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  This is a Web-version of the book: Jaakko Malmivuo & Robert Plonsey: Bioelectromagnetism - Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995.

The contents of the original hardcover book is followed as accurately as possible: The text, equations and illustrations are the same as in the original book. Due to Web-publishing some practical changes are, however, made:
  1. The page numbering of the original hard cover version is not indicated. The numbering in the Name and Subject indexes is that of the original hard cover version.
  2. Most of the illustrations are in full colour.
  3. Additional illustrative material is added. It can be viewed via links in the original material.
  4. All observed printing errors of the original text are corrected. They are listed in the Errata page. Information on other errors is welcome.
All the material of this Web edition is free for publishing elsewhere. We would appreciate that in connection with republishing it is mentioned the source of origin of the material.

Download the book as a Zip file with correct directory tree.
Size 10 Mb, Date 2002.07.10

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