sowind,... 'string','Add to the existing display',... 'call',socall,... 'enable','off',... 'visible','off'); ud.h.sobutt = butt(2); sncall = [ 'ud = get(gcf,''user'');'... 'ud.addflag = 0;'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);'... 'odesolve(''solve'')']; butt(3) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',snwind,... 'string','Solve in a new window',... 'call',sncall,.... 'visible','off'); %% The Options frame opfrbot = buttht; opfrw = setfigw - 2*left; opfrht = separation + 10; opfrwind = [left, opfrbot, opfrw, opfrht]; opframeht = opfrbot + opfrht + frsep; opframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',opfrwind); opw = (setfigw - 2*eqleft)/5; opbot = opfrbot + 5; solvtith = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft,opbot-fudge,opw,texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string','Solver: ',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); solvcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'sud = get(fig,''user'');',... 'oldsolver = sud.solver;',... 'solverlist = get(h,''string'');',... 'newsolver = solverlist{get(h,''value'')};',... 'if ~strcmp(oldsolver,newsolver),',... ' sud.settings = sud.defaultsettings;',... ' if ~strcmp(newsolver,''ode45''),',... ' sud.settings.refine = 1;',... ' end,',... ' sud.solver = newsolver;',... ' set(fig,''user'',sud);',... 'end']; ud.h.solver = uicontrol('style','popup',... 'pos',[eqleft+opw opbot, opw texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string',ud.solvers,... 'user','',... 'call',solvcall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); outtith = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[eqleft+2*opw,opbot-fudge,opw,texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string','Output: ',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); outputlist = {'time plot', '2D phase plot', '3D plot'}; ud.h.output = uicontrol('style','popup',... 'pos',[eqleft+3*opw opbot, opw texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string',outputlist,... 'user',1,... 'call','odesolve(''outputchoice'')',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.h.outputstr = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[left+4*opw,opbot-fudge,opw,texth],... 'horizon','left',... 'string',' all variables vs t',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); %% The expressions frame exfrbot = opframeht; exfrw = setfigw - 2*left; exfrht = 2*separation + 10; exfrwind = [left, exfrbot, exfrw, exfrht]; exframeht = exfrbot + exfrht + frsep; exframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',exfrwind); exnamew = 30*rr; exeqw = 8*rr; exbot(2) = exfrbot + 5; exbot(1) = exbot(2) +separation; extit = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','Expressions:',... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); ext = get(extit,'extent'); extitw = ext(3); pos = [eqleft exbot(1)-fudge extitw texth]; set(extit,'pos',pos); exncall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.exname{num} = get(ud.h.exname(num),''string'');'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'odesolve(''reset'');'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);']; exvcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.exval{num} = get(ud.h.exval(num),''string'');'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'set(h,''backgroundcolor'',ud.ecolor);'... 'odesolve(''reset'');'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);']; exsep = 20; exvalw = (setfigw - 2*eqleft - extitw)/2 - exsep - exnamew - exeqw; exval = ud.c.exval; exname = ud.c.exname; for jj = 1:2 for kk = 1:2 exleft = eqleft +extitw +exsep +(kk-1)*(exnamew+exeqw+exvalw+ exsep); exeqleft = exleft+exnamew; exvleft = exeqleft +exeqw; K = kk + 2*(jj-1); if K > length(exname) exname{K} = ''; exval{K} = ''; end name = exname{K}; value = exval{K}; ud.h.exname(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[exleft exbot(jj) exnamew texth],... 'horizon','right','string',name,... 'user',K,... 'call',exncall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); exequal(K) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[exeqleft exbot(jj)-fudge exeqw texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string','=',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.exval(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[exvleft exbot(jj) exvalw texth],... 'string',value,... 'call',exvcall,... 'visible','off',... 'user',K,... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); end end ud.c.exname = exname; ud.c.exval = exval; %% The parameter frame pfrbot = exframeht; pfrw = setfigw - 2*left; pfrht = 2*separation + 10; pfrwind = [left, pfrbot, pfrw, pfrht]; pframeht = pfrbot + pfrht + frsep; pframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',pfrwind); pncall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.pname{num} = get(ud.h.pname(num),''string'');'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'odesolve(''reset'');'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; pvcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'nstr = str2num(get(ud.h.pval(num),''string''));'... 'if ~isempty(nstr),'... 'ud.c.pval(num) = str2num(get(ud.h.pval(num),''string''));'... 'else, ud.c.pval(num) = NaN;'... 'end,'... 'set(h,''backgroundcolor'',ud.ecolor);'... 'set(gcf,''user'',ud);']; pnamew = 30*rr; peqw = 8*rr; pbot1 = pfrbot + 5; pbot2 = pbot1 +separation; pbot(1) = pbot2; pbot(2) = pbot1; paratit=uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','Parameters:',... 'visible','off','backgroundcolor',tcolor); paratitw = extitw; pos = [eqleft pbot2-fudge paratitw texth]; set(paratit,'pos',pos); psep = 20; pvalw = (setfigw - 2*eqleft - paratitw)/3 - psep - pnamew - peqw; pval = ud.c.pval; pname = ud.c.pname; for jj = 1:2 for kk = 1:3 pleft = eqleft + paratitw +psep +(kk-1)*(pnamew+peqw+pvalw+ psep); peqleft = pleft + pnamew; pvleft = peqleft + peqw; K = kk +3*(jj-1); if K > length(pname) pname{K} = ''; end name = pname{K}; if K <= length(pval) value = num2str(pval(K)); else value = ''; end ud.h.pname(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[pleft pbot(jj) pnamew texth],... 'horizon','right','string',name,... 'user',K,... 'call',pncall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); equal(K) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[peqleft pbot(jj)-fudge peqw texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string','=',... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); ud.h.pval(K) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[pvleft pbot(jj) pvalw texth],... 'string',value,... 'call',pvcall,... 'visible','off',... 'user',K,... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); end end ud.c.pname = pname; ud.c.pval = pval; %% The number of equations frame frw = (eqfrw-2)/3; %% The width of the middle three frames. nfrbot = pframeht; nfrw = frw; nfrht = 2*separation + 10; nfrwind = [left, nfrbot, nfrw, nfrht]; nframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',nfrwind); nbot1 = nfrbot + 5; nbot2 = nbot1 + separation; numbeqw = nfrw - 4; numbeqwind = [left+2 nbot2 numbeqw texth]; numbeq = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',numbeqwind,... 'string','Number of equations.',... 'background',tcolor); neqnw = 30*rr; ll = (numbeqw - neqnw)/2; neqnwind = [2+ll nbot1 neqnw texth]; neqn = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',neqnwind,... 'string','2',... 'call','odesolve(''numchange'')',... 'background',ecolor); ud.h.NN = neqn; %% The independent variable frame. tfrbot = pframeht; tfrleft = left + nfrw + frsep; tfrw = frw; tfrht = 2*separation + 10; tfrwind = [tfrleft,tfrbot,tfrw,tfrht]; tframeht = tfrbot + tfrht + frsep; tframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',tfrwind); tbot1 = nbot1; tbot2 = nbot2; tstrw = tfrw - 4; tstrwind = [tfrleft+2, tbot2, tstrw, texth]; tstr = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',tstrwind,... 'string','Independent variable.',... 'background',tcolor); tvarw = 30*rr; ll = (tstrw - tvarw)/2; tvarwind = [tfrleft+2+ll tbot1 tvarw texth]; tcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'str = get(h,''string'');'... 'ud.c.tname = str;'... 'set(ud.h.tic,''string'',[str '' = '']);'... 'set(ud.h.solint(1),''string'',['' <= '',str, '' <= '']);'... 'str = ['' all variables vs '', str, ''.''];'... 'set(ud.h.outputstr,''string'',str);'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);' ]; ud.h.tvar = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',tvarwind,... 'string','t',... 'call',tcall,... 'background',ecolor); %% The solution interval frame. solfrbot = pframeht; solfrleft = tfrleft + tfrw + frsep; solfrw = frw; solfrht = 2*separation + 10; solfrwind = [solfrleft,solfrbot,solfrw,solfrht]; solframeht = tfrbot + tfrht + frsep; solframe = uicontrol('style','frame','pos',solfrwind); solbot1 = nbot1; solbot2 = nbot2; solstrw = solfrw - 4; solstrwind = [solfrleft+2, solbot2, solstrw, texth]; solstr = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',solstrwind,... 'string','Solution interval.',... 'background',tcolor); solvarw = 30*rr; ll = (solstrw - solvarw)/2; solvarwind = [solfrleft+2+ll tbot1 tvarw texth]; solineqstr = [' <= ',ud.c.tname, ' <= ']; ud.h.solint(1) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'string',solineqstr,... 'background',tcolor); ext = get(ud.h.solint(1),'extent'); www = ext(3); ddd = (solfrw - www)/2 ; solineql = ddd + solfrleft; solineqwind = [solineql, tbot1-fudge ,www,texth]; set(ud.h.solint(1),'pos',solineqwind); wind = [ solfrleft+3 tbot1,ddd-3,texth]; str = num2str(ud.c.tvals(2)); solintcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'tvals = ud.c.tvals;'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'value = str2num(get(h,''string''));'... 'tvals(num) = value;'... 'if (tvals(2)>tvals(1) | tvals(3) NN %% Remove extra boxes and handles. delete(xname(NN+1:NNN)); xname = xname(1:NN); ud.c.xname = ud.c.xname(1:NN); delete(equals(NN+1:NNN)); equals = equals(1:NN); delete(der(NN+1:NNN)); der = der(1:NN); ud.c.der = ud.c.der(1:NN); KK = length(ud.c.ic); if NN <= KK ud.c.ic = ud.c.ic(1:NN); end delete(icname(NN+1:NNN)); icname = icname(1:NN); delete(icval(NN+1:NNN)); icval = icval(1:NN); end eqfrht = (NN+1)*separation +10; eqfrwind = [left, eqfrbot, eqfrw, eqfrht]; set(frame(1),'pos',eqfrwind); icfrbot = ud.solfrbot; icfrht = ud.solfrht + eqfrht +frsep; icfrw = ud.icfrw; icfrl = 2*left+eqfrw; icfrwind = [icfrl, icfrbot, icfrw, icfrht]; set(frame(2),'pos',icfrwind); xnamecall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'str = get(h,''string'');'... 'ud.c.xname{num} = str;'... 'set(ud.h.icname(num),''string'',[str, '' = '']);'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);' ]; dercall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.der{num} = get(h,''string'');'... 'ud.fileflag = 1;'... 'set(h,''backgroundcolor'',ud.ecolor);'... 'odesolve(''reset'');'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);' ]; iccall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;'... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');'... 'value = get(h,''string'');'... 'num = get(h,''user'');'... 'ud.c.ic{num} = value;'... 'set(h,''background'',ud.ecolor);'... 'set(fig,''user'',ud);' ]; equalsleft = ud.eqleft+varw; derleft = equalsleft+equalw; icnleft = icfrl +2; icvleft = icnleft + icnamew; for kk = 1:NN ebot(kk) = eqfrbot + 5 + (NN - kk)*separation; end %% Move the boxes. KK = length(ud.c.xname); for kk = 1:min(NN,NNN) set(xname(kk),'pos',[eqleft, ebot(kk), varw, texth]); set(equals(kk),'pos',[equalsleft, ebot(kk)-fudge, equalw, texth]); set(der(kk),'pos',[derleft, ebot(kk), eqlength, texth]); set(icname(kk),'pos',[icnleft,ebot(kk)-fudge,icnamew,texth]); set(icval(kk),'pos',[icvleft,ebot(kk),icvalw,texth]); end %% Create new boxes if NN > NNN for kk =(NNN+1):NN if kk <= KK namstr = ud.c.xname{kk}; derstr = ud.c.der{kk}; icnamstr = [namstr, ' = ']; icvalstr = ud.c.ic(kk); else namstr = ''; derstr = ''; icnamstr = ' = '; icvalstr = ''; end xname(kk) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[eqleft, ebot(kk), varw, texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',namstr,... 'call',xnamecall,... 'user',kk,... 'visible','off',... 'parent',fig,... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.c.xname{kk} = namstr; equals(kk) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[equalsleft,ebot(kk)-fudge,equalw,texth],... 'horizon','center',... 'string',''' = ',... 'visible','off',... 'parent',fig,... 'backgroundcolor',tcolor); der(kk) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[derleft,ebot(kk),eqlength,texth],... 'string',derstr,... 'user',kk,... 'horizon','left',... 'call',dercall,... 'visible','off',... 'parent',fig,... 'backgroundcolor',ecolor); ud.c.der{kk} = derstr; icname(kk) = uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',[icnleft,ebot(kk)-fudge,icnamew,texth],... 'horizon','right',... 'string',icnamstr,... 'visible','off',... 'parent',fig,... 'background',tcolor); if iflag col = ecolor; else col = ecolor; end icval(kk) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'pos',[icvleft,ebot(kk),icvalw,texth],... 'string',icvalstr,... 'user',kk,... 'call',iccall,... 'horizon','left',... 'visible','off',... 'parent',fig,... 'background',col); end eqlabbot = eqfrbot+5+NN*separation; eqlabw = varw+equalw+eqlength; set(ud.eqnlabel,'pos',[eqleft,eqlabbot,eqlabw,texth]); iclabbot = eqfrbot+5+NN*separation; iclabl = ud.icfrl+left; iclabw = icfrw - 2*left; set(ud.iclabel,'pos',[iclabl,iclabbot,iclabw,texth]); ud.c.NN = NN; ud.h.xname = xname; ud.h.equals = equals; ud.h.der = der; ud.h.icname = icname; ud.h.icval = icval; ud.iflag = 0; ud.NNN = (1:length(xname))'; setfight = eqfrbot + eqfrht + frsep; % Height of the figure. setfigl = 30; setfigbot = 60; set(fig,'pos',[setfigl setfigbot ud.setfigw setfight]) set(fig,'vis','on','user',ud); odesolve('reset'); set(get(fig,'children'),'vis','on'); hhhh = findobj(fig,'type','uicontrol'); set(hhhh,'units','normal') if NN == 1 set(ud.h.output,'enable','off') else set(ud.h.output,'enable','on'); end case 'reset' odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); ud = get(odset,'user'); set(ud.h.output,'value',1) str = [' all variables vs ', ud.c.tname, '.']; set(ud.h.outputstr,'string',str); ud.outputhandle = @tpout; set(ud.h.sobutt,'enable','off'); if isfield(ud.h,'somenu') set(ud.h.somenu,'enable','off'); end set(odset,'user',ud); case 'savesyst' odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); type = input1; sud = get(odset,'user'); systems = get(,'user'); switch type case 'system' fn =; if ~isempty(fn) fn(find(abs(fn)==32))='_'; % Replace spaces by underlines. end fname = [fn,'.ods']; comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' filter = [sud.oddir,'\',fname]; case 'MAC2' filter = [sud.oddir,':',fname]; otherwise filter = [sud.oddir,'/',fname]; end [fname,pname] = uiputfile(filter,'Save the system as:'); if fname == 0,return;end ll = length(fname); if (ll>4 & strcmp(fname(ll-3:ll),'.ods')) fn = fname(1:(ll-4)); else fn =fname; end fname = [fn,'.ods']; = fn; set(odset,'user',sud); = fn; newsysts = sud.c; case 'gallery' ll = length(systems); if ll == 0 warndlg(['There are no systems to make up a gallery.'],'Warning'); return end [names{1:ll}] = deal(; [sel,ok] = listdlg('PromptString','Select the systems',... 'Name','Gallery selection',... 'ListString',names); if isempty(sel) return else newsysts = systems(sel); end comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' prompt = [sud.oddir,'\*.odg']; case 'MAC2' prompt = [sud.oddir,':*.odg']; otherwise prompt = [sud.oddir,':/.odg']; end [fname,pname] = uiputfile(prompt,'Save the gallery as:'); if fname == 0,return;end ll = length(fname); if (ll>4 & strcmp(fname(ll-3:ll),'.odg')) fn = fname(1:(ll-4)); else fn =fname; end fname = [fn,'.odg']; end ll = length(newsysts); fid = fopen([pname fname],'w'); for k = 1:ll NN = newsysts(k).NN; nstr = [' = ''', newsysts(k).name, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,nstr); NNstr = ['H.NN = ', num2str(NN), ';\n']; fprintf(fid,NNstr); xname = newsysts(k).xname; xnstr = ['H.xname = {''', xname{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NN xnstr = [xnstr, ',''', xname{kk}, '''']; end xnstr = strrep(xnstr,'\','\\'); xnstr = [xnstr, '};\n']; fprintf(fid,xnstr); der = strrep(newsysts(k).der,'\','\\'); derstr = ['H.der = {''', der{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NN derstr = [derstr, ',''', der{kk}, '''']; end derstr = [derstr, '};\n']; fprintf(fid,derstr); ics = newsysts(k).ic; icstr = ['H.ic = {''', ics{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NN icstr = [icstr, ',''',ics{kk}, '''']; end icstr = [icstr, '};\n']; fprintf(fid,icstr); tnstr = ['H.tname = ''', newsysts(k).tname, ''';\n']; fprintf(fid,tnstr); tvstr =['H.tvals = [', num2str(newsysts(k).tvals), '];\n']; fprintf(fid,tvstr); NNN = length(newsysts(k).pname); if NNN == 0 pnstr = 'H.pname = {};\n'; pvstr = 'H.pval = [];\n'; else pname = strrep(newsysts(k).pname,'\','\\'); pnstr = ['H.pname = {''', pname{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NNN pnstr = [pnstr, ',''', pname{kk}, '''']; end pnstr = [pnstr, '};\n']; pvstr = ['H.pval = [', num2str(newsysts(k).pval), '];\n']; end fprintf(fid,pnstr); fprintf(fid,pvstr); NNN = length(newsysts(k).exname); if NNN == 0 exnstr = 'H.exname = {};\n'; else exname = strrep(newsysts(k).exname,'\','\\'); exnstr = ['H.exname = {''', exname{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NNN exnstr = [exnstr, ',''', exname{kk}, '''']; end exnstr = [exnstr, '};\n']; end fprintf(fid,exnstr); NNN = length(newsysts(k).exval); if NNN == 0 exvstr = 'H.exval = {};\n'; else exval = strrep(newsysts(k).exval,'\','\\'); exvstr = ['H.exval = {''', exval{1}, '''']; for kk = 2:NNN exvstr = [exvstr, ',''', exval{kk}, '''']; end exvstr = [exvstr, '};\n']; end fprintf(fid,exvstr); end fclose(fid); case 'loadsyst' sud = get(gcf,'user'); pos = get(gcf,'pos'); wpos = [pos(1),pos(2)+pos(4)+20,300,20]; waith = figure('pos',wpos,... 'numb','off',... 'vis','off',... 'next','replace',... 'menubar','none',... 'resize','off',... 'createfcn',''); axes('pos',[0.01,0.01,0.98,0.98],... 'vis','off'); xp = [0 0 0 0]; yp = [0 0 1 1]; xl = [1 0 0 1 1]; yl = [0 0 1 1 0]; patchh = patch(xp,yp,'r','edgecolor','r','erase','none'); lineh = line(xl,yl,'erase','none','color','k'); type = input1; set(,'enable','off'); switch type case 'default' set(waith,'name','Loading the default gallery.','vis','on'); set(findobj('tag','load default'),'enable','off'); megall =; mh = get(megall,'children'); add = findobj(megall,'tag','add system'); mh(find(mh == add)) = []; delete(mh); newsysstruct = get(megall,'user'); system = sud.system; LL = length(system); x = 1/(LL+2); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; sep = 'on'; for kk = 1:length(system) kkk = num2str(kk); if kk == 2, sep = 'off';end uimenu(megall,'label',system(kk).name,... 'call',['odesolve(''system'',',kkk,')'],... 'separator',sep); end % for set(megall,'user',system); set(sud.h.loaddefgal,'enable','off') otherwise comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' prompt = [sud.oddir,'\']; case 'MAC2' prompt = [sud.oddir,':']; otherwise prompt = [sud.oddir,'/']; end switch type case 'system' prompt = [prompt,'*.ods']; [fname,pname] = uigetfile(prompt,'Select a system to load.'); case 'gallery' prompt = [prompt,'*.odg']; [fname,pname] = uigetfile(prompt,'Select a gallery to load.'); end % switch type if fname == 0 delete(waith); set(,'enable','on'); return; end set(waith,'name',['Loading ',fname],'vis','on'); fid = fopen([pname fname],'r'); newsysts = {}; kk = 0; while ~feof(fid) kk = kk + 1; newsysts{kk} = fgetl(fid); end fclose(fid); if mod(kk,11) switch type case 'system' warndlg(['The file ',fname, ' does not define a proper system.'],... 'Warning'); case 'gallery' warndlg(['The file ',fname, ' does not define a proper gallery.'],... 'Warning'); end set(,'enable','on'); delete(waith); return end % if mod(kk,11) x = 11/(kk+22); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; nnn = kk/11; for j = 1:nnn for k = 1:11; eval(newsysts{(j-1)*11+k}); end newsysstruct(j) = H; end % end ignoresyst = {}; for j = 1:nnn x = (j+1)/(nnn+2); xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; newsyst = newsysstruct(j); sname =; sname(find(abs(sname) == 95)) = ' '; % Replace underscores with spaces. = sname; ignore = odesolve('addgall',newsyst); if ignore == -1; ignoresyst{length(ignoresyst)+1} = sname; end end l = length(ignoresyst); if l % There was at least one system which was a dup with a different name. if l == 1 message = {['The system "',ignoresyst{1},'" duplicates a ',... 'system already in the gallery and was not added.']}; else message = 'The systems '; for k = 1:(l-1) message = [message,'"',ignoresyst{k},'", ']; end message = {[message,'and "',ignoresyst{l},'" duplicate ',... 'systems already in the gallery and were not added.']}; end % if l == 1 & else helpdlg(message,'Ignored systems'); end % if l if strcmp(type,'system') % Added a system. if ignore > 0 % The system was ignored. kk = ignore; else systems = get(,'user'); kk = length(systems); end odesolve('system',kk); end end if strcmp('type','default') odesolve('system',1); end set(,'enable','on'); x = 1; xp = [xp(2),x,x,xp(2)]; set(patchh,'xdata',xp); set(lineh,'xdata',xl); drawnow; delete(waith); case 'addgall' output = 0; odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); if nargin < 2 % We are adding the current system. syst = sud.c; sname = inputdlg('Provide a name for this system.','System name',1,{}); if isempty(sname),return;end sname = sname{1}; if ~strcmp(sname, = sname; set(odset,'user',sud); = sname; end else % We have a system coming from a file. syst = input1; sname =; end systems = get(,'user'); LL = length(systems); kk = 1; while ((kk<=LL) & (~strcmp(sname,systems(kk).name))) kk = kk + 1; end nameflag = (kk<=LL); ssyst = rmfield(syst,'name'); kk = 1; while ((kk<=LL) & (~isequal(ssyst,rmfield(systems(kk),'name')))) kk = kk + 1; end systflag = 2*(kk<=LL); flag = nameflag + systflag; switch flag case 1 % Same name but different system. mh = findobj(,'label',sname); prompt = {['The system "',sname,'", which you wish to add to the gallery has ',... 'the same name as a different system already in the gallery. Please ',... 'specify the name for the newly added system.'],... 'Specify the name for the old system.'}; title = 'Two systems with the same name'; lineno = 1; defans = {sname,sname}; answer = inputdlg(prompt,title,lineno,defans); if isempty(answer) return end sname = answer{1}; systems(kk).name = answer{2}; set(mh,'label',answer{2}); output = kk; case 2 % Two names for the same system. oldname = systems(kk).name; mh = findobj(,'label',oldname); prompt = {['The system "',sname,'", which you wish to add ',... 'to the gallery is the same as a system which is ',... 'already in the gallery with the name "',oldname,'". ',... 'Please specify which name you wish to use.']}; title = 'Two names for the same system.'; lineno = 1; defans = {oldname}; answer = inputdlg(prompt,title,lineno,defans); if isempty(answer),return,end systems(kk).name = answer{1}; set(mh,'label',answer{1}); output = kk; case 3 % Systems and names the same. output = -1; otherwise end % switch set(,'user',systems); = sname; if flag <=1 switch LL case 0 systems = syst; sepstr = 'on'; case 8 systems(9) = syst; if strcmp(systems(8).name,'Duffing''s equation') sepstr = 'on'; else sepstr = 'off'; end otherwise systems(LL+1) = syst; sepstr = 'off'; end kkk = num2str(LL+1); newmenu = uimenu(,'label',sname,... 'call',['odesolve(''system'',',kkk,')'],... 'separator',sepstr); set(findobj('tag','savegal'),'enable','on'); end set(,'user',systems); case 'system' odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); ud = get(odset,'user'); ud.fileflag = 1; kk = input1; if isstr(kk) kk = str2num(input1); end system = get(,'user'); syst = system(kk); ud.o = syst; ud.c = syst; =; NN = syst.NN; str = [' all variables vs ', syst.tname, '.']; set(ud.h.outputstr,'string', str); ud.NNN = 1:NN; set(ud.h.NN,'string',num2str(syst.NN)); set(odset,'user',ud); odesolve('numchange'); ud = get(odset,'user'); for k = 1:NN set(ud.h.xname(k),'string',syst.xname{k},'vis','on'); set(ud.h.der(k),'string',syst.der{k}); set(ud.h.icname(k),'string',[syst.xname{k}, ' = ']); set(ud.h.icval(k),'string',syst.ic{k}); end tname = syst.tname; pname = syst.pname; pval = syst.pval; for k = 1:length(ud.h.pname) if k > length(pname) pname{k} = ''; end name = pname{k}; if k <= length(pval) value = num2str(pval(k)); else value = ''; end set(ud.h.pname(k),'string',name); set(ud.h.pval(k),'string',value); end exval = syst.exval; exname = syst.exname; for k = 1:length(ud.h.exname) if k > length(exname) exname{k} = ''; end name = exname{k}; if k <= length(exval) value = num2str(exval{k}); else value = ''; end set(ud.h.exname(k),'string',name); set(ud.h.exval(k),'string',value); end ud.c.exname = exname; ud.c.exval = exval; ud.c.pname = pname; ud.c.pval = pval; tn = tname; set(ud.h.tvar,'string',tn); set(ud.h.solint(1),'string',[' <= ', tn, ' <= ']); str = num2str(syst.tvals(2)); set(ud.h.solint(2),'string',str); str = num2str(syst.tvals(3)); set(ud.h.solint(3),'string',str); set(ud.h.tic,'string',[tn, ' = ']); set(ud.h.tval,'string',num2str(syst.tvals(1))); set(odset,'user',ud); odesolve('reset'); case 'solve' %% Change the defaults. We might want to delay this a little. odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); sud.o = sud.c; set(odesolveset,'user',sud); %% Get the pertinent information NN = sud.c.NN; xname = sud.c.xname; tname = sud.c.tname; der = sud.c.der; % ic = sud.c.ic; tvals = sud.c.tvals; tinit = tvals(1); solvers = get(sud.h.solver,'string'); value = get(sud.h.solver,'value'); solver = str2func(solvers{value}); %% Check that all of the ICs have an entry. hempt = findobj(sud.h.icval,'string',''); if ~isempty(hempt) set(hempt,'backgroundcolor',sud.dcolor); mtitle = 'Initial condition error'; mmsg = 'Some initial conditions have no values.'; msgbox(mmsg,mtitle); return end % Find the parameters and expressions that are actually used. [renn,rpnn] = pandecheck('write'); exname = sud.h.exname; exval = sud.h.exval; krex = length(renn); rexname = cell(1,krex); for kk = 1:krex rexname{kk} = get(exname(renn(kk)),'string'); rexval{kk} = get(exval(renn(kk)),'string'); end pname = sud.h.pname; pval = sud.h.pval; icond = sud.c.ic; krp = length(rpnn); rpval = cell(1,krp); for kk = 1:krp pn = get(pname(rpnn(kk)),'string'); rpname{kk} = [',', pn]; rpns{kk} = pn; rpval{kk} = get(pval(rpnn(kk)),'string'); end %% Check that the parameter values are numbers. if ~isempty(rpnn) hbad = []; for kk = 1:length(rpnn) if isempty(str2num(rpval{kk})) hbad = [hbad, pval(rpnn(kk))]; end end if ~isempty(hbad) set(hbad ,'backgroundcolor',sud.dcolor); mtitle = 'Parameter error'; mmsg = 'Some parameters do not have numerical values.'; msgbox(mmsg,mtitle,'modal'); return end end rpvalstr = cell(1,0); for k = 1:length(rpval) rpvalstr{k} = str2num(rpval{k}); end %% Compute the initial conditions, which may involve parameters. ic = zeros(NN,1); hbad = []; for kk = 1:NN % Replace parameters by their values. str = deblank(sud.c.ic{kk}); if exist('rpname') lrp =length(rpns); for jj = 1:lrp str = pareval(str,rpns{jj},rpval{jj}); end end try ic(kk) = eval(str); catch hbad = [hbad,sud.h.icval(kk)]; end end if ~isempty(hbad ) set(hbad ,'backgroundcolor',sud.dcolor); mtitle = 'Initial condition error'; mmsg = 'Some initial conditions do not evaluate to numerical values.'; msgbox(mmsg,mtitle,'modal'); return end %% Compute the solution interval. The endpoints may involve %% parameters. % Yet to be done. % Error check the expressions. if krex hbad = []; for kk = 1:krex str = rexval{kk}; str = pareval(str,tname,num2str(tinit)); for jj = 1:krp str = pareval(str,rpns{jj},rpval{jj}); end for jj = 1:NN str = pareval(str,xname{jj},num2str(ic(jj))); end try exvalue(kk) = eval(str); catch hbad = [hbad,exval(renn(kk))]; end end if ~isempty(hbad) set(hbad ,'backgroundcolor',sud.dcolor); mtitle = 'Expression error'; mmsg = 'Some expressions are not entered correctly.'; msgbox(mmsg,mtitle,'modal'); return end end % Error check the derivative strings. hbad = []; for kk = 1:NN str = der{kk}; str = pareval(str,tname,num2str(tinit)); for jj = 1:krp str = pareval(str,rpns{jj},rpval{jj}); end for jj = 1:NN str = pareval(str,xname{jj},num2str(ic(jj))); end for jj = 1:krex str = pareval(str,rexname{jj},num2str(exval(jj))); end try derval(kk) = eval(str); catch hbad = [hbad, sud.h.der(kk)]; end end if ~isempty(hbad) set(hbad ,'backgroundcolor',sud.dcolor); mtitle = 'Equation error'; mmsg = 'Some equations are not entered correctly.'; msgbox(mmsg,mtitle,'modal'); return end % Start a new derivative m-file if necessary. dfcn = sud.dfname; if sud.fileflag if exist(dfcn) == 2 delete([tempdir, dfcn, '.m']); end tee = clock; tee = ceil(tee(6)*100); dfcn=['odestp',num2str(tee)]; writefile(dfcn, tempdir, renn, rpnn); sud.dfname = dfcn; sud.fileflag = 0; set(odesolveset,'user',sud); end %% Solve the system. intplus = tvals([1 3]); intminus = tvals([1 2]); settings = sud.settings; opt = odeset('outputfcn',sud.outputhandle,... 'abstol',settings.atol,... 'reltol',settings.rtol,... 'refine',settings.refine); if ~isstr(settings.istep) opt = odeset(opt,'initialstep',settings.istep); end if ~isstr(settings.mstep) opt = odeset(opt,'maxstep',settings.mstep); end if settings.ncval == 1 opt = odeset(opt,'normcontrol','on'); end odesdisp = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Display'); NNN = sud.NNN; if isempty(odesdisp) odesdisp = figure('name','ODESOLVE Display',... 'numb','off',... 'tag','odesolve'); odesolve('figdefault',odesdisp); = []; dud.axes = axes('units','pix',... 'box','on',... 'interrupt','on',... 'xgrid','on',... 'ygrid','on',... 'drawmode','fast',... 'tag','display axes'); set(sud.h.sobutt,'enable','on'); set(sud.h.somenu,'enable','on'); doptmenu = uimenu('label','Options','visible','off','pos',3); meexportdata = uimenu(doptmenu,'label','Export solution data.',... 'call','odesolve(''export'')',... 'separator','off','tag','dexp'); sud.addflag = 0; sud.h.disp = odesdisp; set(odesolveset,'user',sud); set(odesdisp,'user',dud); set(get(odesdisp,'children'),'vis','on') set(get(doptmenu,'children'),'vis','on') else figure(sud.h.disp); end dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); dud.ic = ic; set(odesdisp,'user',dud); if sud.addflag set(dud.axes,'next','add'); else set(dud.axes,'next','replace'); = []; set(odesdisp,'user',dud); end exist(dfcn); dfh = str2func(dfcn); cflag = 0; if intplus(1) < intplus(2) cflag = cflag + 1; [tp,xp] = feval(solver,dfh,intplus,ic,opt,rpvalstr{:}); dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); hnew1 = dud.lines; set(dud.axes,'next','add'); end if intminus(1) > intminus(2) cflag = cflag + 2; [tm,xm] = feval(solver,dfh,intminus,ic,opt,rpvalstr{:}); dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); hnew2 = dud.lines; end dud.lines = []; set(odesdisp,'user',dud); % Store the trajectory. switch cflag case 1 % positive only x = xp; t = tp; dud.currentplot = hnew1; case 2 % negative only x = flipud(xm); t = flipud(tm); dud.currentplot = hnew2; case 3 % both directions x = flipud(xm); t = flipud(tm); x=[x;xp]; t=[t;tp]; delete(hnew2) dud.currentplot = hnew1; end % switch cflag LL = length(; if LL == 0 = struct('tdata',t,'xdata',x,'handles',dud.currentplot); else = t; = x; = dud.currentplot; end set(dud.axes,'next','replace'); set(odesdisp,'user',dud); set(dud.axes,'user',LL+1); val = get(sud.h.output,'value'); set(sud.h.sobutt,'enable','on'); set(sud.h.somenu,'enable','on'); switch val case 1 odesolve('tpdone'); case 2 odesolve('ppdone'); case 3 odesolve('p3done'); end % switch val case 'tpdone' odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); odesdisp = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Display'); dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); NNN = sud.NNN; tvals = sud.c.tvals; axh = dud.axes; solution =,'user')); t = solution.tdata; x = solution.xdata; x = x(:,NNN); N = length(t); if (tvals(3) == t(N) ) & (tvals(2) == t(1)) uu = sort(x(:)); NN = length(uu); del = (uu(NN) - uu(1))/10; ymin = uu(1)-del; ymax = uu(NN)+del; else tf = tvals(1) +(t(N) - tvals(1))/2; ti = tvals(1) +(t(1) - tvals(1))/2; K = find( (tti) ); uu = x(K,:); uu = sort(uu(:)); NN = length(uu); rr = 0.1; n1 = ceil(rr*NN); n2 = floor((1-rr)*NN); del = uu(n2) - uu(n1); if del == 0 del = 1; end ymin = max(uu(1) - rr*del, uu(n1) - del); ymin = min(ymin,min(dud.ic)); ymax = min(uu(NN) + rr*del, uu(n2) +del); ymax = max(ymax,max(dud.ic)); end if sud.addflag ylim = get(dud.axes,'ylim'); ymin = min(ymin,ylim(1)); ymax = max(ymax,ylim(2)); end for j = 1:length(NNN) set(dud.currentplot(j),'xdata',t,'ydata',x(:,j)); end if sud.icplotflag hold on plot(tvals(1),dud.ic(NNN),'k.','markersize',6); hold off end set(dud.axes,'ylim',[ymin,ymax]); grid on xlabel(sud.c.tname) xname = sud.c.xname; xname = xname(NNN); LL = length(xname); ystr = xname{1}; if LL == 2 ystr = [ystr, ' and ' xname{2}]; elseif LL > 2 for j = 2:[LL-1] ystr = [ystr, ', ', xname{j}]; end ystr = [ystr, ', and ' xname{LL}]; end ylabel(ystr) legend(xname,0) case 'ppdone' odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); odesdisp = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Display'); dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); NNN = sud.NNN; tvals = sud.c.tvals; axh = dud.axes; solution =,'user')); t = solution.tdata; x = solution.xdata; x = x(:,NNN); N = length(t); if (tvals(3) == t(N) ) & (tvals(2) == t(1)) % If the solution is over the complet t interval choose the figure % limits to show all of the solution and more. uu = sort(x(:,1)); del = (uu(N) - uu(1))/10; if del == 0 del = 1; end xmin = uu(1)-del; xmax = uu(N)+del; vv = sort(x(:,2)); del = (vv(N) - vv(1))/10; if del == 0 del = 1; end ymin = vv(1)-del; ymax = vv(N)+del; else % Otherwise limit ourselves to 1/2 of the limits in both % directions. However, include the initial point for sure. tf = tvals(1) +(t(N) - tvals(1))/2; ti = tvals(1) +(t(1) - tvals(1))/2; K = find( (tti) ); uu = x(K,1); vv = x(K,2); uu = sort(uu); vv = sort(vv); NN = length(uu); rr = 0.1; n1 = ceil(rr*NN); n2 = floor((1-rr)*NN); ic = dud.ic(NNN); del = uu(n2) - uu(n1); if del == 0 del = 1; end xmin = max(uu(1) - rr*del, uu(n1) - del); xmin = min(xmin,ic(1)); xmax = min(uu(NN) + rr*del, uu(n2) + del); xmax = max(xmax,ic(1)); del = vv(n2) - vv(n1); if del == 0 del = 1; end ymin = max(vv(1) - rr*del, vv(n1) - del); ymin = min(ymin,ic(2)); ymax = min(vv(NN) + rr*del, vv(n2) + del); ymax = max(ymax,ic(2)); end if sud.addflag xlim = get(dud.axes,'xlim'); xmin = min(xmin,xlim(1)); xmax = max(xmax,xlim(2)); ylim = get(dud.axes,'ylim'); ymin = min(ymin,ylim(1)); ymax = max(ymax,ylim(2)); end set(dud.currentplot,'xdata',x(:,1),'ydata',x(:,2)); if sud.icplotflag hold on plot(dud.ic(NNN(1)),dud.ic(NNN(2)),'k.','markersize',6) hold off end set(dud.axes,'xlim',[xmin,xmax],'ylim',[ymin,ymax]); grid on xlabel(sud.c.xname(NNN(1))); ylabel(sud.c.xname(NNN(2))); case 'p3done' odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); odesdisp = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Display'); dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); NNN = sud.NNN; NN = sud.c.NN; tvals = sud.c.tvals; axh = dud.axes; solution =,'user')); t = solution.tdata; x = solution.xdata; kt = 0; for k = 1:3 if NNN(k) > NN X(:,k) = t; Y(k) = tvals(1); kt = k; % This is the t-variable. else X(:,k) = x(:,NNN(k)); Y(k) = dud.ic(NNN(k)); end end N = length(t); if (tvals(3) == t(N) ) & (tvals(2) == t(1)) % If the solution is over the complet t interval choose the figure % limits to show all of the solution and more. xmin = zeros(1,3); xmax = zeros(1,3); for k = 1:3 uu = sort(X(:,k)); del = (uu(N) - uu(1))/10; xmin(k) = uu(1)-del; xmax(k) = uu(N)+del; end else % Otherwise limit ourselves to 1/2 of the limits in both % directions. However, include the initial point for sure. tf = tvals(1) +(t(N) - tvals(1))/2; ti = tvals(1) +(t(1) - tvals(1))/2; K = find( (tti) ); NK = length(K); rr = 0.1; n1 = ceil(rr*NK); n2 = floor((1-rr)*NK); for k = 1:3 if k == kt xmin(k) = t(1); xmax(k) = t(N); else uu = X(K,k); uu = sort(uu); del = uu(n2) - uu(n1); xmin(k) = max(uu(1) - rr*del, uu(n1) - del); ic = dud.ic(NNN(k)); xmin(k) = min(xmin(k),ic); xmax(k) = min(uu(NN) + rr*del, uu(n2) +del); xmax(k) = max(xmax(k),ic); end end end if sud.addflag xlim = get(dud.axes,'xlim'); xmin(1) = min(xmin(1),xlim(1)); xmax(1) = max(xmax(1),xlim(2)); ylim = get(dud.axes,'ylim'); xmin(2) = min(xmin(2),ylim(1)); xmax(2) = max(xmax(2),ylim(2)); zlim = get(dud.axes,'zlim'); xmin(3) = min(xmin(3),zlim(1)); xmax(3) = max(xmax(3),zlim(2)); end for k = 1:3 if xmin(k) == xmax(k) if xmin(k) == 0 del = 1; else del = xmin(k)/10; end xmin(k) = xmin(k)-del; xmax(k) = xmax(k)+del; end end set(dud.currentplot,'xdata',X(:,1),... 'ydata',X(:,2),... 'zdata',X(:,3)); set(dud.axes,'xlim',[xmin(1),xmax(1)],... 'ylim',[xmin(2),xmax(2)],... 'zlim',[xmin(3),xmax(3)]); if sud.icplotflag hold on plot3(Y(1),Y(2),Y(3),'k.','markersize',6) hold off end grid on for k = 1:3 if k == kt name{k} = sud.c.tname; else name{k} = sud.c.xname{NNN(k)}; end end xlabel(name(1)); ylabel(name(2)); zlabel(name(3)); case 'figdefault' fig = input1; set(fig,'CloseRequestFcn','odesolve(''closefcn'')'); dfset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(dfset,'user'); ud = get(fig,'user'); ud.ssize = sud.ssize; fs = sud.fontsize; ud.fontsize = fs; set(fig,'defaulttextfontsize',fs); set(fig,'defaultaxesfontsize',fs); set(fig,'defaultuicontrolfontsize',0.9*fs) lw = 0.5*fs/10; set(fig,'defaultaxeslinewidth',lw) set(fig,'defaultlinelinewidth',lw) set(fig,'defaultaxesfontname','helvetica') set(fig,'defaultaxesfontweight','normal') set(fig,'user',ud); case 'export' odesdisp = gcf; dud = get(odesdisp,'user'); odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); solutions =; lsol = length(solutions); switch lsol case 0 mtitle = 'Solution choice'; mmessage = 'There are no solutions.'; msgbox(mmessage, mtitle, 'modal') return case 1 sol = solutions; otherwise ginput(1); solh = get(odesdisp,'currentobject'); if isempty(solh) mtitle = 'Solution choice'; mmessage = 'The item selected is not a solution.'; msgbox(mmessage, mtitle, 'modal') return end looking = 1; kk = 0; while looking & kk<=lsol kk = kk + 1; if kk <= lsol kkk = find(solutions(kk).handles == solh); if ~isempty(kkk) looking = 0; end else looking = 0; end end if kk <= lsol sol = solutions(kk); else mtitle = 'Solution choice'; mmessage = 'The item selected is not a solution.'; msgbox(mmessage, mtitle, 'modal') return end end vars = evalin('base','who'); no = 1; kk = 0; while no kk = kk + 1; vstr = ['odedata',num2str(kk)]; if ~any(strcmp(vars,vstr)) no = 0; end end tname = sud.c.tname; xname = sud.c.xname; NN = sud.c.NN; ivstr = struct(tname,sol.tdata); fieldstr = tname; for kk = 1:NN name = xname{kk}; name(find(abs(name) == 92)) = []; string = ['ivstr.', name, ' = sol.xdata(:,kk);']; eval(string) if kk < NN fieldstr = [fieldstr,', ',name]; else fieldstr = [fieldstr, ', and ', name]; end end assignin('base',vstr,ivstr); mtitle = 'Solution choice'; mmessage = ['The data has been exported as the sructure ',... vstr, ' with fields ', fieldstr, '.']; msgbox(mmessage, mtitle, 'modal') case 'fileexport' comp = computer; switch comp case 'PCWIN' prompt = '\*.m'; case 'MAC2' prompt = ':*.m'; otherwise prompt = ':/.m'; end [fname,pathname] = uiputfile(prompt,'Save the file as:'); L = length(fname); if L > 2 if strcmp(fname([L-1,L]),'.m') fname = fname([1:L-2]); end end [renn,rpnn] = pandecheck('export'); writefile(fname, pathname, renn, rpnn); case 'revert' sud = get(gcf,'user'); sud.c = sud.o; syst = sud.o; sh = sud.h; set(sh.tvar,'string',syst.tname); xname = syst.xname; der = syst.der; ic = syst.ic; NN = syst.NN; set(sh.NN,'string',num2str(NN)); for kk = 1:NN set(sh.xname(kk),'string',xname{kk}); set(sh.der(kk),'string',der{kk}); set(sh.icval(kk),'string',ic{kk}); end case 'quit' odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); if sud.remtd rmpath(tempdir); end oldfiles = dir([tempdir,'odestp*.m']); for k = 1:length(oldfiles) fn = [tempdir,oldfiles(k).name]; fid = fopen(fn,'r'); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); ll = fgetl(fid); fclose(fid); if strcmp(ll,'%% Created by ODESOLVE') delete(fn) end end h = findobj('tag','odesolve'); delete(h); case 'closefcn' fig = gcf; name = get(fig,'name'); if strcmp(name,'ODESOLVE Setup') | strcmp(name,'ODESOLVE Display') quest = ['Closing this window will cause all ODESOLVE ',... 'windows to close, and ODESOLVE will stop. ',... 'Do you want to quit ODESOLVE?']; butt = questdlg(quest,'Quit ODESOLVE?','Quit','Cancel','Quit'); if strcmp(butt,'Quit') odesolve('quit'); end else delete(findobj('label',name)); delete(fig); end case 'outputchoice' [h,fig] = gcbo; value = get(h,'value'); ud = get(fig,'user'); NN = ud.c.NN; odeputf = figure('name','ODESOLVE output',... 'vis','off',... 'numb','off','tag','odesolve'); odesolve('figdefault',odeputf); set(odeputf,'menubar','none'); switch value case 1 % Time plot txtstr = ['Check the variables to be plotted vs. ',... ud.c.tname, '.']; pcall = 'odesolve(''tpout'')'; case 2 % Phase plane plot txtstr = 'Choose the X-variable and the Y-variable.' ; pcall = 'odesolve(''ppout'')'; case 3 % 3 dimensional plot txtstr = 'Choose the X-variable, Y-variable, and Z-variable.' ; pcall = 'odesolve(''p3out'')'; end canceldata = ud.h.output; figdir = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horiz','left',... 'string',txtstr); ext = get(figdir,'extent'); nudge = 2; left = 2; bbott = 2; sep = 2; ht = ext(4)+nudge; fdw = ext(3) + nudge; figw = fdw +2*left; buttw = fdw/2; cbutt = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',[left,bbott,buttw,ht],... 'string','Cancel',... 'call','odesolve(''outcancel'')',... 'user',canceldata); pbutt = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',[left+buttw,bbott,buttw,ht],... 'string','Change',... 'user',fig,... 'call',pcall); switch value case 1 % Time series checkbott = bbott + ht + sep; checkleft = left + 10; checkw = fdw - checkleft; cpos = [checkleft,checkbott,checkw,ht]; allcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'checks = get(fig,''user'');',... 'NN = length(checks)-1;',... 'allch = checks(NN+1);',... 'val = get(allch,''value'');',... 'set(checks(1:NN),''value'',val);']; checks(NN+1) = uicontrol('style','check',... 'pos',cpos,... 'string','all',... 'value',1,... 'call',allcall); checkbott = checkbott +ht+sep; ichcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'checks = get(fig,''user'');',... 'NN = length(checks)-1;',... 'allch = checks(NN+1);',... 'values = get(checks(1:NN),''value'');',... 'vals = zeros(1:NN);',... 'for kk = 1:NN,',... ' vals(kk) = values{kk};',... 'end,',... 'if all(vals),',... ' set(allch,''value'',1),',... 'else,',... ' set(allch,''value'',0),',... 'end']; for k = 1:NN cpos = [checkleft,checkbott,checkw,ht]; checks(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','check',... 'pos',cpos,... 'value',1,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'call',ichcall); checkbott = checkbott+ht; end fdbott = checkbott+sep; putdata = checks; case 2 % Phase plane plot radbott = bbott + ht + sep; xradleft = left +10; radw = fdw/2 - 10; yradleft = xradleft +radw+10; for k = 1:NN xradpos = [xradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; yradpos = [yradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; if k == NN; xval = 1; yval = 0; elseif k == NN - 1; xval = 0; yval = 2; else xval = 0; yval = 0; end xrad(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',xradpos,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'value',xval,... 'max',NN+1-k); yrad(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',yradpos,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'value',yval,... 'max',NN+1-k); radbott = radbott + ht; end for k = 1:NN set(xrad(k),'user',[xrad(:,[1:(k-1),(k+1):NN]),yrad(k)]); set(yrad(k),'user',[yrad(:,[1:(k-1),(k+1):NN]),xrad(k)]); end rcall = [ 'me = get(gcf,''currentobject'');',... 'kk = get(me,''max'');',... 'set(get(me,''user''),''value'',0),',... 'set(me,''value'',kk);']; set([xrad,yrad],'call',rcall); xpos = [xradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; ypos = [yradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',xpos,... 'string','X-variable'); uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',ypos,... 'string','Y-variable'); radbott = radbott +ht; fdbott = radbott+sep; putdata = struct('xvar',xrad,'yvar',yrad); case 3 % 3 dimensional plot radbott = bbott + ht + sep; xradleft = left +10; radw = fdw/3 - 10; yradleft = xradleft +radw+10; zradleft = yradleft +radw+10; if NN == 1 errordlg(['A 3 dimensional plot is not useful for a single' ... ' equation.']) return; end xradpos = [xradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; yradpos = [yradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; zradpos = [zradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; radbott = radbott +ht; xrad(NN+1) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',xradpos,... 'string',ud.c.tname,... 'value',0,... 'max',NN+1); yrad(NN+1) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',yradpos,... 'string',ud.c.tname,... 'value',0,... 'max',NN+1); zrad(NN+1) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',zradpos,... 'string',ud.c.tname,... 'value',NN+1,... 'max',NN+1); for k = 1:NN xradpos = [xradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; yradpos = [yradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; zradpos = [zradleft,radbott,radw,ht]; if k == NN; xval = 1; yval = 0; zval = 0; elseif k == NN - 1; xval = 0; yval = 2; zval = 0; else xval = 0; yval = 0; zval = 0; end xrad(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',xradpos,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'value',xval,... 'max',NN+1-k); yrad(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',yradpos,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'value',yval,... 'max',NN+1-k); zrad(NN+1-k) = uicontrol('style','radio',... 'pos',zradpos,... 'string',ud.c.xname{NN+1-k},... 'value',zval,... 'max',NN+1-k); radbott = radbott + ht; end for k = 1:NN+1 set(xrad(k),'user',[xrad(:,[1:(k-1),(k+1):NN+1]),yrad(k),zrad(k)]); set(yrad(k),'user',[yrad(:,[1:(k-1),(k+1):NN+1]),xrad(k),zrad(k)]); set(zrad(k),'user',[zrad(:,[1:(k-1),(k+1):NN+1]),xrad(k),yrad(k)]); end rcall = [ 'me = get(gcf,''currentobject'');',... 'kk = get(me,''max'');',... 'set(get(me,''user''),''value'',0),',... 'set(me,''value'',kk);']; set([xrad,yrad,zrad],'call',rcall); xpos = [xradleft-8,radbott,radw,ht]; ypos = [yradleft-8,radbott,radw,ht]; zpos = [zradleft-8,radbott,radw,ht]; uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',xpos,... 'string','X-variable'); uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',ypos,... 'string','Y-variable'); uicontrol('style','text',... 'pos',zpos,... 'string','Z-variable'); radbott = radbott +ht; fdbott = radbott+sep; putdata = struct('xvar',xrad,'yvar',yrad,'zvar',zrad); end % switch value set(figdir,'pos',[left,fdbott,fdw,ht]); fight = fdbott + ht + nudge; set(odeputf,'pos',[100,300,figw,fight],... 'user',putdata,... 'vis','on'); set(get(odeputf,'child'),'vis','on'); set(findobj(odeputf,'type','uicontrol'),'units','normal'); figure(odeputf) case 'outcancel' % Callback for Cancel in output choice window. [h,fig] = gcbo; cud =get(h,'user'); set(cud,'value',get(cud,'user')); close; case 'tpout' % setup time plot output [h,fig] = gcbo; checks = get(fig,'user'); NN = length(checks) - 1; checks = checks(1:NN); val = get(checks,'value'); val = c2m(val); NNN = find(val); if isempty(NNN) errordlg('At least one variable must be chosen.'); return; end odesetup = get(h,'user'); ud = get(odesetup,'user'); ud.NNN = NNN; hh = ud.h.outputstr; if length(NNN) == ud.c.NN str = [' all variables vs ', ud.c.tname,'.']; elseif NNN == 1 str = [' ', ud.c.xname{NNN}, ' vs ' ud.c.tname,'.']; else str = [' ', ud.c.xname{NNN(1)}]; for kk = 2:length(NNN) str = [str, ', ', ud.c.xname{NNN(kk)}]; end str = [str, ' vs ' ud.c.tname,'.']; end set(hh,'string',str); ud.outputhandle = @tpout; set(ud.h.sobutt,'enable','off'); set(ud.h.somenu,'enable','off'); set(odesetup,'user',ud); close case 'ppout' [h,fig] = gcbo; ppud = get(fig,'user'); xval = c2m(get(ppud.xvar,'value')); yval = c2m(get(ppud.yvar,'value')); xvar = find(xval); yvar = find(yval); if isempty(xvar) | isempty(yvar) errordlg('You must choose both an X-variable and a Y-variable.'); return; end odesetup = get(h,'user'); ud = get(odesetup,'user'); hh = ud.h.outputstr; str = [' ', ud.c.xname{yvar}, ' vs ',ud.c.xname{xvar}]; set(hh,'string',str); ud.outputhandle = @ppout; set(ud.h.sobutt,'enable','off'); set(ud.h.somenu,'enable','off'); % ud.outputhandle = @odesp2; ud.NNN = [xvar,yvar]; set(odesetup,'user',ud); close case 'p3out' [h,fig] = gcbo; ppud = get(fig,'user'); xval = c2m(get(ppud.xvar,'value')); yval = c2m(get(ppud.yvar,'value')); zval = c2m(get(ppud.zvar,'value')); xvar = find(xval); yvar = find(yval); zvar = find(zval); if isempty(xvar) | isempty(yvar) | isempty(zvar) errordlg('You must choose an X-variable,a Y-variable, and a Z-variable.'); return; end odesetup = get(h,'user'); ud = get(odesetup,'user'); hh = ud.h.outputstr; NN = ud.c.NN; if xvar == NN+1 xn = ud.c.tname; else xn = ud.c.xname{xvar}; end if yvar == NN+1 yn = ud.c.tname; else yn = ud.c.xname{yvar}; end if zvar == NN+1 zn = ud.c.tname; else zn = ud.c.xname{zvar}; end str = [' ', xn, ', ', yn, ', and ', zn]; set(hh,'string',str); ud.outputhandle = @p3out; set(ud.h.sobutt,'enable','off'); set(ud.h.somenu,'enable','off'); ud.NNN = [xvar,yvar,zvar]; set(odesetup,'user',ud); close case 'settings' % Routine for changing solver settings. [h,fig] = gcbo; sud = get(fig,'user'); NN = sud.c.NN; settings = sud.settings; ecol = sud.ecolor; setf = findobj('name','Solver settings'); if ~isempty(setf) close(setf) end setf = figure('name','Solver settings',... 'vis','off',... 'tag','odesolve',... 'numb','off'); odesolve('figdefault',setf); set(setf,'menubar','none') val = get(sud.h.solver,'value'); solver = sud.solvers{val}; titlestring = ['Settings for ', solver,'.']; title = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',['Settings for ', solver, '.'],... 'visible','off'); ext = get(title,'extent'); delete(title) texth = ext(4) + 4; left = 1; eleft = left + 4; frw = 258; figw = frw + 2*left; frsep = 1; sep = 1; %% The buttons. buttw = (frw-3*frsep)/2; cwind = [left+frsep,1,buttw,texth]; awind = [cwind(1)+cwind(3)+frsep,1,buttw,texth]; ccall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'close(fig)']; butt(1) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',cwind,... 'string','Cancel',... 'call',ccall,... 'visible','off'); butt(2) = uicontrol('style','push',... 'pos',awind,... 'string','Apply',... 'call','odesolve(''setapply'')',... 'visible','off'); frbot = 1 + texth + frsep; KK = ceil(NN/2); if strcmp(solver,'ode15s') frht = (9 + KK)*(texth+sep)+3*sep; else frht = (7 + KK)*(texth+sep)+sep; end frwind = [left,frbot,frw,frht]; fr = uicontrol('style','frame',... 'pos', frwind); fight = frbot + frht + frsep; figwind = [20,200,figw,fight]; set(setf,'pos',figwind); optw = 170; ncbot = frbot+sep; ncwind = [eleft,ncbot,optw,texth]; normcont = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Norm control',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',ncwind); editleft = eleft + optw; editw = 80; encwind = [editleft,ncbot+2,editw,texth]; onoffstr ={' on',' off'}; editnormcont = uicontrol('style','popupmenu',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',onoffstr,... 'value',settings.ncval,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',encwind); mscall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'str = get(h,''string'');',... 'nstr = str2num(str);',... 'if isempty(nstr) | nstr <= 0,',... ' set(h,''string'',''computed'');'... 'end,',... ]; msbot = ncbot + texth + sep; mswind = [eleft,msbot,optw,texth]; maxstep = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Maximum step size',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',mswind); emswind = [editleft,msbot+2,editw,texth]; editmaxstep = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',settings.mstep,... 'call',mscall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',emswind); iscall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'str = get(h,''string'');',... 'nstr = str2num(str);',... 'if isempty(nstr) | nstr <= 0,',... ' set(h,''string'',''computed'');'... 'end,',... ]; isbot = msbot+texth+sep; iswind = [eleft,isbot,optw,texth]; initstep = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Initial step size',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',iswind); eiswind = [editleft,isbot+2,editw,texth]; editinitstep = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',settings.istep,... 'call',iscall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',eiswind); refcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'refine = str2num(get(h,''string''));',... 'if isempty(refine) | refine<=0,',... ' refine = 1;',... 'end,',... 'refine = ceil(refine);',... 'set(h,''string'',refine);',... ]; refbot = isbot + texth + sep; refwind = [eleft,refbot,optw,texth]; refine = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Refine',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',refwind); erefwind = [editleft,refbot+2,editw,texth]; editrefine = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',settings.refine,... 'call',refcall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',erefwind); rtolbot = refbot + texth + sep; rtolwind = [eleft,rtolbot,optw, texth]; rtol = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Relative tolerance',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',rtolwind); ertolwind = [editleft,rtolbot+2,editw,texth]; editrtol = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',num2str(settings.rtol),... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',ertolwind); vatolcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');',... 'set(ud.editatol,''string'','''');',... ]; vleft = eleft +8; vw = 40; evw = 80; vjbot = rtolbot; xname = sud.c.xname; for kk = 1:KK vjbot = vjbot +texth + sep; for jj = 0:1 vk = 2*(KK - kk) + 1 + jj; if vk <= NN vjleft = vleft + jj*(vw + evw + sep); vjwind = [vjleft,vjbot,vw,texth]; tv = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',xname{vk},... 'visible','off',... 'pos',vjwind); evjleft = vjleft + vw + sep; evjwind = [evjleft,vjbot+2,evw,texth]; ev(vk) = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','???',... 'call',vatolcall,... 'visible','off',... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',evjwind); end end end atolbot = vjbot + texth + sep; atolwind = [eleft,atolbot,optw, texth]; atol = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','left',... 'string','Absolute tolerance: All',... 'visible','off',... 'pos',atolwind); eatolwind = [editleft,atolbot+2,editw,texth]; atolcall = [ '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');',... 'ev = ud.ev;',... 'at = get(ud.editatol,''string'');',... '[h,fig] = gcbo;',... 'ud = get(fig,''user'');',... 'ev = ud.ev;',... 'at = get(ud.editatol,''string'');',... 'set(ev,''string'',at);',... ]; editatol = uicontrol('style','edit',... 'horizon','center',... 'string','what goes here?',... 'visible','off',... 'call',atolcall,... 'backgroundcolor',ecol,... 'pos',eatolwind); atol = settings.atol; if length(atol) == 1 set(ev,'string',num2str(atol)); set(editatol,'string',atol); else for kk = 1:NN set(ev(kk),'string',num2str(atol(kk))); set(editatol,'string',''); end end tbot = atolbot + texth + sep; tw = figw - 2*eleft; twind = [eleft,tbot,tw,texth]; title = uicontrol('style','text',... 'horizon','center',... 'string',['Settings for ', solver, '.'],... 'visible','off',... 'pos',twind); ud.editnormcont = editnormcont; ud.editmaxstep = editmaxstep; ud.editinitstep = editinitstep; ud.editrefine = editrefine; ud.editrtol = editrtol; ud.ev = ev; ud.editatol = editatol; set(setf,'user',ud); set(setf,'vis','on'); set(get(setf,'child'),'vis','on'); case 'setapply' [h,fig] = gcbo; ud = get(fig,'user'); odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); settings = sud.settings; atol = get(ud.editatol,'string'); if isempty(atol); ev = ud.ev; atol = zeros(1,sud.c.NN); for kk = 1:sud.c.NN atol(kk) = str2num(get(ev(kk),'string')); end else atol = str2num(atol); end settings.atol = atol; str = get(ud.editrtol,'string'); settings.rtol = str2num(get(ud.editrtol,'string')); settings.refine = str2num(get(ud.editrefine,'string')); is = get(ud.editinitstep,'string'); if strcmp(is,'computed') settings.istep = is; else settings.istep = str2num(is); end ms = get(ud.editmaxstep,'string'); if strcmp(ms,'computed') settings.mstep = ms; else settings.mstep = str2num(ms); end settings.ncval = get(ud.editnormcont,'value'); sud.settings = settings; set(odset,'user',sud); sud = get(odset,'user'); close(fig); case 'restart' odesolve end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function status = tpout(t,y,flag,varargin) status = 0; % Assume stop button wasn't pushed. chunk = 128; % Memory is allocated in chunks. odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); NNN = sud.NNN; % The variables to be plotted. dispfig = sud.h.disp; ud = get(dispfig,'user'); NS = length(; % The number of solutions already plotted. if nargin < 3 | isempty(flag) % odesplot(t,y) [v5 syntax] or odesplot(t,y,'') % Append t and y to ud.t and ud.y, allocating new memory if necessary. nt = length(t); chunk = max(chunk,nt); [rows,cols] = size(ud.y); plsols = length(NNN); % The number of plots oldi = ud.i; % The number of previous steps newi = oldi + nt; % The current number of steps if newi > rows ud.t = [ud.t; zeros(chunk,1)]; ud.y = [ud.y; zeros(chunk,cols)]; end ud.t(oldi+1:newi) = t; ud.y(oldi+1:newi,:) = y.'; ud.i = newi; % The current number of steps set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); if ud.stop == 1 % Has stop button been pushed? status = 1; tpout([],[],'done'); else % Rather than redraw all of the data every timestep, we will simply move % the line segments for the new data, not erasing. But if the data has % moved out of the axis range, we redraw everything. If there is % already a solution plotted, we only move the line seqments. ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); if (NS == 0) & ((oldi == 1) | (min(y(:)) < ylim(1)) | (ylim(2) < max(y(:)))) % Replot everything if this is the first plot, and the data is % out of axis range or if the plot is just initialized. for j = 1:plsols set(ud.lines(j),'Xdata',ud.t(1:newi),'Ydata',ud.y(1:newi,NNN(j))); end else % Plot only the new data if the axis range is ok, or if this is % plotted on top of another solution. for j = 1:plsols set(ud.line(j),'Xdata',ud.t(oldi:newi),'Ydata',ud.y(oldi:newi,NNN(j))); end end end else switch(flag) case 'init' % odesplot(tspan,y0,'init') cols = length(y); ud.t = zeros(chunk,1); ud.y = zeros(chunk,cols); ud.i = 1; ud.t(1) = t(1); ud.y(1,:) = y.'; if sud.pplotflag mm = '.'; else mm = 'none'; end axes(ud.axes); % Rather than redraw all data at every timestep, we will simply move % the last line segment along, not erasing it. ms = 6; % Marker size ud.lines = plot(ud.t(1),ud.y(1,NNN),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms,... 'erasemode','normal'); hold on ud.line = plot(ud.t(1),ud.y(1,NNN),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms,... 'EraseMode','none'); set(gca,'XLim',sud.c.tvals(2:3)); hold off % The STOP button. h = findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'); if isempty(h) ud.stop = 0; pos = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolPosition'); pos(1) = pos(1) - 15; pos(2) = pos(2) - 15; str = [ '[h,dispfig] = gcbo;',... 'ud=get(dispfig,''UserData''); ',... 'ud.stop=1;',... 'set(dispfig,''UserData'',ud);']; uicontrol( ... 'Style','push', ... 'String','Stop', ... 'Position',pos, ... 'Callback',str, ... 'Tag','stop'); else set(h,'Visible','on'); % make sure it's visible ud.stop = 0; end set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); case 'done' ud.t = ud.t(1:ud.i); ud.y = ud.y(1:ud.i,:); delete(ud.line); ud.line=[]; for j = 1:length(NNN) set(ud.lines(j),'xdata',ud.t,... 'ydata',ud.y(:,NNN(j)),... 'erase','normal'); end set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); set(findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'),'Visible','off'); % refresh; % redraw figure to remove marker frags end end drawnow; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function status = ppout(t,y,flag,varargin) status = 0; % Assume stop button wasn't pushed. chunk = 128; % Memory is allocated in chunks. odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); kk1 = sud.NNN(1); % The variables to be plotted. kk2 = sud.NNN(2); % The variables to be plotted. dispfig = sud.h.disp; ud = get(dispfig,'user'); NS = length(; % The number of solutions already plotted. if nargin < 3 | isempty(flag) % odesp2(t,y) [v5 syntax] or odesp2(t,y,'') % Append y to ud.y, allocating new memory if necessary. nt = length(t); chunk = max(chunk,nt); rows = size(ud.y,1); oldi = ud.i; newi = oldi + nt; if newi > rows ud.y = [ud.y; zeros(chunk,2)]; end y = y([kk1 kk2],:); % Keep only the two rows of interest. ud.y(oldi+1:newi,:) = y.'; ud.i = newi; set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); if ud.stop == 1 % Has stop button been pushed? status = 1; ppout([],[],'done'); else % Rather than redraw all of the data every timestep, we will simply move % the line segments for the new data, not erasing. But if the data has % moved out of the axis range, we redraw everything. If there is % already a solution plotted, we only move the line seqments. xlim = get(gca,'xlim'); ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); % Replot everything if out of axis range or if just initialized. if ~NS & ((oldi == 1) | ... (min(y(1,:)) < xlim(1)) | (xlim(2) < max(y(1,:))) | ... (min(y(2,:)) < ylim(1)) | (ylim(2) < max(y(2,:)))) % Replot everything if this is the first plot, and the data is % out of axis range or if the plot is just initialized. set(ud.lines, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(1:newi,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(1:newi,2)); else % Plot only the new data if the axis range is ok, or if this is % plotted on top of another solution. % set(ud.line,'Color',co(1,:)); % "erase" old segment set(ud.line, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(oldi:newi,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(oldi:newi,2)); end end else switch(flag) case 'init' % odesp2(tspan,y0,'init') ud.y = zeros(chunk,2); ud.i = 1; ud.y(1,:) = y([kk1 kk2]).'; if sud.pplotflag mm = '.'; else mm = 'none'; end axes(ud.axes); % Rather than redraw all data at every timestep, we will simply move % the last line segment along, not erasing it. ms = 6; % Marker size ud.lines = plot(y(kk1),y(kk2),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms); hold on ud.line = plot(y(kk1),y(kk2),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms,... 'EraseMode','none'); hold off % The STOP button. h = findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'); if isempty(h) ud.stop = 0; pos = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolPosition'); pos(1) = pos(1) - 15; pos(2) = pos(2) - 15; str = [ '[h,dispfig] = gcbo;',... 'ud=get(dispfig,''UserData''); ',... 'ud.stop=1;',... 'set(dispfig,''UserData'',ud);']; uicontrol( ... 'Style','push', ... 'String','Stop', ... 'Position',pos, ... 'Callback',str, ... 'Tag','stop'); else set(h,'Visible','on'); % make sure it's visible ud.stop = 0; end set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); case 'done' % odesp2([],[],'done') ud.y = ud.y(1:ud.i,:); set(ud.lines, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(:,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(:,2)); set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); set(findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'),'Visible','off'); refresh; % redraw figure to remove marker frags end end drawnow; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function status = p3out(t,y,flag,varargin) status = 0; % Assume stop button wasn't pushed. chunk = 128; % Memory is allocated in chunks. odset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odset,'user'); NNN = sud.NNN; % The variables to be plotted. NN = sud.c.NN; % The number of x-variables. dispfig = sud.h.disp; ud = get(dispfig,'user'); NS = length(; % The number of solutions already plotted. if nargin < 3 | isempty(flag) % odesp2(t,y) [v5 syntax] or odesp2(t,y,'') % Append appropriate parts of y and t to ud.y, allocating new memory % if necessary. nt = length(t); chunk = max(chunk,nt); rows = size(ud.y,1); oldi = ud.i; newi = oldi + nt; for k = 1:3 % Keep only the rows of interest. if NNN(k) > NN; yy(:,k) = t; else yy(:,k) = y(NNN(k),:).'; end end if newi > rows ud.y = [ud.y; zeros(chunk,3)]; end ud.y(oldi+1:newi,:) = yy; ud.i = newi; set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); if ud.stop == 1 % Has stop button been pushed? status = 1; p3out([],[],'done'); else % Rather than redraw all of the data every timestep, we will simply move % the line segments for the new data, not erasing. But if the data has % moved out of the axis range, we redraw everything. If there is % already a solution plotted, we only move the line seqments. xlim = get(gca,'xlim'); ylim = get(gca,'ylim'); zlim = get(gca,'zlim'); % Replot everything if out of axis range or if just initialized. if ~NS & ((oldi == 1) | ... (min(yy(:,1)) < xlim(1)) | (xlim(2) < max(yy(:,1))) | ... (min(yy(:,2)) < ylim(1)) | (ylim(2) < max(yy(:,2))) | ... (min(yy(:,3)) < zlim(1)) | (zlim(2) < max(yy(:,3)))) % Replot everything if this is the first plot, and the data is % out of axis range or if the plot is just initialized. set(ud.lines, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(1:newi,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(1:newi,2),... 'Zdata',ud.y(1:newi,3)); else % Plot only the new data if the axis range is ok, or if this is % plotted on top of another solution. % set(ud.line,'Color',co(1,:)); % "erase" old segment set(ud.line, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(oldi:newi,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(oldi:newi,2), ... 'Zdata',ud.y(oldi:newi,3)); end end else switch(flag) case 'init' % odesp2(tspan,y0,'init') ud.y = zeros(chunk,3); ud.i = 1; for k = 1:3 % Keep only the rows of interest. if NNN(k) > NN; yy(:,k) = t(1); else yy(:,k) = y(NNN(k),:).'; end end ud.y(1,:) = yy; if sud.pplotflag mm = '.'; else mm = 'none'; end axes(ud.axes); % Rather than redraw all data at every timestep, we will simply move % the last line segment along, not erasing it. ms = 6; % Marker size ud.lines = plot3(yy(1),yy(2),yy(3),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms); hold on ud.line = plot3(yy(1),yy(2),yy(3),'-',... 'marker',mm,... 'markersize',ms,... 'EraseMode','none'); hold off % The STOP button. h = findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'); if isempty(h) ud.stop = 0; pos = get(0,'DefaultUicontrolPosition'); pos(1) = pos(1) - 15; pos(2) = pos(2) - 15; str = [ '[h,dispfig] = gcbo;',... 'ud=get(dispfig,''UserData''); ',... 'ud.stop=1;',... 'set(dispfig,''UserData'',ud);']; uicontrol( ... 'Style','push', ... 'String','Stop', ... 'Position',pos, ... 'Callback',str, ... 'Tag','stop'); else set(h,'Visible','on'); % make sure it's visible ud.stop = 0; end set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); case 'done' % odesp2([],[],'done') ud.y = ud.y(1:ud.i,:); set(ud.lines, ... 'Xdata',ud.y(:,1), ... 'Ydata',ud.y(:,2), ... 'Zdata',ud.y(:,3)); set(dispfig,'UserData',ud); set(findobj(dispfig,'Tag','stop'),'Visible','off'); refresh; % redraw figure to remove marker frags end end drawnow; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function M = c2m(c) [rows,cols] = size(c); if rows*cols == 0 M = []; else M = zeros(rows,cols); for i=1:rows M(i,:) = [c{i,[1:cols]}]; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function outstring = pareval(string,par,value) string = deblank(string); string(find(abs(string)==32))=[]; par = deblank(par); value = ['(',value,')']; ll = length(string); lp = length(par); lv = length(value); if strcmp(par,string) string = value; elseif (ll >= lp+1) k = findstr(par,string); lk = length(k); lopstr = '(+-*/^'; ropstr = ')+-*/^'; s = []; pos = 1; for jk = 1:lk if (((k(jk) == 1)|(find(lopstr == string(k(jk)-1))))... &((k(jk)+lp-1 == ll)|(find(ropstr == string(k(jk) + lp))))) s = [s,string(pos:(k(jk)-1)),value]; pos = k(jk)+lp; end end string = [s,string(pos:ll)]; end outstring = string; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function [renn,rpnn] = pandecheck(flag) %% Checks which parameters and expressions are actually used. odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); %% The expressions. Expressions can contain parameters. Find the %% expressions that are actually used in a derivative. exname = sud.h.exname; exval = sud.h.exval; der = sud.c.der; NN = sud.c.NN; renn = []; for kk = 1:length(exname) exn = char(get(exname(kk),'string')); if ~isempty(exn) present = 0; kkk = 1; while present == 0 & kkk <= NN if ~isempty(findstr(exn,char(der(kkk)))) present = 1; end kkk = kkk + 1; end if present renn = [renn,kk]; end end end krex = length(renn); %% Set up the parameters. First find those that are actually used in %% either an expression or a drivative. pname = sud.h.pname; icond = sud.c.ic; rpnn = []; for kk = 1:length(pname) pn = char(get(pname(kk),'string')); if ~isempty(pn) present = 0; kkk = 1; while present == 0 & kkk <= NN if ~isempty(findstr(pn,char(der(kkk)))) present = 1; end kkk = kkk + 1; end kkk = 1; while present == 0 & kkk <= krex rexval = get(exval(renn(kkk)),'string'); if ~isempty(findstr(pn,char(rexval))) present = 1; end kkk = kkk + 1; end if strcmp(flag,'write') while present == 0 & kkk <= NN if ~isempty(findstr(pn,icond{kkk})) present = 1; end kkk = kkk + 1; end end if present rpnn = [rpnn,kk]; end end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function writefile(fname, pathname, renn, rpnn) %% Writes a function M-file for the system. odesolveset = findobj('name','ODESOLVE Setup'); sud = get(odesolveset,'user'); NN = sud.c.NN; xname = sud.c.xname; tname = sud.c.tname; der = sud.c.der; exname = sud.h.exname; exval = sud.h.exval; krex = length(renn); rexname = cell(1,krex); for kk = 1:krex rexname{kk} = get(exname(renn(kk)),'string'); rexval{kk} = get(exval(renn(kk)),'string'); end pname = sud.h.pname; pval = sud.h.pval; icond = sud.c.ic; krp = length(rpnn); for kk = 1:krp pn = get(pname(rpnn(kk)),'string'); rpname{kk} = [',', pn]; rpns{kk} = pn; rpval{kk} = get(pval(rpnn(kk)),'string'); end %% Check if tname is Greek. if (abs(tname(1)) == 92) tname(1) = []; end %% Find a convenient variable name not included in tname, xname, %% rpname, or rexname. present = 1; tee = clock; tee = num2str(ceil(10000*tee(6)/6)); kk=1; while present if kk == 1 uname = 'X'; else uname = ['X',tee(1,kk-1)] end present = ~isempty(strmatch(uname,xname)); if ~present present = ~isempty(strmatch(uname,tname)); end if ~present & krp > 0 present = ~isempty(strmatch(uname,rpns)); end if ~present & krex > 0 present = ~isempty(strmatch(uname,rexname)); end kk = kk + 1; end % while present %% Start the file. if krp > 0 fcnstr = ['function ', uname, 'pr = ',fname,'(',tname,',', uname, rpname{:},')\n\n']; else fcnstr = ['function ', uname, 'pr = ',fname,'(',tname,',', uname, ')\n\n']; end cxn{1} = xname{1}; for kk = 2:NN cxn{kk} = [', ', xname{kk}]; end if krp cpn{1} = rpns{1}; for kk = 2:krp cpn{kk} = [', ', rpns{kk}]; end end dirstr{1} = '%%Input:\n'; dirstr{2} = ['%% Independent variable: ', tname, '\n']; dirstr{3} = ['%% Dependent variable vector: X = [', cxn{:},']\n']; if krp == 1 pdirstr{1} = ['%% Parameter: ', cpn{:}, '\n']; pdirstr{2} = ['%% ', cpn{:}, ' is a parameter\n']; elseif krp > 1 pdirstr{1} = ['%% Parameters: ', cpn{:}, '\n']; pdirstr{2} = ['%% ', cpn{:}, ' are parameters\n']; end outstr = ['%% Vector of derivatives: ', uname 'pr\n']; dirstr{4} = '%%To solve the system, execute\n'; if krp dirstr{5} = ['%% [t,u] = ode45(@', fname, ', tspan, u0, []', ... rpname{:},')\n']; else dirstr{5} = ['%% [t,u] = ode45(@', fname, ', tspan, u0)\n']; end dirstr{6} = '%% tspan is the solution interval\n'; dirstr{7} = '%% u0 is the initial vector\n'; commstr = '%%%%%% Created by ODESOLVE\n'; dff = fopen([pathname,fname,'.m'],'w'); fprintf(dff,fcnstr); fprintf(dff,commstr); fprintf(dff,'%%\n'); for kk = 1:3 fprintf(dff,dirstr{kk}); end if krp fprintf(dff,pdirstr{1}); end fprintf(dff,'%%\n'); fprintf(dff,'%%Output:\n'); fprintf(dff,outstr); fprintf(dff,'%%\n'); for kk = 4:7 fprintf(dff,dirstr{kk}); end if krp fprintf(dff,pdirstr{2}); end fprintf(dff,'\n\n'); %% Enter the expressions. if krex for kk = 1:krex exstr = rexval{kk}; % Remove all periods l=length(exstr); for ( k = fliplr(findstr('.',exstr))) if (find('*/^' == exstr(k+1))) exstr = [exstr(1:k-1), exstr(k+1:l)]; end l=l-1; end % Replace variable names by subscripted uname. A variable must % be preceded and followed by an operator, unless it is the first % or last symbol in an expression. lopstr = '(+-*/^'; ropstr = ')+-*/^'; for ll = 1:NN UN = [uname, '(', int2str(ll),')']; XN = char(xname{ll}); if length(XN) <= length(exstr) kkk = findstr(exstr,XN); Le = length(XN); while ~isempty(kkk) Lde = length(exstr); TP = 1; % True presence at this location is assumed. kkkk = max(kkk); if kkkk + Le < Lde & isempty(find(ropstr == exstr(kkkk+Le))) TP = 0; end if kkkk > 1 & isempty(find(lopstr == exstr(kkkk-1))) TP = 0; end if TP exstr = [exstr(1:kkkk-1),UN,exstr(kkkk+Le:Lde)]; end if Le < kkkk kkk = findstr(exstr(1:kkkk-1),XN); else kkk = []; end end end end eqnstr = [rexname{kk}, ' = ', char(exstr),';\n']; fprintf(dff,eqnstr); end fprintf(dff,'\n'); end %% Enter the derivatives. for kk = 1:NN derstr = char(der{kk}); derstr(find(abs(derstr)==32))=[]; % Remove blanks. % Remove all periods l=length(derstr); for ( k = fliplr(findstr('.',derstr))) if (find('*/^' == derstr(k+1))) derstr = [derstr(1:k-1), derstr(k+1:l)]; end l=l-1; end % Replace variable names by subscripted uname. A variable must % be preceded and followed by an operator, unless it is the first % or last symbol in an expression. lopstr = '(+-*/^'; ropstr = ')+-*/^'; for ll = 1:NN UN = [uname, '(', int2str(ll),')']; XN = char(xname{ll}); if length(XN) <= length(derstr) kkk = findstr(derstr,XN); Le = length(XN); while ~isempty(kkk) Lde = length(derstr); TP = 1; % True presence at this location is assumed. kkkk = max(kkk); if kkkk + Le < Lde & isempty(find(ropstr == derstr(kkkk+Le))) TP = 0; end if kkkk > 1 & isempty(find(lopstr == derstr(kkkk-1))) TP = 0; end if TP derstr = [derstr(1:kkkk-1),UN,derstr(kkkk+Le:Lde)]; end if Le < kkkk kkk = findstr(derstr(1:kkkk-1),XN); else kkk = []; end end end end eqnstr = [derstr,';']; if NN == 1 eqnstr = [uname, 'pr = ', eqnstr]; else if kk == 1 eqnstr = [uname, 'pr = [', eqnstr]; else eqnstr = [blanks(7), eqnstr]; end if kk < NN eqnstr = [eqnstr, '...\n']; else eqnstr = [eqnstr, '];\n']; end end fprintf(dff,eqnstr); end fclose(dff);